Posts tagged #java

  • ytk-learn

    • Supports most of operating systems: Linux, Mac OS, Windows
    • Supports various platforms: single machine, common cluster, hadoop, spark
    • Supports local file system and hdfs file system
    • Provides uniform file system interface and can be applied to other file systems easily.
    • Provides user friendly codes for online prediction.
    • Without complex installation, only needs Java SE Runtime Environment 8 installation.

    For more details, refer to features

    Tags: #java • machine-learning • distributed

  • syncClient







    Tags: #java • canal • elasticsearch

  • YViewPagerDemo

    [停止维护]YViewPager,support horizontal and vertical,based on support.v4.view.ViewPager

    YViewPager,support horizontal and vertical,based on support.v4.view.ViewPager


    Tags: #java • viewpager • verticalviewpager

  • ViaForge

    Client-side Implementation of the Via* projects for Minecraft Forge

    Client-side Implementation of the Via* projects for Minecraft Forge

    Tags: #java • forge • minecraft

  • LottieBottomNav

    An android library that allows to use Lottie and create the bottom navigation.

    Library which allows to create a bottom navigation view allowing the usage of Lottie views.

    Tags: #java • android • android-library

  • JPC

    JPC - The fast x86 PC emulator in 100% pure Java

    The fast x86 PC emulator in 100% pure Java

    JPC is a fast modern x86 PC emulator capable of booting Windows up to Windows 95 (and windows 98 in safe mode) and some graphical linuxes. It has a full featured graphical debugger with time travel mode along with standard features like break and watch points.

    Tags: #java

  • fxgraphics2d

    A JavaFX library that allows Java2D code (Graphics2D) to be used to draw to a Canvas node.

    • fixed clip handling with child Graphics2D.create() (PR #11 by Laurent Bourgès)
    • fix bug in drawArc()/fillArc()
    • set JavaFX dependency to version 19

    Tags: #java • javafx • javafx-library

  • nullpomino

    An action puzzle game

    NullpoMino is an open-source action puzzle game that works on the Java platform. It has a wide variety of single-player modes and netplay to allow players to compete over the Internet or LAN.

    Tags: #java

  • Fame

    A blog power by spring-boot and vue

    开发框架 版本
    Spring Boot 2.6.0
    Vue3 3.2.36
    Element Plus 2.2.13
    Typescript 4.7.2
    Nuxt 2.15.8

    Tags: #java • fame • mysql

  • TvAppRepo

    An app repository of Android TV apps

    An app repository of Android TV apps

    In Android TV’s stock launcher, all apps that appear must have the LEANBACK_LAUNCHER attribute and have a TV banner. While this helps guarantee the app works on TVs, it can make it difficult for other apps to be launched. While it’s not impossible, it’s not as convenient as having an icon on the homescreen.

    Using a python script, tiny shortcut apps are generated and can be installed. They simply contain the face of a Leanback app. However, once they’re opened they simply redirect users to the intended app. It’s a simple workaround.

    This workaround has a few advantages. By not modifying the APK directly, it allows updates to continue through the Google Play Store. In fact, the actual app isn’t touched at all. These shortcuts could point to anything: a website, a specific shortcut in an app, or basically any Intent.

    The python script cannot be run in the app. The app contains several sideloading tools, including supporting #SIDELOADTAG, showing all your downloaded apps, and browsing apps that have generated shortcuts. The app should also be able to notify users when it needs to be updated.

    Tags: #java • android-tv-apps • launcher-shortcuts

  • jflex

    The fast scanner generator for Java™ with full Unicode support

    [JFlex][jflex] is a lexical analyzer generator (also known as scanner generator) for Java.

    JFlex takes as input a specification with a set of regular expressions and corresponding actions. It generates Java source of a lexer that reads input, matches the input against the regular expressions in the spec file, and runs the corresponding action if a regular expression matched. Lexers usually are the first front-end step in compilers, matching keywords, comments, operators, etc, and generating an input token stream for parsers.

    JFlex lexers are based on deterministic finite automata (DFAs). They are fast, without expensive backtracking.

    Tags: #java • scanner • lexical-analyzer

  • bookdash-android-app

    An Android app that lets you download free children’s books in different languages from non-profit publisher Book Dash

    It is an open source Android application that allows people to download children’s story books. The books are available in different languages such as English, Sepedi, Zulu, Afrikaans etc. The books are free to distribute and translate.

    Read more about Book Dash here:

    Tags: #java • firebase • android

  • prey-android-client

    Android client for the Prey anti-theft software.

    • Find your Phone or Tablet on a map through geolocation using GPS.
    • Take pictures using the built-in front and back camera.
    • Trigger a loud alarm remotely even if your phone is put on silent.
    • Display a tailored alert message on the screen.

    Tags: #java

  • Hbm-s-Nuclear-Tech-GIT

    A flaming wreck of a minecraft mod about nuclear technology that is somehow still in development.

    NTM on Modrinth

    NTM on CurseForge

    This is for 1.7.10! For 1.12, check out these projects:

    • NTM Reloaded:
    • NTM Extended Edition (Alcater):

    For 1.18, try Martin’s remake:

    Tags: #java

  • Foundation

    Foundation™ helps you create highly customized Minecraft plugins (based on Spigot/Paper API) that support multiple MC versions.

    1. Import Foundation using Maven/Gradle (see the Importing section).
    2. Change “extends JavaPlugin” to “extends SimplePlugin” (we need that to register things and listeners on our end automatically)
    3. Change onEnable() to onPluginStart() and onDisable() to onPluginStop() (we occupy these methods to perform logic)
    4. If you use a static getInstance() method in your main plugin’s class, change it to return (T) SimplePlugin.getInstance() where T is your plugin instead. Delete the instance of your plugin from your class if you use it (if you have myPlugin = this anywhere, remove it).

    For a sample plugin, see PluginTemplate.

    A complete tutorial on how to use this library is a part of our Project Orion training available here

    If you just want a quick start into Minecraft plugin development, check out this guick gist.

    Tags: #java • minecraft • plugin

  • phrasal

    A large-scale statistical machine translation system written in Java.

    Phrasal is licensed under the GPL (v3+). For details, please see the file LICENSE.txt in the root directory of this software package.

    Copyright (c) 2007-2016 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved.

    Tags: #java • java-nlp • statistical-machine-translation

  • sitewhere

    SiteWhere is an industrial strength open-source application enablement platform for the Internet of Things (IoT). It provides a multi-tenant microservice-based infrastructure that includes device/asset management, data ingestion, big-data storage, and integration through a modern, scalable architecture. SiteWhere provides REST APIs for all system functionality. SiteWhere provides SDKs for many common device platforms including Android, iOS, Arduino, and any Java-capable platform such as Raspberry Pi rapidly accelerating the speed of innovation.

    SiteWhere is composed of Java-based microservices which are built as Docker images and deployed to Kubernetes for orchestration. To simplify installation and configuration, Helm is used to provide standard templates for various deployment scenarios. Helm charts are provided to supply both the microservices and the dependencies needed to run a complete SiteWhere deployment. Infrastructure components include technologies such as Apache Zookeeper and Kafka, highly available databases such as MongoDB, InfluxDB, and Cassandra, and other supporting technologies such as MQTT brokers.

    Tags: #java • sitewhere • internet-of-things

  • Android-PWA-Wrapper

    Android Wrapper to create native Android Apps from offline-capable Progressive Web Apps

    An Android Wrapper application to create native Android Apps from an offline-capable Progressive Web App.

    Drafted for the Android App of my Leasing Calculator Web App using React, Redux, Materialize.css and a lot of Offline-First love over at

    Tags: #java • android • android-wrapper

  • island

    Island for Android

    Island for Android

    Tags: #java • android

  • dddplus

    🔥 A lightweight DDD(Domain Driven Design) Enhancement Framework for complex business architecture!轻量级DDD增强框架!

    DDDplus, formerly named cp-ddd-framework(cp means Central Platform:中台), is a lightweight DDD(Domain Driven Design) enhancement framework for forward/reverse business modeling, supporting complex system architecture evolution!

    It captures DDD missing concepts and patches the building block. It empowers building domain model with forward and reverse modeling. It visualizes the complete domain knowledge from code. It connects frontline developers with (architect, product manager, business stakeholder, management team). It makes (analysis, design, design review, implementation, code review, test) a positive feedback closed-loop. It strengthens building extension oriented flexible software solution. It eliminates frequently encountered misunderstanding of DDD via thorough javadoc for each building block with detailed example.

    In short, the 3 most essential plus are:

    1. patch DDD building blocks for pragmatic forward modeling, clearing obstacles of DDD implementation
    2. offer a reverse modeling DSL, visualizing complete domain knowledge from code
    3. provide extension point with multiple routing mechanism, suited for complex business scenarios

    Tags: #java • ddd • ddd-architecture

  • QRGenerator

    QR Generator Library

    QR Generator Library and Saves the QR Code as Image

    Tags: #java

  • welcome-android

    A customizable welcome screen

    If you want to use a button in a custom fragment instead of the default done button, call useCustomDoneButton(true) on the builder and new WelcomeFinisher(MyFragment.this).finish() in the button’s OnClickListener.

    Bottom Layouts

    The layout shown beneath the pages can be changed with the bottomLayout Builder method, which uses the WelcomeConfiguration.BottomLayout enum. The possible values are explained below.

    Tags: #java • android-library • android-ui

  • Okra

    High performance game server framework by netty and disruptor

    Okra是一个简单的使用JAVA开发的高性能,高扩展,高并发,低延迟的服务器框架。 主要目的是帮助中小团队快速开发实现网络游戏服务端。 本项目包含完整的MMORPG等游戏服务器的DEMO.

    Tags: #java • okra • netty

  • MultiItem

    一个优雅的实现多类型的RecyclerView类库 支持DataBinding Form表单录入 跨多个RecyclerView拖动

    RecyclerView是一个大家常用的列表控件,在列表中不免会出现多种类型的布局,这时adapter中多种类型的判断就会充满着switch的坏味道,可怕的是需求变更,增加或修改新的类型时,所有的改动都在adapter中进行,没有一个良好的扩展性。 MutliItem主要就是解决这些问题,提供了多类型和ViewHolder创建绑定的管理器,自动进行item type的计算,这样Adapter通过依赖倒置与列表中的多类型解耦,还提高了扩展性。有以下特点:

    • 直接使用业务中的实体类为RecyclerView Adapter设置数据源,不需要做任何封装
    • RecyclerView Adapter零编码,解放了复杂的Adapter
    • 支持DataBinding,让你清爽的编写列表代码
    • 支持Form表单录入,懒加载易复用,支持DataBinding、隐藏域、输入内容验证及是否变化
    • 支持Header Footer 和 下拉刷新 加载更多
    • 支持Item滑动动画
    • 支持空白、错误等状态页的展示

    Tags: #java • recyclerview • android

  • Croller

    A circular seekbar for Android, with a control knob! (for the lack of a better word).

    Just add the following dependency in your app’s build.gradle

    dependencies {
          compile 'com.sdsmdg.harjot:croller:1.0.7'

    Tags: #java • circular • seekbar

  • jobrunr

    An extremely easy way to perform background processing in Java. Backed by persistent storage. Open and free for commercial use.

    BackgroundJob.enqueue(() -> System.out.println("This is all you need for distributed jobs!"));

    Incredibly easy way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed, scheduled and recurring jobs inside Java applications using only Java 8 lambda’s. CPU and I/O intensive, long-running and short-running jobs are supported. Persistent storage is done via either RDBMS (e.g. Postgres, MariaDB/MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 and SQLite) or NoSQL (ElasticSearch, MongoDB and Redis).

    JobRunr provides a unified programming model to handle background tasks in a reliable way and runs them on shared hosting, dedicated hosting or in the cloud (hello Kubernetes) within a JVM instance.

    Tags: #java • java-8 • background-jobs

  • visualvm

    VisualVM is an All-in-One Java Troubleshooting Tool

    VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities. See for details, downloads and documentation.

    Tags: #java • visualvm • performance

  • nacos-spring-project

    Nacos ECO Project for Spring Framework

    Included in this section are some samples for you to get a quick start with Nacos Spring.

    Tags: #java • nacos • spring

  • elasticsearch-analysis-jieba

    The plugin includes the jieba analyzer, jieba tokenizer, and jieba token filter, and have two mode you can choose. one is index which means it will be used when you want to index a document. another is search mode which used when you want to search something.

    插件版本跟 ES 版本保持一致


    ./bin/plugin install


    ./bin/plugin install


    ./bin/plugin install

    Tags: #java

  • Bookends

    A UI widget for adding headers and footers to RecyclerView

    A UI widget that allows for headers and footers on lists backed by RecyclerView, for Android.

    Tags: #java

  • LibertyBans

    The be-all, end-all of discipline.

    Tags: #java • bungeecord • minecraft

  • GestureViews

    ImageView and FrameLayout with gestures control and position animation

    • Gestures support: pan, zoom, quick scale, fling, double tap, rotation.
    • Seamless integration with ViewPager (panning smoothly turns into ViewPager flipping and vise versa).
    • View position animation (“opening” animation). Useful to animate into full image view mode.
    • Advanced animation from RecyclerView (or ListView) into ViewPager.
    • Exit full image mode by scroll and scale gestures.
    • Rounded images with animations support.
    • Image cropping (supports rotation).
    • Lots of settings.
    • Gestures listener: down (touch), up (touch), single tap, double tap, long press.
    • Custom state animation (animating position, zoom, rotation).
    • Supports both ImageView and FrameLayout out of the box, also supports custom views.

    Tags: #java • android • animation

  • instagram-java-scraper

    Instagram Java Scraper. Get account information, photos, videos and comments.

