
  • pig.js

    Arrange images in a responsive, progressive-loading grid managed in JavaScript using CSS transforms.

    Arrange images in a responsive, progressive-loading grid managed in JavaScript using CSS transforms, with one lightweight library. Here’s what you get:

    1. Performance: The pig.js grid specializes in displaying a large number of photos. While a more traditional approaches would paginate images, or use AJAX to load and insert buckets of additional images onto the page, pig.js intelligently loads and unloads images as you scroll down the page, to ensure ensure speedy rendering of images, smooth scrolling, and minimal network activitiy.
    2. Responsiveness: Images are loaded in JavaScript, at different resolutions depending on screen size. Also, because images are positioned using CSS transforms, images smartly re-tile when you shrink or expand the browser window.
    3. User Experience: Images are previewed with a small placeholder image that is scaled and blured. When the image loads, it gives the effect that the image was brought into focus (it’s super cool!).

    A lot of this is stolen straight from Google Photos (by way of observation and some creative use of the Chrome Inspector) and Medium (by way of some dope blog posts).

    If you want to see pig.js in action, check out the site that motivated it in the first place: a catalog of everything I ate in 2015: [][feeding-dan]. That site is also [on GitHub][feeding-dan-gh].

    Tags: #javascript

  • pfsense_fauxapi

    REST based API interface for pfSense 2.3.x and 2.4.x to facilitate devops

    A REST API interface for pfSense 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.5.x to facilitate devops:-


    Additionally available are a set of client libraries that hence make programmatic access and management of pfSense hosts for devops tasks feasible.

    Tags: #php • pfsense • api

  • YouTube

    🔥 Laravel PHP Facade/Wrapper for the Youtube Data API

    Looking for YouTube Package for either of these: PHP 5, Laravel 5.0, Laravel 4? Visit the php5-branch

    Tags: #php • youtube • api

  • similarity

    similarity: Text similarity calculation Toolkit for Java. 文本相似度计算工具包,java编写,可用于文本相似度计算、情感分析等任务,开箱即用。

    similarity, compute similarity score between text strings, Java written.



    Tags: #java • nlp • similarity

  • eloquent-power-joins

    The Laravel magic you know, now applied to joins.

    You can install the package via composer:

    composer require kirschbaum-development/eloquent-power-joins

    For Laravel versions < 10, use the 3.* version. For Laravel versions < 8, use the 2.* version:

    composer require kirschbaum-development/eloquent-power-joins:3.*

    Tags: #php • hacktoberfest • laravel

  • laravel

    Official Laravel client library for IPinfo API (IP geolocation and other types of IP data)

    This is the official Laravel client library for the IP address API, allowing you to look up your own IP address, or get any of the following details for an IP:

    • IP geolocation (city, region, country, postal code, latitude, and longitude)
    • ASN details (ISP or network operator, associated domain name, and type, such as business, hosting, or company)
    • Company information (the name and domain of the business that uses the IP address)
    • Carrier details (the name of the mobile carrier and MNC and MCC for that carrier if the IP is used exclusively for mobile traffic)

    Check all the data we have for your IP address here.

    Tags: #php • laravel • ipinfo

  • SpyGuard

    SpyGuard is a forked and enhanced version of TinyCheck. SpyGuard’s main objective is to detect signs of compromise by monitoring network flows transmitted by a device.

    SpyGuard is a forked and enhanced version of TinyCheck, developed by the same author when he was working at Kaspersky. SpyGuard’s main objective is to detect signs of compromise by monitoring network flows transmitted by a device.

    As it uses WiFi, SpyGuard can be used against a wide range of devices, such as smartphones, laptops, IOTs or workstations. To do its job, the analysis engine of SpyGuard is using Indicators of Compromise (IOCs), anomaly detection and is supported by Suricata.

    Tags: #python • cybersecurity • iot

  • react-native-electron

    Electron extensions to React Native for Web

    Electron extensions to React Native for Web

    Tags: #typescript • electron • react

  • MinecraftDecompiler

    A useful tool/library to deobfuscate Minecraft using Proguard(official)/SRG/CSRG(Bukkit,Spigot,Paper)/TSRG(SRG 1.13+)/TSRG v2(SRG 1.16.5+)/Tiny(Intermediary, Yarn) mappings and decompile Minecraft using CFR/FernFlower/ForgeFlower/Any Decompiler You Like

    Tags: #java • minecraft • deobfuscator

  • Crawler-Detect

    🕷 CrawlerDetect is a PHP class for detecting bots/crawlers/spiders via the user agent

    CrawlerDetect is a PHP class for detecting bots/crawlers/spiders via the user agent and http_from header. Currently able to detect 1,000’s of bots/spiders/crawlers.

    Tags: #php • user-agent • crawler

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