
  • leaf

    🍁 The easiest way to create clean, simple but powerful web apps and APIs quickly

    Leaf is a PHP micro framework that helps you create clean, simple but powerful web apps and APIs quickly.

    Tags: #php β€’ php-framework β€’ leaf

  • box

    Box is committed to helping improve the programming experience of PHP applications, expecially for Hyperf, managing the PHP environment and related dependencies, providing the ability to package PHP applications as binary programs, and also providing reverse proxy services for managing and deploying Swoole/Swow applications.

    Tags: #php

  • leaf

    🍁 The easiest way to create clean, simple but powerful web apps and APIs quickly

    Leaf is a PHP micro framework that helps you create clean, simple but powerful web apps and APIs quickly.

    Tags: #php β€’ php-framework β€’ leaf

  • open-event-legacy

    The Open Event legacy server currently running on

    Please join our mailing list to discuss questions regarding the project:!forum/open-event

    Our chat channel is on Gitter here:

    Tags: #python

  • omniauth-auth0

    OmniAuth strategy to login with Auth0

    Tags: #ruby β€’ dx-sdk β€’ omniauth

  • gitreflow

    Reflow automatically creates pull requests, ensures the code review is approved, and squash merges finished branches to master with a great commit message template.

    Create and switch to new branch nh-branchy-branch:

        $ git reflow start nh-branchy-branch

    Create a pull request for your branch against master or a custom base-branch:

        $ git reflow review

    If your code is approved, merge to base-branch and delete the feature branch:

        $ git reflow deliver

    Tags: #ruby β€’ git β€’ git-workflow

  • GammaProtocol

    The most powerful, capital efficient DeFi options protocol

    Gamma is a decentralized capital efficient option protocol that enables sellers to create spreads. Gamma protocol enables any user to create arbitrary option tokens, that represent the right to buy or sell a certain asset in a predefined price (strike price) at or before expiry. As the option seller in Gamma, you can reduce the amount of capital locked in the system by creating spreads. (e.g Instead of putting down 100 USDC and mint 1 ETH-USDC-100 Put, you can buy a ETH-USDC-50 Put, and only deposit 50 USDC as collateral) The oTokens created by Gamma are cash settled European option, means all the options will automatically be exercised at expiry. A holder can redeem the proceeds by sending the oTokens back, the system will pay the holder the cash value based on strike price and underlying spot price at expiry, instead of actually exchanging the underlying asset and the strike asset.

    Tags: #typescript β€’ solidity β€’ ethereum

  • Griddle

    Simple Grid Component written in React

    If you run into an issue in Griddle please let us know through the issue tracker. It is incredibly helpful if you create a failing test(s) and/or a storybook story that demonstrates the issue as a pull request and reference this pull request in the issue. To add a storybook story, navigate to /stories/index.js and add a story to the storiesOf('Bug fixes' ...) section.

    Tags: #javascript β€’ list β€’ customization

  • realtime-js

    An isomorphic Javascript client for Supabase Realtime server.

    This client enables you to use the following Supabase Realtime’s features:

    • Broadcast: send ephemeral messages from client to clients with minimal latency. Use cases include sharing cursor positions between users.
    • Presence: track and synchronize shared state across clients with the help of CRDTs. Use cases include tracking which users are currently viewing a specific webpage.
    • Postgres Change Data Capture (CDC): listen for changes in your PostgreSQL database and send them to clients.

    Tags: #typescript β€’ hacktoberfest

  • selection

    ✨ Viselect - A high performance and lightweight library to add a visual way of selecting elements, just like on your Desktop. Zero dependencies, super small. Support for major frameworks!

    • 🌟 Modern bundle
    • πŸ”© Ultra tiny (~4kb)
    • πŸ‘Œ Simple usage
    • ⚑ Highly optimized
    • βœ” Zero dependencies
    • πŸ“± Mobile / touch support
    • πŸ–± Vertical and horizontal scroll support
    • πŸ’ͺ Hardened (over 3 years old and used in many apps)
    • πŸ–Ό Support for major frameworks (WIP)

    Tags: #typescript β€’ selection β€’ selections

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