    Instagram instagram = new Instagram(httpClient);
    Account account = instagram.getAccountByUsername("kevin");

    Tags: #java • instagram • instagram-client

  • jd-cli

    Command line Java Decompiler

    The jd-cli is a simple command line wrapper around JD Core Java Decompiler project.

    Tags: #java

  • bitsnpicas

    Bits’N’Picas - Bitmap & Emoji Font Creation & Conversion Tools

    Bits’N’Picas is a set of tools for creating and converting bitmap and emoji fonts.

    Bitmap font functions can be accessed both with a GUI and from a command line. Emoji font functions can only be accessed from a command line.

    Tags: #java • font • fonts

  • BottomDialogs

    An Android library that shows a customizable Material-based bottom sheet. API 11+ required.

    Add the repository to your project build.gradle:

    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

    And add the library to your module build.gradle:

    dependencies {
        compile 'com.github.javiersantos:BottomDialogs:1.2.1'

    Tags: #java • android-library • gradle

  • jpmml-sklearn

    Java library and command-line application for converting Scikit-Learn pipelines to PMML

    Tags: #java

  • atlantafx

    Modern JavaFX CSS theme collection with additional controls.

    Grab a self-updating download of the Sampler app for Windows, macOS and Linux, packaged with Conveyor.

    Or download the latest build on the releases page.

    Tags: #java • controls • javafx

  • FcPermissions

    Fuck the permissions in Android M

    FcPermissions is a library to simplify basic system permissions logic when targeting Android M or higher. Chinese README is here

    Tags: #java

  • react-native-header-view

    Fully customizable Header View with multiple design options for React Native.

    Finally, this library got the version 1.0.0. More than 5k downloads and it is separated by each header view. This library contains the collection of each header view. If you do not need to use them all, you can reach and install header views on its own repository.

    Tags: #java • header • react

  • simblock

    An open source blockchain network simulator.

    SimBlock is an open source blockchain network simulator, developed by Distributed Systems Group, Tokyo Institute of Technology.

    SimBlock has a visualization tool, by which you can see the transition of block propagation.

    Tags: #java • blockchain • visualization

  • AndrOBD

    Android OBD diagnostics with any ELM327 adapter

    • FAQ - Frequently asked questions

    • Wiki - AndrOBD knowledge database

    Tags: #java • obd • diagnostics

  • cloudsim

    CloudSim: A Framework For Modeling And Simulation Of Cloud Computing Infrastructures And Services

    Cloud computing is the leading approach for delivering reliable, secure, fault-tolerant, sustainable, and scalable computational services. Hence timely, repeatable, and controllable methodologies for performance evaluation of new cloud applications and policies before their actual development are reqruied. Because utilization of real testbeds limits the experiments to the scale of the testbed and makes the reproduction of results an extremely difficult undertaking, simulation may be used.

    CloudSim goal is to provide a generalized and extensible simulation framework that enables modeling, simulation, and experimentation of emerging Cloud computing infrastructures and application services, allowing its users to focus on specific system design issues that they want to investigate, without getting concerned about the low level details related to Cloud-based infrastructures and services.

    CloudSim is developed in the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory, at the Computer Science and Software Engineering Department of the University of Melbourne.

    More information can be found on the CloudSim’s web site.

    Tags: #java

  • SwipeRevealLayout

    Easy, flexible and powerful Swipe Layout for Android

    A layout that you can swipe/slide to show another layout.

    Tags: #java

  • UPMiss

    UPMiss is birthday management software, use MVP.

    UPMiss open source, use MVP. UPMiss is birthday management software.

    Tags: #java

  • EspExceptionDecoder

    Exception Stack Trace Decoder for ESP8266 and ESP32

    Arduino plugin which lets you get a more meaningful explanation of the stack traces you get on ESP8266/ESP32.

    Tags: #java

  • module-ballerinax-datamapper

    A compiler extension to extract abstract representation of Ballerina connector actions and their associated types

    The Ballerina Data Mapper extension is a compiler extension, which extracts an abstract representation of Ballerina connector actions and the associated types. This compiler extension gets executed when compiling a Ballerina connector project. The extension generates two types of files by default. Note that these two types of files get automatically extracted from connectors. Hence, the developer does not need to write them.

    Tags: #java

  • aws-cf-templates

    Free Templates for AWS CloudFormation

    Find the documentation for the latest stable release here:

    Find the documentation for the unstable master branch here:

    Are you in need of a feature or does a bug cause you sleepless nights? Please let us know by using the project’s issue tracker.

    Tags: #java • aws-cloudformation • cloudformation-template

  • Repeat

    Cross-platform mouse/keyboard record/replay and automation hotkeys/macros creation, and more advanced automation features.

    1. This runs on any platform that supports Java and is non headless. AutoHotkey is written for Windows only, and AutoKey is only for Linux. Repeat works on Linux, Windows, and OSX. The written macro can be re-used cross platforms.
    2. The only limit to your hotkey power is your knowledge of the language you write your tasks in (e.g. Java, Python or C#). You don’t have to learn a new meta language provided by AutoHotkey. This allows you to leverage your expertise in the language chosen and/or the immense support from the internet.

    Tags: #java • hotkey • replay

  • proxyee

    HTTP proxy server,support HTTPS&websocket.MITM impl,intercept and tamper HTTPS traffic.

    Proxyee is a JAVA written HTTP proxy server library that supports HTTP, HTTPS, Websocket protocols, and supports MITM (Man-in-the-middle), which can capture and tamper with HTTP, HTTPS packet.

    Tags: #java • http • https

  • GoogleClock

    The core of it is SVG .

    An imitation of the clock in Google I/O 2016 . Almost all of the animations and images in it are made by the SVG , so this library may be a wonderful material to learn the SVG’s usage in Android . Chinese README is here .

    Tags: #java

  • stream-m

    An HTML5-compatible live streaming server supporting the WebM and H.264 formats.

    Currently both WebM and H.264 are supported, although through slightly different workflows.

    Tags: #java • broadcast • live-streaming

  • AppbarLayoutBehavior



    Tags: #java • android • appbarlayout

  • react-native-admob-native-ads

    A simple and robust library for creating & displaying Admob Native Advanced Ads in your React Native App using Native Views.

    We on the other hand do not load ads in a WebView. We use a more complex, Native Advanced ad format to display ads. We request Admob servers to send us the ad information such as images, headlines, videos etc. Then we send this information over the bridge to React Native and render it in React Native’s View and Text components execpt a few exceptions where we use our own custom components.

    Tags: #java • admob • admob-native-ads

  • fitnesse

    FitNesse – The Acceptance Test Wiki

    Welcome to FitNesse, the fully integrated stand-alone acceptance testing framework and wiki.

    To get started, check out the FitNesse website!

    Tags: #java

  • Discord-Audio-Stream-Bot

    A simple discord audio streaming bot.

    A simple discord audio streaming bot.

    Tags: #java

  • seldon-server

    Machine Learning Platform and Recommendation Engine built on Kubernetes

    • Seldon Core open sourced.
      • Seldon Core focuses purely on deploying a wide range of ML models on Kubernetes, allowing complex runtime serving graphs to be managed in production. Seldon Core is a progression of the goals of the Seldon-Server project but also a more restricted focus to solving the final step in a machine learning project which is serving models in production. Please have a look at the project page which includes extensive documentation to investigate further.

    Tags: #java • machine-learning • deep-learning

  • Player_Android

    Super player for android…

    本目录包含 Android 版 播放器(Player) SDK 的Demo 源代码,主要演示接口如何调用以及最基本的功能。

    ├─ LiteAVDemo(Player) // 播放器Demo,包括音视频播放,后台播放,变速播放,直播、点播秒开,清晰度无缝切换
    |  ├─ app                   // 程序入口界面
    |  ├─ superplayerkit        // 播放器组件
    |  ├─ superplayerdemo       // 播放器组件 Demo
    |  ├─ common                // common 工具类
    |  ├─ feedvideo             // feed 视频流组件
    |  ├─ shortvideo            // 短视频组件
    |  ├─ vodcommon             // 点播 common 工具类
    ├─ SDK 
    │  ├─     // Android Player SDK 的下载地址

    Tags: #java • sdk • android

  • allure-server

    Allure Server. Save/ generate / provide allure2 reports in one place

    Allure server for store / aggregate / manage Allure results and generate / manage Allure Reports.

    There is simple API with Swagger(OpenAPI) Description.

    Just use Spring Boot Jar from Release Page.

    Web GUI has been available from Release v2.0.0

    Example on

    Tags: #java • allure2 • allure-report

  • Payara

    Payara Server is an open source middleware platform that supports reliable and secure deployments of Java EE (Jakarta EE) and MicroProfile applications in any environment: on premise, in the cloud or hybrid.

    Create. Innovate. Elevate.

    Payara Platform Community Edition features open-source server runtimes for development projects and containerized Jakarta EE and MicroProfile applications.

    Payara Server Community is a cloud-native, innovative open-source middleware platform for development projects that supports Jakarta EE (Java EE) applications in any environment: on-premise, in the cloud or hybrid. Payara Micro Community is the open-source, lightweight middleware platform of choice for containerized Jakarta EE (Java EE) microservices deployments in development. Less than 70MB, Payara Micro requires no installation, configuration or code rewrites.

    Visit for free resources and information about the stable and fully supported Payara Enterprise Edition, designed for mission-critical systems in production including 24x7, 10x5, and Migration & Project Support options.

    Access the complete Payara Server and Payara Micro documentation:

    Tags: #java • payara-server • payara-micro

  • PowerTunnel-Android

    Powerful and extensible proxy server with anti-censorship functionality for Android

    PowerTunnel is an extensible proxy server built on top of LittleProxy that does not require root-access to work.

    PowerTunnel provides an SDK that allows you to extend its functionality however you like, and even handle encrypted HTTPS traffic (powered by LittleProxy-MITM), which can be especially useful in web development. PowerTunnel has an Android version, so any plugin you write can work on almost all devices.

    PowerTunnel was originally developed and is best known as a censorship bypass tool. This functionality has been spun off in the LibertyTunnel plugin, it is installed by default, just like DNS Resolver with DNS over HTTPS support.

    Tags: #java • anti-censorship • dpi-filtering

  • esper

    Esper Complex Event Processing, Streaming SQL and Event Series Analysis

    Esper is a component for complex event processing (CEP), streaming SQL and event series analysis, available for Java as Esper, and for .NET as NEsper.

    Esper’s home page and documentation are at

    Esper and NEsper are open-source software available under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 (GPL v2).

    This repository tracks changes since release 5.2.0 and as of April 6, 2015. The repository prior to that date was the Codehaus repository which has been discontinued.

    Esper and NEsper including documentation are copyrighted and the copyright is owned by EsperTech Inc., unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.

    For commercial licensing terms, please contact EsperTech Inc. for any inquiry.

    Tags: #java • cep • complex-event-processing

  • Skript

    Skript is a Bukkit plugin which allows server admins to customize their server easily, but without the hassle of programming a plugin or asking/paying someone to program a plugin for them.

    Skript is a Minecraft plugin for Paper/Spigot, which allows server owners and other people to modify their servers without learning Java. It can also be useful if you do know Java; some tasks are quicker to do with Skript, and so it can be used for prototyping etc.

    This Github fork of Skript is based on Mirreski’s improvements which was built on Njol’s original Skript.

    Tags: #java • bukkit • spigot

  • TextLayoutBuilder

    An Android library that allows you to build text layouts more easily.

    Build text Layouts easily on Android.

    Tags: #java

  • libretorrent

    • BitTorrent 2.0 and WebTorrent support
    • Select which files to download
    • Move files while downloading
    • Auto-move downloaded files to another folder or external drive
    • Stream files, with sequential downloads
    • Android TV
    • Material design, dark and black theme, and tablet UI
    • Customisable network, battery, and UI settings, etc.
    • 35+ translations
    • Scheduling
    • Auto-downloading, with Atom/RSS manager
    • Create torrents, with many and big files
    • HTTP\S and magnet links
    • DHT, PeX, encryption, LSD, UPnP, NAT*PMP, µTP
    • IP filtering (eMule dat and PeerGuardian)
    • Supports proxy for trackers and peers
    • Based on libtorrent4j
    • And more

    Tags: #java • freedom-torrent-client • android

  • gomobile-ipfs

    IPFS and libp2p on Mobile, with Gomobile

    This repo aims to provide packages for Android, iOS and React-Native that allow one to run and use an IPFS node on mobile devices. It is also a place to discuss the constraints of running IPFS on mobile in order to find solutions and exchange tips.

    :warning: this repo is still experimental, contributions are very welcome

    You can check the packages documentation here.

    Tags: #java • mobile • ipfs

  • mad-location-manager

    Mad Location Manager is a library for GPS and Accelerometer data “fusion” with Kalman filter

    This module helps to increase GPS coordinates accuracy and also:

    • reduces the errors in route tracking;
    • decreases the noise from Low-class smartphones;
    • excludes sharp «jumps» to the points remote from a real route;
    • eliminates additional distance when the object is motionless;
    • filters errors duу to the short-term loss of GPS-signal.

    Tags: #java • noise-filtering • kalman-filter

  • watchdog-framework

    :beers: 【新版计划中】基于SpringBoot+Shiro+Mybatis等开发的轻量级管理系统快速开发脚手架

    watchdog-framework基于SpringBoot+Shiro+Mybatis+Mybatis-Plus+HikariCP+Redis+Vue+iView等开发的轻量级管理系统快速开发脚手架,拥有角色、用户、资源管理、权限数据同步更新等功能,并此项目会进行持续更新升级,欢迎使用,若对您有帮助请点击上方的star :beers: 。

    Tags: #java • spring-boot • mybatis

  • SlimSocial-for-Facebook

    Light version of Facebook. Light both in the weight and in the use.

