
  • ddd

    Domain Driven Design PHP helper classes

    There are some projects developed using carlosbuenosvinos/ddd library. Check some of them to see how to use it:

    • Last Wishes: Actions to run, such as tweet, send emails, etc. in case anything happen to you.

    Tags: #php

  • jsprit

    jsprit is a java based, open source toolkit for solving rich vehicle routing problems

    Please visit docs to learn more.

    Tags: #java • vrp • algorithm

  • exakat

    The Exakat Engine : smart static analysis for PHP

    The Exakat Engine is an automated code reviewing engine for PHP.

    Tags: #php • php7 • gremlin

  • argoverse-api

    Official GitHub repository for Argoverse dataset

    Official GitHub repository for Argoverse dataset

    Tags: #python

  • fastexcel

    Generate and read big Excel files quickly

    There are not many alternatives when you have to generate xlsx Excel workbooks in Java. The most popular one (Apache POI) includes many features, but when it comes down to huge worksheets it quickly becomes a memory hog.

    Its streaming API may mitigate this problem but it introduces several limitations:

    • Its sliding window mechanism prevents you from accessing cells above the current writing position.
    • It writes stuff to a temporary file.
    • It comes with an overhead on the file size because shared strings are disabled by default. Enabling shared strings is likely to consume much more heap if you deal with string values.

    So, fastexcel has been created to offer an alternative with the following key points:

    • Limited set of features (basic style support, no graph support yet) and very simple API.
    • Reduced memory footprint and high performance by accumulating only necessary elements. XML stuff is piped to the output stream at the end.
    • Multithreading support: each worksheet in the workbook can be generated by a different thread, while fully supporting shared strings and styles.

    Tags: #java • excel • performance

  • DBDiff

    Compare MySQL databases & automatically create schema & data change scripts/migrations rapidly (up & down SQL supported) for database version control. Supports some migration tools.

    • Works on Windows, Linux & Mac command-line/Terminal because it has been developed in PHP
    • Connects to a source and target database to do the comparison diff, locally and remotely
    • Diffs can include changes to the schema and/or data, both in valid SQL to bring the target up-to-date with the source
    • Some tables and/or fields can be ignored in the comparison with a YAML collection in the config file (see File Examples)
    • Diffs are SUPER fast and this tool has been tested with databases of multiple tables of millions of rows
    • Since this diff tool is being used for migrations, it provides up and down SQL in the same file
    • Works with existing migration tools like Flyway and Simple DB Migrate by specifying output template files/formats, for example, Simple DB Migrate may work with simple-db-migrate.tmpl which includes: SQL_UP = u""" """ SQL_DOWN = u""" """
    • Is Unicode aware, can work with UTF8 data, which includes foreign characters/symbols
    • Works with just MySQL for now, but we will be expanding to other DBs in the future on request (please create an issue and vote on it!)

    Tags: #php

  • Couscous

    Couscous is good.

    Couscous was designed to be as simple as possible. By embracing simplicity, it becomes extremely simple to extend.

    Tags: #php • documentation • markdown

  • lory

    ☀ Touch enabled minimalistic slider written in vanilla JavaScript.

    lory is released under the MIT license & supports modern environments. There is also a prebundled CDN version which you can use.

    Tags: #javascript

  • fritzing-parts

    Electronic components for use in the Fritzing app (aka the parts library)

    See the contribution guidelines on how to contribute directly to this repository. If this seems too complex, you may alternatively share your part in the fritzing forum.

    Tags: #python • fritzing-parts

  • ApiGen

    PHP 7.1 ready Smart and Simple Documentation for your PHP project

    ApiGen is easy to use and modern API doc generator supporting all PHP 8.2 features.

    Tags: #php • documentation • generator

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