    SlimSocial for Facebook is a lightweight and customizable alternative to the official Facebook app. It was originally created in 2015 as a project to explore Android app development, but it was put on hold due to university and work commitments.

    Recently, I updated the app with a new codebase using Flutter, making it more efficient and user-friendly than ever before. SlimSocial still retains its original values of lightweight design and privacy, while introducing new features, such as the ability to hide ads and a better user interface.

    Tags: #java • facebook • android-app

  • colorpicker

    🍭color picker for android


    Tags: #java • color-picker • android

  • i7j-rups

    RUPS is an acronym for Reading and Updating PDF Syntax. RUPS is a tool built on top of iText® that allows you to look inside a PDF document and browse the different PDF objects and content streams.

    iText Rups is built into a Jar file which is then run by Java. To build iText Rups with Maven, run the following command:

    mvn clean package

    The resultant Jar file with dependencies will be located in the target directory.

    To run RUPS, simply type

    java -jar itext-rups-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT.jar

    Tags: #java

  • receiptnotice

    Push notification bar use your android phone to the specified URL

    *This software is open source and not profitable software. There is no so-called customized version.There are no paid QQ groups, hope you know *

    Tags: #java

  • jd-core

    JD-Core is a JAVA decompiler written in JAVA.

    JD-Core is a JAVA decompiler written in JAVA.

    Tags: #java

  • library

    BFT-SMaRt’s project home page

    This is a Byzantine fault-tolerant state machine replication project named BFT-SMaRt, a Java open source library maintained by the LaSIGE research unit at the University of Lisbon.

    This package contains the source code (src/), jar file (bin/BFT-SMaRt.jar), dependencies (lib/), documentation (doc/), running scripts (runscripts/), and configuration files (config/) for version 1.2 of the project. BFT-SMaRt requires the Java Runtime Environment version 1.8 or later.

    Tags: #java

  • pacbot

    PacBot (Policy as Code Bot)

    Policy as Code Bot (PacBot) is a platform for continuous compliance monitoring, compliance reporting and security automation for the cloud. In PacBot, security and compliance policies are implemented as code. All resources discovered by PacBot are evaluated against these policies to gauge policy conformance. The PacBot auto-fix framework provides the ability to automatically respond to policy violations by taking predefined actions. PacBot packs in powerful visualization features, giving a simplified view of compliance and making it easy to analyze and remediate policy violations. PacBot is more than a tool to manage cloud misconfiguration, it is a generic platform that can be used to do continuous compliance monitoring and reporting for any domain.

    Tags: #java • cloud-security • security

  • react-native-background-job

    Schedule background jobs in React Native that run your JavaScript when your app is in the background/killed.

    Schedule background jobs that run your JavaScript when your app is in the background or if you feel brave even in foreground.

    The jobs will run even if the app has been closed and, by default, also persists over restarts.

    This library relies on React Native’s HeadlessJS which is currently only supported on Android.

    On the native side it uses either Firebase JobDispatcher or a AlarmManager.

    • Firebase JobDispatcher (default): The jobs can’t be scheduled exactly and depending on the Android API version different period time is allowed. FirebaseJobDispatcher is the most battery efficient backward compatible way of scheduling background tasks.

    • AlarmManager by setting exact to true: Simple propriatery implementation that is only ment to be used while testing. It only cares about executing on time, all other parameters are ignored - job is not persisted on reboot.

    Tags: #java • react-native • scheduled-jobs

  • nextrtc-signaling-server

    NextRTC is simple WebRTC signaling server written in java. It provides signal exchange and easy to integrate API

    NextRTC is a rich java library providing WebRTC signaling server. You can use it as standalone web application, or add it as a tenant to your existing Spring application. It uses WebSocket (JSR 356) to communicate with clients. Front end client to NextRTC is available here.

    Tags: #java • nextrtc • webrtc

  • FakeGPS

    FakeGPS is a GPS device simulator, GPS location signal keep output according to the coordinates. By the direction keys on the joystick, the user can simulate walking on the map.


    FakeGPS is a GPS device simulator. GPS location signal keep output according to the given coordinates. By the direction keys on the joystick, the user can simulate walking on the map.

    Tags: #java

  • JFastText

    Java interface for fastText

    JFastText is a Java wrapper for Facebook’s fastText, a library for efficient learning of word embeddings and fast sentence classification. The JNI interface is built using javacpp.

    The library provides full fastText’s command line interface. It also provides the API for loading trained model from file to do label prediction in memory. Model training and quantization are supported via the command line interface.

    JFastText is ideal for building fast text classifiers in Java.

    Tags: #java • machine-learning • nlp

  • eclipse-collections

    Eclipse Collections is a collections framework for Java with optimized data structures and a rich, functional and fluent API.

    Eclipse Collections is a comprehensive collections library for Java. The library enables productivity and performance by delivering an expressive and efficient set of APIs and types. The iteration protocol was inspired by the Smalltalk collection framework, and the collections are compatible with the Java Collection Framework types.

    Eclipse Collections is compatible with Java 8+. Eclipse Collections is a part of the OpenJDK Quality Outreach program, and it is validated for different versions of the OpenJDK.

    Tags: #java • eclipse-collections • java-collections

  • mongock

    Lightweight Java based migration tool

    The official documentation is [here][documentation_link], where you can find everything rom version 3.

    Tags: #java • mongock • mongodb

  • Kore

    Kore is a simple and easy-to-use Kodi remote.

    GitHub repository for the [Kore][1] Android app.

    Kore is the official remote for Kodi, and aims to be a simple and easy to use remote.

    Tags: #java • kore • kodi

  • sign

    Sign.jar automatically signs an apk with the Android test certificate.

    Automatically sign an apk with the Android test certificate. The public and private keys are embedded within the jar.

    Tags: #java

  • Unexpected_information

    Unexpected information 是用于标记请求包中的一些敏感信息、JS接口和一些特殊字段的BurpSuite 插件。

    Author: xiaowei
    Team: Timeline Sec

    最近写了一个BurpSuite Extensions用来标记请求包中的一些敏感信息、JS接口和一些特殊字段,防止我们疏忽了一些数据包,我将它命名为“Unexpected information”,使用它可能会有意外的收获信息。

    Tags: #java

  • project-rome

    Code samples and documentation of Microsoft’s Project Rome SDK

    Project Rome is Microsoft’s cross-device experiences platform. Project Rome frees your app from running on a specific device, enabling a cross-device, user centric experience.

    On this site you will find samples of Project Rome.

    Visit the Project Rome landing page for more general information about Project Rome.

    See the Project Rome developer docs for how-to guides and API reference docs that will help you get started integrating Project Rome features into your app.

    See the Cross-Device Experience docs under Microsoft Graph node to find out more about how Project Rome feature capabilities are exposed via Microsoft Graph REST API endpoint.

    Tags: #java

  • BurpSuiteHTTPSmuggler

    A Burp Suite extension to help pentesters to bypass WAFs or test their effectiveness using a number of techniques

    A Burp Suite extension to help pentesters to bypass WAFs or test their effectiveness using a number of techniques. This extension has been developed by Soroush Dalili (@irsdl) from NCC Group.

    The initial release (v0.1) only supports the Encoding capability that can be quite complicated to be performed manually. See the references for more details.

    Next versions will include more techniques and possible bug fixes.

    Tags: #java • waf • bypass

  • cyclonedx-maven-plugin

    Creates CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) from Maven projects

    The following table provides information on the version of this Maven plugin, the CycloneDX schema version supported, as well as the output format options. Use the latest possible version of this plugin that is compatible with the CycloneDX version supported by the target system.

    Version Schema Version Format(s)
    2.6.x CycloneDX v1.4 XML/JSON
    2.5.x CycloneDX v1.3 XML/JSON
    2.0.x CycloneDX v1.2 XML/JSON
    1.4.x CycloneDX v1.1 XML
    1.0x CycloneDX v1.0 XML

    Tags: #java • bom • spdx

  • Canvas2ImagePlugin

    PhoneGap / Cordova plugin for iOS to save the contents of an HTML canvas to the device’s Photo Library


    This plugin allows you to save the contents of an HTML canvas tag to the iOS Photo Library, Android Gallery or WindowsPhone 8 Photo Album from your app.

    See an example project using it here: - note: this app does not work in wp8.


    Tags: #java

  • tomcat-cluster-redis-session-manager

    Tomcat clustering redis session manager java client.

    The Redis session manager is pluggable one. It stores session into Redis for easy distribution of HTTP Requests across a cluster of Tomcat servers.

    Here the Sessions are implemented as non-sticky (means, each request can able to go to any server in the cluster, unlike the Apache provided Tomcat clustering setup.)

    Request Sessions will be stored into Redis immediately (Session attributes must be Serializable), for the use of other servers. When tomcat receives a request from the client, Sessions are loaded directly from Redis.

    Supports Redis default, sentinel and cluster mode, based on the configuration.

    Going forward, we no need to enable sticky session (JSESSIONID) in Load Balancer.

    Tags: #java • tomcat-clustering • tomcat-session-manager

  • Lightweight-Stream-API

    Stream API from Java 8 rewritten on iterators for Java 7 and below

    • Functional interfaces (Supplier, Function, Consumer etc);
    • Stream/IntStream/LongStream/DoubleStream (without parallel processing, but with a variety of additional methods and with custom operators);
    • Optional/OptionalBoolean/OptionalInt/OptionalLong/OptionalDouble classes;
    • Exceptional class - functional way to deal with exceptions;
    • Objects from Java 7.

    Tags: #java • backports • stream-api

  • meteor-rejects

    An addon to Meteor Client with features that won’t be added to Meteor. Because they were either rejected or are ports from other clients.

    • Download the latest release of the mod from the releases tab.
    • Put it in your .minecraft/mods folder where you have installed Meteor.

    Note: It is recommended to use the latest dev build of meteor while using rejects

    Tags: #java • meteor-client • minecraft-fabric

  • GestureViews

    ImageView and FrameLayout with gestures control and position animation

    • Gestures support: pan, zoom, quick scale, fling, double tap, rotation.
    • Seamless integration with ViewPager (panning smoothly turns into ViewPager flipping and vise versa).
    • View position animation (“opening” animation). Useful to animate into full image view mode.
    • Advanced animation from RecyclerView (or ListView) into ViewPager.
    • Exit full image mode by scroll and scale gestures.
    • Rounded images with animations support.
    • Image cropping (supports rotation).
    • Lots of settings.
    • Gestures listener: down (touch), up (touch), single tap, double tap, long press.
    • Custom state animation (animating position, zoom, rotation).
    • Supports both ImageView and FrameLayout out of the box, also supports custom views.

    Tags: #java • android • animation

  • AndrOBD

    Android OBD diagnostics with any ELM327 adapter

    • FAQ - Frequently asked questions

    • Wiki - AndrOBD knowledge database

    Tags: #java • obd • diagnostics

  • similarity

    similarity: Text similarity calculation Toolkit for Java. 文本相似度计算工具包,java编写,可用于文本相似度计算、情感分析等任务,开箱即用。

    similarity, compute similarity score between text strings, Java written.



    Tags: #java • nlp • similarity

  • marytts

    MARY TTS – an open-source, multilingual text-to-speech synthesis system written in pure java

    This is the source code repository for the multilingual open-source MARY text-to-speech platform (MaryTTS). MaryTTS is a client-server system written in pure Java, so it runs on many platforms.

    For a downloadable package ready for use, see the releases page.

    Older documentation can also be found at, and

    This README is part of the the MaryTTS source code repository. It contains information about compiling and developing the MaryTTS sources.

    The code comes under the Lesser General Public License LGPL version 3 – see for details.

    Tags: #java • speech-synthesis • tts

  • gerbil

    GERBIL - General Entity annotatoR Benchmark

    This project is a benchmarking platform for entity annotation and disambiguation tools. It also has been extended for Question Answering (see QuestionAnswering branch).

    For further information, please take a look into the wiki or visit the project home page.

    Tags: #java • benchmarking • benchmarking-framework

  • xipki

    Highly scalable and high-performance open source PKI (CA and OCSP responder). Minimal dependencies.

    XiPKI (eXtensible sImple Public Key Infrastructure) is a highly scalable and high-performance open source PKI (CA and OCSP responder).

    Tags: #java • ocsp-responder • certificate-authority

  • Qualitis

    Qualitis is a one-stop data quality management platform that supports quality verification, notification, and management for various datasource. It is used to solve various data quality problems caused by data processing.

    Qualitis is a data quality management platform that supports quality verification, notification, and management for various datasource. It is used to solve various data quality problems caused by data processing.

    Based on Spring Boot, Qualitis submits quality model task to Linkis platform. It provides functions such as data quality model construction, data quality model execution, data quality verification, reports of data quality generation and so on.

    At the same time, Qualitis provides enterprise-level features of financial-level resource isolation, management and access control. It is also guaranteed working well under high-concurrency, high-performance and high-availability scenarios.

    Tags: #java • quality • quality-check

  • android-parcelable-intellij-plugin

    IntelliJ Plugin for Android Parcelable boilerplate code generation.

    This tool generates an Android Parcelable implementation based on fields in the class.

    Tags: #java

  • Auro

    1st Most Fastest, Latest Designed and open source Music player

    The world’s first fastest, open source Music player for Android with latest design…

    Tags: #java

  • ConsecutiveScroller






    Tags: #java • scrollview • recyclerview-webview-scrollview

  • fabric

    Essential hooks for modding with Fabric.

    Essential hooks and patches for modding with Fabric.

    Tags: #java • fabric • minecraft

  • LiveEdgeDetection

    LiveEdgeDetection is an Android document detection library built on top of OpenCV. It scans documents from camera live mode and allows you to adjust crop using the detected 4 edges and performs perspective transformation of the cropped image. It works best with a dark background.

    LiveEdgeDetection is an Android document detection library built on top of OpenCV. It scans documents from camera live mode and allows you to adjust crop using the detected 4 edges and performs perspective transformation of the cropped image.

    It works best with a dark background.

    Tags: #java

  • openaudible

    Audiobook Manager for Audible Users

    A cross-platform desktop application for downloading and managing your Audible audiobooks.

    Tags: #java • audible • audible-converter

  • tomcat-cluster-redis-session-manager

    Tomcat clustering redis session manager java client.

    The Redis session manager is pluggable one. It stores session into Redis for easy distribution of HTTP Requests across a cluster of Tomcat servers.

    Here the Sessions are implemented as non-sticky (means, each request can able to go to any server in the cluster, unlike the Apache provided Tomcat clustering setup.)

    Request Sessions will be stored into Redis immediately (Session attributes must be Serializable), for the use of other servers. When tomcat receives a request from the client, Sessions are loaded directly from Redis.

    Supports Redis default, sentinel and cluster mode, based on the configuration.

    Going forward, we no need to enable sticky session (JSESSIONID) in Load Balancer.

    Tags: #java • tomcat-clustering • tomcat-session-manager

  • easy-batch

    The simple, stupid batch framework for Java

    As of November 18, 2020, Easy Batch is in maintenance mode. This means only bug fixes will be addressed from now on. Version 7.0.x is the only supported version.

    Tags: #java • batch-processing • batch

  • react-native-sqlite-storage

    SQLite3 Native Plugin for React Native for both Android (Classic and Native), iOS and Windows

    Foundation of this library is based on Chris Brody’s Cordova SQLite plugin.


    1. iOS and Android supported via identical JavaScript API.
    2. Android in pure Java and Native modes
    3. SQL transactions
    4. JavaScript interface via plain callbacks or Promises.
    5. Pre-populated SQLite database import from application bundle and sandbox
    6. Windows supports callback API, identical to iOS and Android

    There are sample apps provided in test directory that can be used in with the AwesomeProject generated by React Native. All you have to do is to copy one of those files into your AwesomeProject replacing index.ios.js.

    Please let me know your projects that use these SQLite React Native modules. I will list them in the reference section. If there are any features that you think would benefit this library please post them.

    The library has been tested with React 16.2 (and earlier) and XCode 7,8,9 - it works fine out of the box without any need for tweaks or code changes. For XCode 7,8 vs. XCode 6 the only difference is that sqlite ios library name suffix is tbd instead of dylib.

    Version 3.2 is the first version compatible with RN 0.40.

    Tags: #java

  • BerylEnigma

    ffffffff0x team toolset for penetration testing, cryptography research, CTF and daily use. | ffffffff0x 团队工具集,用来进行渗透测试,密码学研究,CTF和日常使用。

    A CTF + penetration testing toolkit, mainly to achieve some common encryption and coding functions, in the process of using the software found problems or suggestions are welcome to submit issues and also welcome to submit new feature requirements.

    Software is developed based on JDK17, using the JAVAFX UI framework and the JFoenixUI component architecture. See the development documentation for details.

    The Beryl (['berəl]) in the name is the name of a gem/mineral and Enigma ([ɪ'nɪɡmə]) has the meaning of an enigma and also refers to a cipher machine.

    Tags: #java • ctf • ctf-tools

  • GhostLog

    Android app that displays the logcat buffer in a system overlay window

    If you are using the Gradle build system, simply add the following dependency in your build.gradle file:

    dependencies {
        debugCompile 'com.readystatesoftware.ghostlog:ghostlog-integration:+@aar'

    Using debugCompile (recommended) ensures the integration library is never compiled into a release build.

    Tags: #java

  • EspExceptionDecoder

    Exception Stack Trace Decoder for ESP8266 and ESP32

    Arduino plugin which lets you get a more meaningful explanation of the stack traces you get on ESP8266/ESP32.

    Tags: #java

  • WeEvent

    Event-Driven Architecture Based on Blockchain.基于区块链的事件驱动架构



    Tags: #java • message-queue • event-driven

  • ureport

    UReport2 is a high-performance pure Java report engine based on Spring architecture, where complex Chinese-style statements and reports can be prepared by iterating over cells.

    UReport2 is a high-performance pure Java report engine based on Spring architecture, where complex Chinese-style statements and reports can be prepared by iteraing over cells.

    UReport2 provides the brand new web-based report designer that runs in mainstream browsers including Chrome, Firefox and Edge etc. (other than IE). You can complete the design and preparation of complex statements and reports with UReport2 by simply opening the browser.

    UReport2 is the first Chinese-style report engine based on Apache-2.0 License.

    中文 README

    Tags: #java • report • java-report

  • android-material-stepper

    This library allows to use Material steppers inside Android applications.

    This library allows to use Material steppers inside Android applications.

    Quoting the documentation:

    Steppers display progress through a sequence by breaking it up into multiple logical and numbered steps.

    All of the code & features mentioned in Getting started and Advanced usage are showcased in the sample app. Moreover, you can find there other examples, e.g. how to persist state on rotation, display errors, change whether the user can go to the next step, etc. So please have a look!

    Tags: #java

  • react-native-mapbox-gl

    A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps

    This repository is no longer actively maintained.

    Continued development of react-native-mapbox-gl may be found in the community driven repository at This new repository uses the latest versions of the Mapbox SDKs for iOS and Android, and contains a long range of improvements over the current one. We recommend you review the changelog for the new repository and transition to it.

    This repository will only accept PRs containing bug fixes. Any new feature development will happen in the new repository.

    Tags: #java • mapbox-gl • android

  • struts

    Mirror of Apache Struts

    More information can be found on the homepage. Please read the Security Guide, and the JavaDocs can be browsed. Questions related to the usage of Apache Struts should be posted to the user mailing list.

    Tags: #java • struts • web-framework

  • react-native-sqlite-storage

    SQLite3 Native Plugin for React Native for both Android (Classic and Native), iOS and Windows

    Foundation of this library is based on Chris Brody’s Cordova SQLite plugin.


    1. iOS and Android supported via identical JavaScript API.
    2. Android in pure Java and Native modes
    3. SQL transactions
    4. JavaScript interface via plain callbacks or Promises.
    5. Pre-populated SQLite database import from application bundle and sandbox
    6. Windows supports callback API, identical to iOS and Android

    There are sample apps provided in test directory that can be used in with the AwesomeProject generated by React Native. All you have to do is to copy one of those files into your AwesomeProject replacing index.ios.js.

    Please let me know your projects that use these SQLite React Native modules. I will list them in the reference section. If there are any features that you think would benefit this library please post them.

    The library has been tested with React 16.2 (and earlier) and XCode 7,8,9 - it works fine out of the box without any need for tweaks or code changes. For XCode 7,8 vs. XCode 6 the only difference is that sqlite ios library name suffix is tbd instead of dylib.

    Version 3.2 is the first version compatible with RN 0.40.

    Tags: #java

  • linstor-server

    High Performance Software-Defined Block Storage for container, cloud and virtualisation. Fully integrated with Docker, Kubernetes, Openstack, Proxmox etc.

    LINSTOR® developed by LINBIT, is a software that manages replicated volumes across a group of machines. With native integration to Kubernetes, LINSTOR makes building, running, and controlling block storage simple. LINSTOR® is open-source software designed to manage block storage devices for large Linux server clusters. It’s used to provide persistent Linux block storage for cloudnative and hypervisor environments.

    Historically LINSTOR started as a resource-file generator for DRBD® which conveniently also created LVM/ZFS volumes. By time LINSTOR steadily grew and got new features and drivers in both directions, south-bound like snapshots, LUKS, dm-cache, dm-writecache or nvme, and north-bound drivers for Kubernetes, Openstack, Open Nebula, Openshift, VMware.

    Tags: #java • sds • drbd

  • LoggerPlusPlus

    Advanced Burp Suite Logging Extension

    If you’d like to build the project from source, the project uses Gradle to simplify the process:

    1. Clone the repository: git clone
    2. Within the project folder, execute gradlew jar (Linux) gradlew.bat jar (Windows)
    3. Once complete, you can find the built Jar in the project’s releases folder.

    Tags: #java

  • SwipeRevealLayout

    Easy, flexible and powerful Swipe Layout for Android

    A layout that you can swipe/slide to show another layout.

    Tags: #java

  • Slide

    Slide is an open-source, ad-free Reddit browser for Android.

    This project will be on indefinite hiatus for the foreseeable future, and may not be maintained. Updates are not guaranteed. See here for details.

    You may continue to use Slide if you so wish. However, with this said, it would be recommended to consider migrating to another (more stable) Reddit client.

    Some other open-source (and internally ad-free) Reddit clients include:

    Tags: #java • reddit • slide

  • eclipse-collections

    Eclipse Collections is a collections framework for Java with optimized data structures and a rich, functional and fluent API.

    Eclipse Collections is a comprehensive collections library for Java. The library enables productivity and performance by delivering an expressive and efficient set of APIs and types. The iteration protocol was inspired by the Smalltalk collection framework, and the collections are compatible with the Java Collection Framework types.

    Eclipse Collections is compatible with Java 8+. Eclipse Collections is a part of the OpenJDK Quality Outreach program, and it is validated for different versions of the OpenJDK.

    Tags: #java • eclipse-collections • java-collections

  • jphp

    JPHP - an implementation of PHP on Java VM

    We develop a new IDE for beginners like Game Maker or Scirra Construct. It’s based on JPHP, JavaFX, Java 8, Gradle and allows to create desktop games and apps for Linux, Windows and Mac (maybe Android and other platforms in future). The project name is DevelNext (, the current status and version of the project is BETA. The project has not yet been localized in English.

    Tags: #java • php • php-language

  • BloodBank

    A simple android project for blood management system.

    “Blood Point” is an android application to collect or donate blood easily. Users who have an android phone & active internet connection can contact and start searching for a donor easily through this application. The purpose of this application is to help people belonging to rural areas.

    Tags: #java • android-application • blood-bank-management

  • frostmourne

    Frostmourne(霜之哀伤监控平台)是基于Elasticsearch, Prometheus, SkyWalking, InfluxDB,Mysql/TiDB,ClickHouse, SqlServer, IoTDB数据的分布式监控报警系统. Monitor & alert & alarm for Elasticsearch,Prometheus data。主要使用springboot2 + vue-element-admin

    Frostmourne(霜之哀伤)是汽车之家经销商技术部监控系统的开源版本,用于帮助监控几乎所有数据库数据(包括Elasticsearch, Prometheus, SkyWalking, MySql 等等)。如果你已经建立起了日志系统, 指标体系,却苦恼于没有一个配套监控系统,也许它能帮到你。使用本系统得当,至少可以做到线上应用出了什么问题,相关开发能第一时间了解报错情况,知道问题出在哪里, 可以快速响应处理,几乎先于所有人知道线上的情况,也因为心中有数所以可以从容应对各种问询,一点都不慌,你们团队值得拥有。

    Tags: #java • elasticsearch • elastalert

  • dss

    Digital Signature Service : creation, extension and validation of advanced electronic signatures

    This is the official repository for project DSS :

    Tags: #java • xades • cades

  • memShell

    a webshell resides in the memory of java web server

    a webshell resides in the memory of java web server

    Tags: #java

  • AllAngleExpandableButton

    An expandable button menu that you can define expand angle and button count and so on

    • step1:Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
        allprojects {
            repositories {
                maven { url "" }
    • step2:Add the dependency:
        dependencies {
            compile 'com.github.uin3566:AllAngleExpandableButton:v1.2.0'

    Tags: #java

  • batfish

    Batfish is a network configuration analysis tool that can find bugs and guarantee the correctness of (planned or current) network configurations. It enables network engineers to rapidly and safely evolve their network, without fear of outages or security breaches.

    Batfish is a network validation tool that provides correctness guarantees for security, reliability, and compliance by analyzing the configuration of network devices. It builds complete models of network behavior from device configurations and finds violations of network policies (built-in, user-defined, and best-practices).

    A primary use case for Batfish is to validate configuration changes before deployment (though it can be used to validate deployed configurations as well). Pre-deployment validation is a critical gap in existing network automation workflows. By including Batfish in automation workflows, network engineers can close this gap and ensure that only correct changes are deployed.

    Batfish does NOT require direct access to network devices. The core analysis requires only the configuration of network devices. This analysis may be enhanced using additional information from the network such as:

    • BGP routes received from external peers
    • Topology information represented by LLDP/CDP

    See for technical information on how it works.

    Tags: #java • network • configuration

  • Hermes

    A smart, novel and easy-to-use framework for Android Inter-Process Communication (IPC). (简单易用的安卓进程间通信IPC框架)

    A smart, novel and easy-to-use framework for Android Inter-Process Communication (IPC).

    Chinese Readme 中文文档

    Hermes is a smart, novel and easy-to-use framework for Android Inter-Process Communication (IPC). In this framework, you can use IPC even if you do not understand the underneath principle of Android IPC.

    Please click HERE to see the demo.

    Also, HermesEventBus is a Hermes-and-EventBus-based library which posts events between processes.

    Note that maybe you will find that Hermes is still a little difficult to use. I have finished this library and promoted the performance. What to do for my next step is to simplify the usage, which will be released in version 0.7.0.

    Tags: #java

  • gerbil

    GERBIL - General Entity annotatoR Benchmark

    This project is a benchmarking platform for entity annotation and disambiguation tools. It also has been extended for Question Answering (see QuestionAnswering branch).

    For further information, please take a look into the wiki or visit the project home page.

    Tags: #java • benchmarking • benchmarking-framework

  • Kore

    Kore is a simple and easy-to-use Kodi remote.

    GitHub repository for the [Kore][1] Android app.

    Kore is the official remote for Kodi, and aims to be a simple and easy to use remote.

    Tags: #java • kore • kodi

  • android-PageFlip

    3D Style Page Flip on Android

    This project is aimed to implement 3D style page flip on Android system based on OpenGL 2.0.

    For JNI version, please visit: android-PageFlip-JNI

    Tags: #java • android • flip-animating

  • Shizuku-API

    The API and the developer guide for Shizuku and Sui.

    Shizuku API is the API provided by Shizuku and Sui. With Shizuku API, you can your Java codes (JNI is also supported) as the identity of root or shell (adb).

    Tags: #java • shizuku • android

  • knife

    A burp extension that add some useful function to Context Menu 添加一些右键菜单让burp用起来更顺畅



    项目简介:knife是一个Burp Suite插件,主要目的是对Burp做一些小的改进,让使用更方便。就像用一把小刀对Burp进行小小的雕刻,故名“knife”。

    项目作者:bit4woo 欢迎与我交流


    Tags: #java • burp-extensions • burpsuite-extender

  • Ghidra-Switch-Loader

    Nintendo Switch loader for Ghidra

    A loader for Ghidra supporting a variety of Nintendo Switch file formats.

    Tags: #java • ghidra • nintendo-switch

  • Mappedbus

    Mappedbus is a low latency message bus for Java microservices utilizing shared memory.

    Mappedbus was inspired by Java Chronicle with the main difference that it’s designed to efficiently support multiple writers – enabling use cases where the order of messages produced by multiple processes are important.

    The throughput (on a laptop, i7-4558U @ 2.8 GHz) between a single producer writing at full speed and a single consumer is around 14 million messages per second (a small message consisting of three integer fields), and the average read/write latency is around 70 ns per message.

    Mappedbus is a lock-free data structure.

    Mappedbus does not create any objects after startup and therefore has Zero GC impact.

    Tags: #java • ipc • memory-mapped-file

  • Aria2Android

    An Android app that allows you run aria2 on your device

    This project uses devgianlu/CommonUtils, please follow the link to setup your environment properly.

    Tags: #java • android • aria2

  • opencms-core

    The Java open source content management system by Alkacon Software

    Tags: #java

  • xmemcached

    High performance, easy to use multithreaded memcached client in java.

    • 2.4.7 released, supports MemcachedSessionComparator and resolveInetAddresses settings and tweak benchmark projects.
    • 2.4.6 released, set timeoutExceptionThreshold though XMemcachedClientFactoryBean.
    • 2.4.5 released, bug fixes.

    Tags: #java • memcached • cache

  • gAnswer

    A KBQA system based on DBpedia.

    GAnswer system is a natural language QA system developed by Institute of Computer Science & Techonology Data Management Lab, Peking University, led by Prof. Zou Lei. GAnswer is able to translate natural language questions to query graphs containing semantic information. Then, the system can further turn query graphs into standard SPARQL query, which will be executed in graph databases, in order to attain answers for the users. We apply an innovative data-driven method for semantic disambiguation. In details, while generating query graphs, we maintain multiple plans for entities and predicate mappings and we conduct semantic disambiguation in the query execution phrase according to entities and predicate matches ( incorrect mappings ).

    This is an implementation for TKDE 2018 paper Answering Natural Language Questions by Subgraph Matching over Knowledge Graphs

    **For help document, click here 中文(ZH), English

    Tags: #java • semantic-parsing • question-answering

  • docs-to-pdf-converter

    A standalone Java library/command line tool that converts DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX and ODT documents to PDF files.

    Tags: #java

  • sonar-cxx

    SonarQube C++ Community plugin (cxx plugin): This plugin adds C++ support to SonarQube with the focus on integration of existing C++ tools.

    SonarQube is an open platform to manage code quality. This plugin adds C++ support to SonarQube with the focus on integration of existing C++ tools.

    The sensors for reading reports can be used with this cxx plugin or SonarCFamily plugin.

    Tags: #java • sonarqube • plugin

  • SoftwareDesign

    Introduction to Software Design with Java

    This version of the text is no longer maintained: The material in this repository is an early draft of a manuscript that eventually matured into a finished textbook: Introduction to Software Design with Java published on July 17 2019. It is also available as an ebook on SpringerLink. This site will remain available indefinitely for use as initially licensed. The code and related resources for the book are publicly available on this GitHub repository.

    This textbook provides an in-depth introduction to software design, with a focus on object-oriented design, and using the Java programming language. Compared with other resources for learning software design, this material is intended to have the following features:

    • Concrete: The concepts presented are worked down to a level where they are directly applied in source code. For this reason, a minimum level of Java programming proficiency is necessary. It is important to note that the Java programming language is the learning tool that allows me to illustrate and discuss various design concepts: it is not the subject being taught. Learning software design in-depth requires the use of a programming language, but the knowledge gained is expected translate easily to other languages. This being said, we might as well choose a mature, free, and well-supported language. Translation of the material to use Plankalkül is left as an exercise.
    • Narrative: This text follows a narrative style that links design problems, concepts, and solutions into a cohesive package. This is in contrast to reference material such as design pattern catalogs or API documentation.
    • Foundational: To the extent possible, this material attempts to be independent from any specific technological solution, and in particular software application frameworks. Frameworks are invaluable for realistic development, but their continual evolution means that idiosyncratic knowledge required to use them has a short expectation of usefulness. Rather, this text focuses on general principles and techniques that underlie most frameworks.

    Tags: #java • lecture-material • design

  • FlycoRoundView

    A library helps Android built-in views easy and convenient to set round rectangle background and accordingly related shape resources can be reduced. 一个扩展原生控件支持圆角矩形框背景的库,可以减少相关shape资源文件使用.

    Tags: #java

  • xxl-rpc

    A high performance, distributed RPC framework.(分布式服务框架XXL-RPC)

    XXL-RPC is a high performance, distributed RPC framework.Provides a stable and high performance RPC function. Features such as “high-performance、distributed、service-registry、load-balancing、service-governance” Now, it’s already open source, real “out-of-the-box”.

    XXL-RPC 是一个分布式服务框架,提供稳定高性能的RPC远程服务调用功能。拥有”高性能、分布式、注册中心、负载均衡、服务治理”等特性。现已开放源代码,开箱即用。

    Tags: #java • rpc • distributed

  • Iris

    World Generation through a new Iris

    The master branch is for the latest version of minecraft.

    Tags: #java • plugin • bukkit

  • JavaSerialKiller

    Burp extension to perform Java Deserialization Attacks

    I am not actively updating this extension. I recommend using either,, or for exploiting Java Deserialization

    Tags: #java

  • nanoleaf-desktop

    A modern desktop application for the Nanoleaf Aurora and Canvas

    Looking for a desktop alternative to the Nanoleaf mobile app? Look no further. Now you can control your devices from your computer on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

    Tags: #java • nanoleaf • aurora

  • quickfixj

    QuickFIX/J is a full featured messaging engine for the FIX protocol (FIX versions 4.0 - 5.0SP2/FIXT1.1). It is a 100% Java open source implementation of the popular C++ QuickFIX engine.

    The Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol is a messaging standard developed specifically for the real-time electronic exchange of securities transactions. FIX is a public-domain specification owned and maintained by FIX Protocol, Ltd (FPL).

    For more information see the project website at

    Tags: #java • quickfix • quickfixj

  • header-decor

    A couple of sticky header decorations for android’s recycler view.

    This library has not been touched in a very long time and many things have changed in the android ecosystem since then. Updating and maintaining this library is not a priority at the moment.

    Tags: #java

  • jcabi-github

    Java Object-Oriented Wrapper of GitHub API, with a fake implementation of the entire GitHub API (for your tests)

    By default, the library works with Github’s API (

    import com.jcabi.github.*;
    public class Main {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        Github github = new RtGithub(".. your OAuth token ..");
        Repo repo = github.repos().get(
            new Coordinates.Simple("octocat/Hello-World")
        Issue issue = repo.issues().create("Test title", "Test description");
        issue.comments().post("My first comment!");

    Tags: #java • github • api

  • react-native-fcm

    react native module for firebase cloud messaging and local notification

    I’m not longer able to maintain this repo. check react-native-firebase instead

    Tags: #java • notifications • fcm

  • VideoListPlayer

    Play video in ListView or RecyclerView

    VideoListPlayer实现了在列表控件(ListView, RecyclerView)中加载并播放视频,并支持滑动时自动播放/暂停的功能


    注意:最低支持API 14以上

    Tags: #java • recyclerview • listview

  • SmartEngine

    SmartEngine is a lightweight business orchestration engine.

    SmartEngine is a lightweight business orchestration engine. It’s used widely in Alibaba Group. It can be used to orchestrate multiple service in microservice architecture, start/signal a process instance in a very high-performance way with low-storage cost, and also can be used in traditional process approval scenarios.

    Tags: #java

  • EsptouchForAndroid

    EspTouch is one way for Android Phone to tell the connected Router’s Ssid, Password and etc. to make IOT devices to connect to the same Router. EspTouch is developed and maintained by Espressif Corp.

    This APP is used to configure ESP devices to connect target AP.
    The devices need run smart config: esp-idf or ESP8266_RTOS_SDK

    Note: EspTouchV2 is not compatible with EspTouch

    Tags: #java

  • appcenter-sdk-android

    Development repository for the App Center SDK for Android

    App Center is your continuous integration, delivery and learning solution for Android apps. Get faster release cycles, higher-quality apps, and the insights to build what users want.

    The App Center SDK uses a modular architecture so you can use any or all of the following services:

    1. App Center Analytics: App Center Analytics helps you understand user behavior and customer engagement to improve your app. The SDK automatically captures session count, device properties like model, OS version, etc. You can define your own custom events to measure things that matter to you. All the information captured is available in the App Center portal for you to analyze the data.

    2. App Center Crashes: App Center Crashes will automatically generate a crash log every time your app crashes. The log is first written to the device’s storage and when the user starts the app again, the crash report will be sent to App Center. Collecting crashes works for both beta and live apps, i.e. those submitted to the App Store. Crash logs contain valuable information for you to help fix the crash.

    3. App Center Distribute: App Center Distribute will let your users install a new version of the app when you distribute it via the App Center. With a new version of the app available, the SDK will present an update dialog to the users to either download or postpone the new version. Once they choose to update, the SDK will start to update your application.

      Google Play considers the in-app update code as malicious behavior even if it isn’t used at runtime. Please use App Center Distribute Play instead before submitting your app to Google Play. Failure to not remove the in-app update code can lead to noncompliance and removal of the app from Google Play. See Remove in-app updates for Google Play builds documentation for details.

    4. App Center Distribute Play: App Center Distribute Play is stubbing the Distribute package’s APIs to avoid Google Play rejecting the application for malicious behavior. It must be used only for build variants which are going to be published on Google Play.

    Tags: #java • mobile-center • android

  • CompoundLayout

    It’s an Android library that allows you to use Layout as RadioButton or CheckBox.

    CompoundLayout checked state can be changed programmatically using method myCompoundLayout.setChecked(). Checked state can be retrieved using myCompoundLayout.isChecked(), and can be listened using myCompoundLayout.setOnCheckedChangeListener().

    Tags: #java

  • GestureViews

    ImageView and FrameLayout with gestures control and position animation

    • Gestures support: pan, zoom, quick scale, fling, double tap, rotation.
    • Seamless integration with ViewPager (panning smoothly turns into ViewPager flipping and vise versa).
    • View position animation (“opening” animation). Useful to animate into full image view mode.
    • Advanced animation from RecyclerView (or ListView) into ViewPager.
    • Exit full image mode by scroll and scale gestures.
    • Rounded images with animations support.
    • Image cropping (supports rotation).
    • Lots of settings.
    • Gestures listener: down (touch), up (touch), single tap, double tap, long press.
    • Custom state animation (animating position, zoom, rotation).
    • Supports both ImageView and FrameLayout out of the box, also supports custom views.

    Tags: #java • android • animation

  • CE

    Paladin Cloud is an extensible, Security-as-Code platform.

    Paladin Cloud is an extensible, Security-as-Code (SaC) platform designed to help developers and security teams reduce risks in their cloud environments. It functions as a policy management plane across multi-cloud and enterprise systems, protecting applications and data. The platform contains best practice security policies and performs continuous monitoring of cloud assets, prioritizing security violations based on severity levels to help you focus on the events that matter..

    Its resource discovery capability creates an asset inventory, then evaluates security policies against each asset. Powerful visualization enables developers to quickly identify and remediate violations on a risk-adjusted basis. An auto-fix framework provides the ability to automatically respond to policy violations by taking predefined actions.

    Paladin Cloud is more than a tool to manage cloud misconfiguration. It’s a holistic cloud security platform that can be used for continuous monitoring and reporting across any domain.

    Tags: #java

  • streampipes

    Apache StreamPipes - A self-service (Industrial) IoT toolbox to enable non-technical users to connect, analyze and explore IoT data streams.

    Tags: #java • iot • analytics

  • viritin

    The “commons” library for Vaadin developers

    Note, Attention, Alert for existing users, Maddon was recently renamed to Viritin. New Maven coordinates: org.vaadin:viritin:1.22 (or whatever the latest version). After dependency change fixing imports in broken classes should do the thing. In addition to package rename, there is one potentially breaking change. EagerValidation is now default in AbstractForm.

    Tags: #java

  • fabric8-maven-plugin

    📢 This project is migrated to 👉

    This project has been moved to . All new features would be implemented there and support for FMP would be eventually dropped.

    Tags: #java • fabric8 • kubernetes

  • apiman

    Extensible and flexible API Management. Add your own functionality with simple Java plugins.

    Apiman is a flexible and open source API Management platform.

    With just a few clicks you can get Apiman running, putting a platform at your fingertips that covers the whole API Management lifecycle. Whether you want to offer existing APIs to external consumers in a secure way, or have a centralised location to discover and govern APIs, Apiman has you covered.

    But that’s not all. Apiman is designed to be easy to customise, and you can implement your own functionality by writing simple Java plugins.

    Tags: #java • api-management • api-gateway

  • PiracyChecker

    An Android library that prevents your app from being pirated / cracked using Google Play Licensing (LVL), APK signature protection and more. API 14+ required.

    This library applies some techniques to help protect your app’s users and attempt to thwart reverse engineers and attackers. BUT, this isn’t guaranteed to stop your app from getting pirated. There is no such thing as 100% security, and a determined and skilled attacker with enough time, could remove these checks from the code. The real objective here is to raise the bar out of reach of opportunist and automatic attackers.

    Some of the techniques included in this library can be found here.

    Tags: #java • apk • signature

  • burnt

    Crunchy toasts for React Native. 🍞

    Cross-platform toasts for React Native, powered by native elements.

    Tags: #java

  • react-native-mapbox-gl

    A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps

    This repository is no longer actively maintained.

    Continued development of react-native-mapbox-gl may be found in the community driven repository at This new repository uses the latest versions of the Mapbox SDKs for iOS and Android, and contains a long range of improvements over the current one. We recommend you review the changelog for the new repository and transition to it.

    This repository will only accept PRs containing bug fixes. Any new feature development will happen in the new repository.

    Tags: #java • mapbox-gl • android

  • MiniMOTD

    Minecraft server/proxy plugin to set the server list MOTD using MiniMessage for formatting, supporting RGB colors.

    • MiniMOTD supports RGB colors and gradients through MiniMessage, which is also where MiniMOTD gets it’s name.
    • For more detailed info on formatting text, refer to the MiniMessage docs.
    • RGB colors are automatically downsampled for outdated clients.
    • RGB colors are only able to be sent by proxies and 1.16+ servers, and can only be seen by 1.16+ clients.

    Tags: #java • minecraft-plugin • bungeecord-plugin


    Accurate Species TRee ALgorithm

    Contact or post on ASTRAL issues page.

    Tags: #java

  • bazel-eclipse

    This repo holds two IDE projects. One is the Eclipse Feature for developing Bazel projects in Eclipse. The Bazel Eclipse Feature supports importing, building, and testing Java projects that are built using the Bazel build system. The other is the Bazel Java Language Server, which is a build integration for IDEs such as VS Code.

    This Git repository contains two Bazel IDE projects. They share a large amount of code and therefore live together here. Both provide IDE integrations for projects built by the Bazel build system.

    :octocat: Please do us a huge favor. If you think these projects could be useful for you, now or in the future, please hit the Star button at the top. That helps us advocate for more resources on this project. Thanks!

    These projects are supported by Salesforce.

    Tags: #java • bazel • eclipse

  • corretto-8

    Amazon Corretto 8 is a no-cost, multi-platform, production-ready distribution of OpenJDK 8

    Amazon Corretto is a no-cost, multiplatform, production-ready distribution of the Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK). Corretto is used internally at Amazon for production services. With Corretto, you can develop and run Java applications on operating systems such as Amazon Linux 2, Windows, and macOS.

    The latest binary Corretto 8 release builds can be downloaded from

    Documentation is available at

    Tags: #java

  • WanAndroid

    🔥🔥🔥组件化 + MVVM + Arouter + Jetpack + Rxjava + Retrofit + AOP等框架

    本项目基于 组件化 + MVVM + Arouter + Jetpack + Rxjava + Retrofit + AOP 等框架实现的一款开源项目。如有任何疑问或bug欢迎给我提issues,项目会一直维护下去,一起努力打造一个完美的app。 源码地址 喜欢的话,记得给个star哦!

    Tags: #java • arouter • rxjava

  • gecco

    Easy to use lightweight web crawler(易用的轻量化网络爬虫)

    Gecco is a easy to use lightweight web crawler developed with java language.Gecco integriert jsoup, httpclient, fastjson, spring, htmlunit, redission ausgezeichneten framework,Let you only need to configure a number of jQuery style selector can be very quick to write a crawler.Gecco framework has excellent scalability, the framework based on the principle of open and close design, to modify the closure, the expansion of open.At the same time Gecco is based on a very open MIT open source protocol, whether you are a user or want to jointly improve the Gecco developer, welcome to request pull.If you like the crawler framework,please star or fork!

    Tags: #java • gecco • crawler

  • haveno

    Decentralized P2P exchange built on Monero and Tor

    Haveno (pronounced ha‧ve‧no) is a platform for people who want to exchange Monero for fiat currencies like EUR, GBP and USD or other cryptocurrencies, like BTC, ETH, BCH .

    Main features:

    • All communications are routed through Tor, to preserve your privacy

    • Trades are peer-to-peer: trades on Haveno will happen between people only, there is no central authority.

    • Trades are non-custodial: Haveno provides arbitration in case something goes wrong during the trade, but we will never have access to your funds.

    • There is No token, because we don’t need it. Transactions between traders are secured by non-custodial multisignature transactions on the Monero network.

    • The revenue generated by Haveno will be managed by an entity called Council (more info soon), composed by members of the Monero/Haveno community, not the Haveno Core Team and will be used to fund Haveno and Monero development.

    See the FAQ on our website for more information.

    Tags: #java • monero • exchange

  • archive-patcher

    Automatically exported from

    Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

    Tags: #java

  • fleet

    Status and image fleet metadata management application for Docker images

    Fleet is a Docker Hub repository and image management tool for organisations (or individuals) who wish to display a list of all currently available images, along with their latest version and build status. The idea for this application was borne out of a necessity for the LinuxServer team to be able to provide a mechanism for its users to see the current build version of the images they use.

    Image information is retrieved via the Docker Hub API (v2) through a scheduled task, which runs at a given (configurable) interval. This task will synchronise all repositories owned by the user whose credentials are used to authorise the initial requests to Docker Hub. Fleet will store in memory a valid authorisation token and will reuse it until it expires, after which a new token will be requested.

    Tags: #java

  • KinectPV2

    Kinect4W 2.0 library for Processing

    Version 0.7.8

    Library is curretly on develop with the Windows SDK Version 1409 (9/16/2014)

    Library for Mac check out the OpenKinect-for-Processing library.

    Tags: #java

  • jade4j

    a pug implementation written in Java (formerly known as jade)

    In alignment with the javascript template engine we renamed jade4j to pug4j. You will find it under This is also a new release which supports almost the entire pug 2 syntax.

    Please report pug4j issues in the new repository.

    Tags: #java

  • aes-everywhere

    Aes Everywhere - Cross Language AES 256 Encryption Library (Bash, Powershell, C#, Dart, GoLang, Java, JavaScript, Lua, PHP, Python, Ruby, Swift)

    AES Everywhere is Cross Language Encryption Library which provides the ability to encrypt and decrypt data using a single algorithm in different programming languages and on different platforms.

    This is an implementation of the AES algorithm, specifically CBC mode, with 256 bits key length and PKCS7 padding. It implements OpenSSL compatible cryptography with random generated salt

    Tags: #java • aes • bash

  • eclipse-collections

    Eclipse Collections is a collections framework for Java with optimized data structures and a rich, functional and fluent API.

    Eclipse Collections is a comprehensive collections library for Java. The library enables productivity and performance by delivering an expressive and efficient set of APIs and types. The iteration protocol was inspired by the Smalltalk collection framework, and the collections are compatible with the Java Collection Framework types.

    Eclipse Collections is compatible with Java 8+. Eclipse Collections is a part of the OpenJDK Quality Outreach program, and it is validated for different versions of the OpenJDK.

    Tags: #java • eclipse-collections • java-collections

  • sonar-java

    :coffee: SonarSource Static Analyzer for Java Code Quality and Security

    To request a new feature, please create a new thread in SonarQube Community Forum. Even if you plan to implement it yourself and submit it back to the community, please start a new thread first to be sure that we can use it.

    Tags: #java • sonarqube • static-code-analysis

  • elasticsearch-prometheus-exporter

    Prometheus exporter plugin for Elasticsearch

    This is a builtin exporter from Elasticsearch to Prometheus. It collects all relevant metrics and makes them available to Prometheus via the Elasticsearch REST API.

    Currently, the available metrics are:

    • Cluster status
    • Nodes status:
      • JVM
      • Indices (global)
      • Transport
      • HTTP
      • Scripts
      • Process
      • Operating System
      • File System
      • Circuit Breaker
    • Indices status
    • Cluster settings (selected disk allocation settings only)

    Tags: #java • elasticsearch • plugin

  • discord-rpc

    Java Wrapper of the Discord-RPC Library for Discord Rich Presence.

    Java Wrapper of the Discord-RPC Library for Discord Rich Presence.

    Ever wanted to use the Discord Rich Presence API in a Java Application, but then realized that the native version is C++ only? Well, worry no more, because Vatuu’s Discord RPC is here. A complete wrapper of all functions the native Dynamic Library contains.

    Tags: #java • discord • discord-rpc

  • TextLayoutBuilder

    An Android library that allows you to build text layouts more easily.

    Build text Layouts easily on Android.

    Tags: #java

  • clue

    command line tool for Apache Lucene

    When working with Lucene, it is often useful to inspect an index.

    Luke is awesome, but often times it is not feasible to inspect an index on a remote machine using a GUI. That’s where Clue comes in. You can ssh into your production box and inspect your index using your favorite shell.

    Another important feature for Clue is the ability to interact with other Unix commands via piping, e.g. grep, more etc.

    Tags: #java

  • BetterBackdoor

    A backdoor with a multitude of features.

    A backdoor is a tool used to gain remote access to a machine.

    Typically, backdoor utilities such as NetCat have two main functions: to pipe remote input into cmd or bash and output the response. This is useful, but it is also limited. BetterBackdoor overcomes these limitations by including the ability to inject keystrokes, get screenshots, transfer files, and many other tasks.

    Tags: #java • backdoor • socket

  • mamute

    Q&A Engine

    This project makes use of the following technologies to simplify setup:

    Tags: #java

  • Negativity

    Github of Negativity, a Minecraft AntiCheat. Premium at 8€:

    A Minecraft AntiCheat for Spigot (1.7.10 to 1.19) and Sponge (more informations) (also works on fork of Spigot). It is also compatible with Bungeecord and Velocity.

    You need to put the plugin on Spigot/Sponge even if you put it on your proxy.

    Tags: #java • bungeecord • spigot

  • libretorrent

    • BitTorrent 2.0 and WebTorrent support
    • Select which files to download
    • Move files while downloading
    • Auto-move downloaded files to another folder or external drive
    • Stream files, with sequential downloads
    • Android TV
    • Material design, dark and black theme, and tablet UI
    • Customisable network, battery, and UI settings, etc.
    • 35+ translations
    • Scheduling
    • Auto-downloading, with Atom/RSS manager
    • Create torrents, with many and big files
    • HTTP\S and magnet links
    • DHT, PeX, encryption, LSD, UPnP, NAT*PMP, µTP
    • IP filtering (eMule dat and PeerGuardian)
    • Supports proxy for trackers and peers
    • Based on libtorrent4j
    • And more

    Tags: #java • freedom-torrent-client • android

  • lazydfu

    Fabric mod that makes Minecraft DataFixerUpper initialization lazy

    LazyDFU is an optimization mod that makes the initialization of DataFixerUpper “lazy” - that is, it will not immediately create the rules required to migrate data from older versions of Minecraft to newer versions until it actually needs to do so. It does not modify DFU and should be safe, but do exercise more than the usual caution.

    The premise of LazyDFU is simple: most of the time, you will not need to convert data for every version of the game. As a result, DFU rule compilation occurs later, when the game is already up and running. This means it is possible you may see lag spikes if LazyDFU forces the game to compile migration rules, but once complete there is no performance penalty.

    Tags: #java • minecraft-mod • minecraft-performance

  • Knowage-Server

    Knowage is the professional open source suite for modern business analytics over traditional sources and big data systems.

    Tags: #java • business-intelligence • analyses

  • AnimateFX

    A library of +70 ready-to-use animations for JavaFX

    A library of ready-to-use animations for JavaFX


    • Custom animations
    • Custom interpolators
    • Play/Stop animation
    • Play an animation after another
    • More to come

    Tags: #java • animation • javafx

  • prey-android-client

    Android client for the Prey anti-theft software.

    • Find your Phone or Tablet on a map through geolocation using GPS.
    • Take pictures using the built-in front and back camera.
    • Trigger a loud alarm remotely even if your phone is put on silent.
    • Display a tailored alert message on the screen.

    Tags: #java

  • fleet

    Status and image fleet metadata management application for Docker images

    Fleet is a Docker Hub repository and image management tool for organisations (or individuals) who wish to display a list of all currently available images, along with their latest version and build status. The idea for this application was borne out of a necessity for the LinuxServer team to be able to provide a mechanism for its users to see the current build version of the images they use.

    Image information is retrieved via the Docker Hub API (v2) through a scheduled task, which runs at a given (configurable) interval. This task will synchronise all repositories owned by the user whose credentials are used to authorise the initial requests to Docker Hub. Fleet will store in memory a valid authorisation token and will reuse it until it expires, after which a new token will be requested.

    Tags: #java

  • android_additive_animations

    Additive animations for Android!

    Additive animations for Android! An easy way to additively animate any property of any object, with convenient builder methods for Views.

    Get a good overview of this library here:

    Tags: #java • animation • android

  • linstor-server

    High Performance Software-Defined Block Storage for container, cloud and virtualisation. Fully integrated with Docker, Kubernetes, Openstack, Proxmox etc.

    LINSTOR® developed by LINBIT, is a software that manages replicated volumes across a group of machines. With native integration to Kubernetes, LINSTOR makes building, running, and controlling block storage simple. LINSTOR® is open-source software designed to manage block storage devices for large Linux server clusters. It’s used to provide persistent Linux block storage for cloudnative and hypervisor environments.

    Historically LINSTOR started as a resource-file generator for DRBD® which conveniently also created LVM/ZFS volumes. By time LINSTOR steadily grew and got new features and drivers in both directions, south-bound like snapshots, LUKS, dm-cache, dm-writecache or nvme, and north-bound drivers for Kubernetes, Openstack, Open Nebula, Openshift, VMware.

    Tags: #java • sds • drbd

  • ImmersivePortalsMod

    Non-Euclidean in Minecraft. See through portals and teleport seamlessly.

    It’s a minecraft mod.

    Tags: #java • minecraft-mod • portal

  • Auro

    1st Most Fastest, Latest Designed and open source Music player

    The world’s first fastest, open source Music player for Android with latest design…

    Tags: #java

  • Log4j2Scan

    Log4j2 RCE Passive Scanner plugin for BurpSuite

    This tool is only for learning, research and self-examination. It should not be used for illegal purposes. All risks arising from the use of this tool have nothing to do with me! is unable to access the interface from time to time due to the number of requests. If you are unable to scan, please try change dnslog platform from UI.

    English 简体中文

    Log4j2 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability, Passive Scan Plugin for BurpSuite.

    Support accurate hint vulnerability parameters, vulnerability location, support multi-dnslog platform extension, automatic ignore static files.

    Vulnerability detection only supports the following types for now

    • Url
    • Cookie
    • Header
    • Body(x-www-form-urlencoded, json, xml, multipart)

    Tags: #java

  • gson-fire

    A java library that adds some very useful features to Gson, like Date serializing to unix timestamp or RFC3339, method (getters) serialization, pre/post processors and many others. Check out the documentation to learn how to use it!

    This project implements some useful features missing from the extremely useful Gson project

    There is no attempt to modify any existing behavior or existing class of Gson. In fact, this project depends on Gson. The main objective is to extend Gson using TypeAdapter and TypeAdapterFactory instances to support more features.

    Tags: #java

  • react-native-zip-archive

    Zip archive utility for react-native

    Zip archive utility for react-native

    Tags: #java • unzip • android

  • ResearchStack

    An SDK for building research study apps on Android.

    ResearchStack is an SDK and UX framework for building research study apps on Android.

    Be sure to check out and the ResearchStack forum for general information and announcements about the framework.

    Tags: #java

  • luceneserver

    A high performance “thin wrapper” HTTP REST server on top of Apache Lucene

    This project provides a simple, example HTTP server on top of Apache Lucene version 6.x snapshot sources, exposing many of Lucene’s core and modules functionality efficiently over a simple REST/JSON HTTP API.

    Note that this code is all very new and likely has exciting bugs! But it’s also very fast!

    This server is running “in production” at Jira search, a simple search instance for developers to find Lucene, Solr and Tika jira issues updated in near-real-time.

    Tags: #java

  • rapidoid

    Rapidoid - Extremely Fast, Simple and Powerful Java Web Framework and HTTP Server!

    Please visit the official site:

    Tags: #java • rapidoid • webframework

  • BroadleafCommerce

    Broadleaf Commerce - Enterprise eCommerce framework based on Spring

    BroadleafCommerce is an open-source, e-commerce framework written entirely in Java on top of the Spring framework. It is targeted at facilitating the development of enterprise-class, commerce-driven sites by providing a robust data model, services and specialized tooling that take care of most of the “heavy lifting” work. To accomplish this goal, we have developed our platform based on the key feature sets required by world-class online retailers - and we’re committed to continually expanding our feature offering. We’ve also taken extra steps to guarantee interoperability with today’s enterprise by utilizing standards wherever possible and incorporating best-of-breed, open-source software libraries from the community.

    Tags: #java

  • cloudwatch_exporter

    Metrics exporter for Amazon AWS CloudWatch

    For ECS workloads, there is also an ECS exporter.

    For a different approach to CloudWatch metrics, with automatic discovery, consider Yet Another CloudWatch Exporter (YACE).

    Tags: #java

  • xxl-sso

    A distributed single-sign-on framework.(分布式单点登录框架XXL-SSO)

    XXL-SSO is a distributed single-sign-on framework. You only need to log in once to access all trusted application systems. It has “lightweight, scalable, distributed, cross-domain, Web+APP support access” features. Now, it’s already open source code, real “out-of-the-box”.

    XXL-SSO 是一个分布式单点登录框架。只需要登录一次就可以访问所有相互信任的应用系统。 拥有”轻量级、分布式、跨域、Cookie+Token均支持、Web+APP均支持”等特性。现已开放源代码,开箱即用。

    Tags: #java • sso • authorization

  • mobius

    A functional reactive framework for managing state evolution and side-effects.

    Mobius is in Production status, meaning it is used in production in Spotify Android applications, and that we consider the APIs to be stable and the implementation bug-free. We will not make backwards-compatibility-breaking changes.

    Mobius is currently built for Java 7 (because Java 8 is not fully supported on all versions of Android), hence the duplication of some concepts defined in java.util.function (see com.spotify.mobius.functions).

    When using Mobius, we recommend using Kotlin or Java 8 or later, primarily because of the improved type inference and because using lambdas greatly improves readability and conciseness of code.

    Tags: #java • android • functional-reactive-programming


    Pure java realize search engine, try to directly hit the user’s search for answers.

    Iveely is an abbreviation from I void everything, except loving you. Iveely search engine tries to directly hit the user’s search for answers,which is implemented with pure java.

    Contact me if you have any questions, Auto build here.

    Tags: #java • search-engine • ai

  • trail-android

    🚕 Simple, smooth animation for route / polylines on google maps using projections.

    1. Add jitpack to the root build.gradle file of your project at the end of repositories.
      allprojects {
       repositories {
         maven { url '' }
    2. Add the dependency
      implementation 'com.github.amalChandran:trail-android:v1.51'

    Tags: #java • android • animator

  • DriveBackupV2

    Uploads Minecraft backups to Google Drive/OneDrive or by (S)FTP

    Need help? Talk to me on Discord!

    Tags: #java • minecraft • minecraft-plugin

  • neuralnetworks

    java deep learning algorithms and deep neural networks with gpu acceleration

    Update This is a newer version of the framework, that I developed while working at ExB Research. Currently, you can build the project, but some of the tests are not working. If you want to access the previous version it’s available in the old branch.

    This is a Java implementation of some of the algorithms for training deep neural networks. GPU support is provided via the OpenCL and Aparapi. The architecture is designed with modularity, extensibility and pluggability in mind.

    Tags: #java

  • luceneserver

    A high performance “thin wrapper” HTTP REST server on top of Apache Lucene

    This project provides a simple, example HTTP server on top of Apache Lucene version 6.x snapshot sources, exposing many of Lucene’s core and modules functionality efficiently over a simple REST/JSON HTTP API.

    Note that this code is all very new and likely has exciting bugs! But it’s also very fast!

    This server is running “in production” at Jira search, a simple search instance for developers to find Lucene, Solr and Tika jira issues updated in near-real-time.

    Tags: #java

  • GithubApp

    A Github Client App with MVP architecture use Dagger2, RxJava, Retrofit, Okhttp

    Named this App to CoderPub

    1. Github is programmer’s facebook, Coder’s Pub.
    2. Coder Publish his code/mind at Github.

    This is an unofficial, open source, base on Github API Github Client on Android platform, with MVP architecture use Dagger2, RxJava, Retrofit, Okhttp…

    CoderPub 中文说明

    Tags: #java

  • AndProx

    Native Android Proxmark3 client (no root required)

    Please see for more information.

    Tags: #java • proxmark3 • android

  • RichTextFX

    Rich-text area for JavaFX

    GenericStyledArea allows one to inline custom objects into the area alongside of text. As such, it uses generics and functional programming to accomplish this task in a completely type-safe way.

    It has the following parameter types:

    • PS, the paragraph style. This can be used for text alignment or setting the background color for the entire paragraph. A paragraph is either one line when text wrap is off or a long text displayed over multiple lines in a narrow viewport when text wrap is on.
    • SEG, the segment object. This specifies what immutable object to store in the model part of the area: text, hyperlinks, images, emojis, or any combination thereof.
    • S, the segment style. This can be used for text and object styling. Usually, this will be a CSS style or CSS style class.

    Functional programming via lambdas specify how to apply styles, how to create a Node for a given segment, and how to operate on a given segment (e.g., getting its length, combining it with another segment, etc.).

    GenericStyledArea is used in the Rich-text demo.

    See the wiki for a basic pattern that one must follow to implement custom objects correctly.

    Tags: #java • javafx • rich-text-editor

  • portfolio

    A simple tool to calculate the overall performance of an investment portfolio.

    Portfolio Performance calculates the overall performance of your investment portfolio.

    Tags: #java • eclipse • investment-portfolio

  • Oblique

    With Oblique explore new styles of displaying images

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.2, click here for the full license.

    Tags: #java • image-processing • image

  • countly-sdk-android

    Countly Product Analytics Android SDK

    This repository contains the Countly Android SDK, which can be integrated into Android applications. The Countly Android SDK is intended to be used with Countly Community Edition or Countly Enterprise Edition.

    Tags: #java • android-sdk • crash

  • castlemock

    Castle Mock is a web application that provides the functionality to mock out RESTful APIs and SOAP web services.

    Castle Mock can create mocked services based on WSDL, WADL, Swagger and RAML definition files. The web-services defined within the files will be mocked automatically by Castle Mock. Once the mocks for the web-services are created, they can be configured to mock the service or forward the request to the original endpoint. The response from the forwarded requests can be recorded automatically and used to create new mocked responses.

    Castle Mock is completely free and open source (Apache License). It is built with Java and the application itself is deployed to an Apache Tomcat server.

    Tags: #java • rest-api • restful-api

  • - The open source ticket reservation system for conferences, trade shows, workshops, meetups

    As the work for v2 has started, this branch may contain unstable and untested code. If you want to build and deploy by yourself, we strongly suggest you to use the 2.0-M4-maintenance branch, as it contains production-ready code.

    Tags: #java • alfio • event

  • AnimateFX

    A library of +70 ready-to-use animations for JavaFX

    A library of ready-to-use animations for JavaFX


    • Custom animations
    • Custom interpolators
    • Play/Stop animation
    • Play an animation after another
    • More to come

    Tags: #java • animation • javafx

  • ANR-WatchDog

    A simple watchdog that detects Android ANR (Application Not Responding) error and throws a meaningful exception

    1. In the app/build.gradle file, add:

      implementation 'com.github.anrwatchdog:anrwatchdog:1.4.0'
    2. In your application class, in onCreate, add:

      new ANRWatchDog().start();

    Tags: #java

  • smart-doc

    Smart-doc is a java restful api document generation tool. Smart-doc is based on interface source code analysis to generate interface documentation, completely zero-injection.

    smart-doc is a tool that supports both JAVA REST API and Apache Dubbo RPC interface document generation. Smart-doc is based on interface source code analysis to generate interface documents, and zero annotation intrusion. You only need to write Javadoc comments when developing, smart-doc can help you generate Markdown or HTML5 document. smart-doc does not need to inject annotations into the code like Swagger.

    quick start

    Tags: #java

  • libgdx-inGameConsole

    This is a libGDX library that allows a developer to add a console (similar to how it is featured in Source games) to their game. Check out the changelog at my website!

    Tags: #java • libgdx • game

  • ytk-learn

    • Supports most of operating systems: Linux, Mac OS, Windows
    • Supports various platforms: single machine, common cluster, hadoop, spark
    • Supports local file system and hdfs file system
    • Provides uniform file system interface and can be applied to other file systems easily.
    • Provides user friendly codes for online prediction.
    • Without complex installation, only needs Java SE Runtime Environment 8 installation.

    For more details, refer to features

    Tags: #java • machine-learning • distributed

  • ratpack

    Lean & powerful HTTP apps

    Ratpack is a simple, capable, toolkit for creating high performance web applications.

    Ratpack is built on Java and the Netty event-driven networking engine. The API is optimized for Groovy and Java 8.

    Optional Google Guice integration provides a foundation for scaling your application in size in a managed way.

    Optional Gradle build time support makes building and testing applications a breeze.

    Tags: #java

  • logisim-evolution

    Digital logic design tool and simulator

    Tags: #java • logisim-evolution • education

  • Singularity

    Scheduler (HTTP API and webapp) for running Mesos tasks—long running processes, one-off tasks, and scheduled jobs. #hubspot-open-source

    Singularity is an API and web application for running and scheduling Apache Mesos tasks — including long running processes, scheduled jobs, and one-off tasks.

    It focuses on a batteries-included approach: Singularity and its components provide an entire Platform as a Service (PaaS) to end-users. It has many features which have been introduced to reduce developer friction and ensure proper operation and reliable deployment of tasks. Users may even be unfamiliar with and shielded from the details of Mesos.

    For a more thorough explanation of the concepts behind Singularity and Mesos click here.

    Tags: #java • mesos

  • dexcount-gradle-plugin

    A Gradle plugin to report the number of method references in your APK on every build.

    The plugin is available from the Gradle Plugin Portal under the ID com.getkeepsafe.dexcount, and from Maven Central under the coordinates com.getkeepsafe.dexcount:dexcount-gradle-plugin:3.1.0.

    Snapshot builds are available from the Sonatype Snapshot Repository at

    Dexcount requires Java 8 or higher, Gradle 6.0 or higher, and Android Gradle Plugin 3.4.0 or higher.

    Tags: #java • android • gradle

  • AndroidInstantVideo

    展现Android硬编码下的视频数据流动,可以对视频做处理,例如加滤镜,加水印等,做直播推流(用RTMP)。 Show the stream of Android video hardware encode, including video processing and video publishing by RTMP.


    本项目主要是为了展现Android使用硬编码下的视频数据流动,目前完成了H264和AAC编码以及对视频帧的图像处理,以及RTMP直播推流。欢迎Fork和Pull Request。

    English README

    感谢以下项目 LibRtmp-Client-for-Android

    Tags: #java • android • opengl

  • java-aes-crypto

    A simple Android class for encrypting & decrypting strings, aiming to avoid the classic mistakes that most such classes suffer from.

    Here are the features of this class. We believe that these properties are consistent with what a lot of people are looking for when encrypting Strings in Android.

    • Works for strings: It should encrypt arbitrary strings or byte arrays. This means it needs to effectively handle multiple blocks (CBC) and partial blocks (padding). It consistently serializes and deserializes ciphertext, IVs, and key material using base64 to make it easy to store.
    • Algorithm & Mode: We chose: AES 128, CBC, and PKCS5 padding. We would have picked GCM for its built-in integrity checking, but that’s only available since Android Jelly Bean.
    • IV Handling: We securely generate a random IV before each encryption and provide a simple class to keep the IV and ciphertext together so they’re easy to keep track of and store. We set the IV and then request it back from the Cipher class for compatibility across various Android versions.
    • Key generation: Random key generation with the updated generation code recommended for Android. If you want password-based keys, we provide functions to salt and generate them.
    • Integrity: Lots of people think AES has integrity checking built in. The thinking goes, “if it decrypts correctly, it was generated by the person with the private key”. Actually, AES CBC allows an attacker to modify the messages. Therefore, we’ve also added integrity checking in the form of a SHA 256 hash.
    • Older Phones: It’s designed for backward compatibility with older phones, including ciphers that are available for most versions of Android as well as entropy fixes for old Android bugs.

    Tags: #java

  • strongbox

    Strongbox is an artifact repository manager.

    Strongbox is a modern OSS artifact repository manager. With a well-developed architecture, it provides native implementations for various layout formats, such as [Maven][docs-maven], [NPM][docs-npm], [NuGet][docs-nuget], and [Raw][docs-raw].

    All of the implemented layout formats (a.k.a. “[layout providers][docs-providers]”) are written natively in Java. Our goal is to implement a universal repository manager that can host and serve artifacts in every mainstream format.

    Strongbox has a search engine and an [Artifact Query Language][docs-aql].

    Tags: #java • artifact-repository-manager • maven

  • react-native-image-resizer

    🗻 Resize local images with React Native

    ⚠ Warning Since version 3.0.0 this library has been moved from react-native-image-resizer to

    Tags: #java • react-native • android

  • OpenMemories-Tweak

    Unlock your Sony camera’s settings

    An app to unlock settings on your Sony camera.

    • Remove the 30min video recording limit
    • Unlock the language menu
    • Disable the NTSC nag screen
    • For developers: Enable telnet and adb daemons

    Tags: #java

  • RxFirebase

    Rxjava 2.0 wrapper on Google’s Android Firebase library.

    Rxjava 2.0 wrapper on Google’s Android Firebase library.

    This repository started as a personal usage of Nick Moskalenko RxFirebase library. You can check his work here.

    Tags: #java • firebase • rxfirebase

  • ReplicaDB

    ReplicaDB is open source tool for database replication, designed for efficiently transferring bulk data between relational and non-relational databases

    Because I have not found any tool that covers my needs:

    • Open Source.
    • Java based cross-platform solution, compatible with Linux, Windows, and MacOS.
    • Any database engine SQL, NoSQL, or other persistent stores like CSV, Amazon S3, or Kafka.
    • Simple architecture, just a command line tool that can run on any server (including my laptop), without any remote agents in the databases.
    • Good performance for a large amount of data.
    • I do not need streaming replication or a pure change data capture (CDC) system that requires installation in the source database.

    I have reviewed and tested other open source tools and none of them meets all the above requirements:

    • SymetricDS: It was the best option of all, but I was looking for a smaller solution, mainly focused on performance. SymmetricDS is intrusive since installs database triggers that capture data changes in a data capture table. This table requires maintenance. SymmetricDS is more like a CDC system based on triggers.
    • Sqoop: Sqoop is what I was looking for, but oh! it is only valid for Hadoop.
    • Pentaho and Talend: Both are very complete ETL tools, but for each of the different source and sink tables that I have to replicate, I should do a custom development

    Tags: #java • fast • nosql-databases

  • LGoodDatePicker

    Java Swing Date Picker. Easy to use, good looking, nice features, and localized. Uses the JSR-310 standard.

    Java Swing Date Picker. Easy to use, good looking, nice features, and localized. Uses the JSR-310 standard.

    Tags: #java

  • triumph-gui

    Simple lib to create inventory GUIs for Bukkit platforms.

    👤 TriumphTeam

    • Documentation: 🚧 work in progress
    • Maven Central:
    • Github: @ipsk

    Tags: #java • bukkit • spigot

  • com.lampa.startapp

    Phonegap plugin for check or launch other application in android device.

    Phonegap plugin for check or launch other application, get extras in phonegap app.

    Last version 6.1.6

    • Add support java 1.6
    • Add support java 1.7
    • Add full support activityForResult, sendBroadcast and RegisterReceiver.
    • Add types of extras.

    Tags: #java • phonegap • startapp

  • jersey

    Eclipse Jersey Project - Read our Wiki:

    Jersey is a REST framework that provides JAX-RS Reference Implementation and more. Jersey provides its own [APIs][jersey-api] that extend the JAX-RS toolkit with additional features and utilities to further simplify RESTful service and client development. Jersey also exposes numerous extension SPIs so that developers may extend Jersey to best suit their needs.

    Goals of Jersey project can be summarized in the following points:

    • Track the JAX-RS API and provide regular releases of production quality Reference Implementations that ships with GlassFish;
    • Provide APIs to extend Jersey & Build a community of users and developers; and finally
    • Make it easy to build RESTful Web services utilising Java and the Java Virtual Machine.

    Tags: #java

  • mongodb-file-server

    MongoDB File Server is a file server system based on MongoDB. 基于 MongoDB 的文件服务器。

    MongoDB File Server is a file server system based on MongoDB. MongoDB File Server is committed to the storage of small files, such as pictures in the blog, ordinary documents and so on.

    It’s using some very popular technology like:

    • MongoDB 3.6.4
    • Spring Boot 2.0.3.RELEASE
    • Spring Data MongoDB 2.0.8.RELEASE
    • Spring 5.0.7.RELEASE
    • Thymeleaf 3.0.9.RELEASE
    • Thymeleaf Layout Dialect 2.2.0
    • Embedded MongoDB 2.0.2
    • Gradle 4.5.1

    基于 MongoDB 的文件服务器。MongoDB File Server 致力于小型文件的存储,比如博客中图片、普通文档等。由于MongoDB 支持多种数据格式的存储,对于二进制的存储自然也是不话下,所以可以很方便的用于存储文件。由于 MongoDB 的 BSON 文档对于数据量大小的限制(每个文档不超过16M),所以本文件服务器主要针对的是小型文件的存储。对于大型文件的存储(比如超过16M),MongoDB 官方已经提供了成熟的产品 GridFS,读者朋友可以自行了解。

    本文不会对 MongoDB 的概念、基本用法做过多的介绍,有兴趣的朋友可自行查阅其他文献,比如,笔者所著的《分布式系统常用技术及案例分析》一书,对 MongoDB 方面也有所着墨。

    Tags: #java • file-server • mongodb

  • AnimateFX

    A library of +70 ready-to-use animations for JavaFX

    A library of ready-to-use animations for JavaFX


    • Custom animations
    • Custom interpolators
    • Play/Stop animation
    • Play an animation after another
    • More to come

    Tags: #java • animation • javafx

  • springdoc-openapi

    Library for OpenAPI 3 with spring-boot

    Tags: #java • openapi3 • spring-boot

  • prey-android-client

    Android client for the Prey anti-theft software.

    • Find your Phone or Tablet on a map through geolocation using GPS.
    • Take pictures using the built-in front and back camera.
    • Trigger a loud alarm remotely even if your phone is put on silent.
    • Display a tailored alert message on the screen.

    Tags: #java

  • Daedalus

    No root required Android DNS modifier and Hosts/DNSMasq resolver.

    No root required Android DNS modifier and Hosts/DNSMasq resolver.

    Tags: #java • dns-proxy • android

  • Oblique

    With Oblique explore new styles of displaying images

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.2, click here for the full license.

    Tags: #java • image-processing • image

  • mapper

    MyBatis Mapper

    基于 mybatis-mapper/provider( gitee | GitHub ) 实现的通用 Mapper。


    Tags: #java

  • testng

    TestNG testing framework

    Tags: #java • testng • testing

  • BaRMIe

    Java RMI enumeration and attack tool.

    BaRMIe is a tool for enumerating and attacking Java RMI (Remote Method Invocation) services.

    RMI services often expose dangerous functionality without adequate security controls, however RMI services tend to pass under the radar during security assessments due to the lack of effective testing tools. In 2008 Adam Boulton spoke at AppSec USA (YouTube) and released some RMI attack tools which disappeared soon after, however even with those tools a successful zero-knowledge attack relies on a significant brute force attack (~64-bits/9 quintillion possibilities) being performed over the network.

    The goal of BaRMIe is to enable security professionals to identify, attack, and secure insecure RMI services. Using partial RMI interfaces from existing software, BaRMIe can interact directly with those services without first brute forcing 64-bits over the network.

    Download the latest version build and ready to run here:

    Tags: #java

  • cicada

    🚀 Fast lightweight HTTP service framework.

    Fast, lightweight Web framework based on Netty; without too much dependency, and the core jar package is only 30KB.

    If you are interested, please click Star.

    Tags: #java • http • netty4

  • analytics-android

    The hassle-free way to add analytics to your Android app.

    1. Collect analytics data from your app(s).
      • The top 200 Segment companies collect data from 5+ source types (web, mobile, server, CRM, etc.).
    2. Send the data to analytics tools (for example, Google Analytics, Amplitude, Mixpanel).
      • Over 250+ Segment companies send data to eight categories of destinations such as analytics tools, warehouses, email marketing and remarketing systems, session recording, and more.
    3. Explore your data by creating metrics (for example, new signups, retention cohorts, and revenue generation).
      • The best Segment companies use retention cohorts to measure product market fit. Netflix has 70% paid retention after 12 months, 30% after 7 years.

    Segment collects analytics data and allows you to send it to more than 250 apps (such as Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Optimizely, Facebook Ads, Slack, Sentry) just by flipping a switch. You only need one Segment code snippet, and you can turn integrations on and off at will, with no additional code. Sign up with Segment today.

    Tags: #java

  • react-native-twilio-video-webrtc

    Twilio Video (WebRTC) for React Native


    • iOS
    • Android

    People using a version < 1.0.1 please move to 1.0.1 since the project changed a lot internally to support the stable TwilioVideo version.

    Tags: #java • webrtc • twilio-video

  • Android-Carbon-Forum

    Android Client for Carbon Forum with Material Design.

    Android Client for Carbon Forum with Material Design.

    Tags: #java • carbon-forum • android-app

  • Unexpected_information

    Unexpected information 是用于标记请求包中的一些敏感信息、JS接口和一些特殊字段的BurpSuite 插件。

    Author: xiaowei
    Team: Timeline Sec

    最近写了一个BurpSuite Extensions用来标记请求包中的一些敏感信息、JS接口和一些特殊字段,防止我们疏忽了一些数据包,我将它命名为“Unexpected information”,使用它可能会有意外的收获信息。

    Tags: #java

  • dst-admin

    Steam平台的Don’t Starve Together 饥荒联机版管理后台

    dst-admin is the Don’t Starve Together Management System, it is a web program written in Java language, which is powerful, convenient and simple to use, and reduces the difficulty of server construction

    Tags: #java • dst-admin • steam

  • react-native-sqlite-storage

    SQLite3 Native Plugin for React Native for both Android (Classic and Native), iOS and Windows

    Foundation of this library is based on Chris Brody’s Cordova SQLite plugin.


    1. iOS and Android supported via identical JavaScript API.
    2. Android in pure Java and Native modes
    3. SQL transactions
    4. JavaScript interface via plain callbacks or Promises.
    5. Pre-populated SQLite database import from application bundle and sandbox
    6. Windows supports callback API, identical to iOS and Android

    There are sample apps provided in test directory that can be used in with the AwesomeProject generated by React Native. All you have to do is to copy one of those files into your AwesomeProject replacing index.ios.js.

    Please let me know your projects that use these SQLite React Native modules. I will list them in the reference section. If there are any features that you think would benefit this library please post them.

    The library has been tested with React 16.2 (and earlier) and XCode 7,8,9 - it works fine out of the box without any need for tweaks or code changes. For XCode 7,8 vs. XCode 6 the only difference is that sqlite ios library name suffix is tbd instead of dylib.

    Version 3.2 is the first version compatible with RN 0.40.

    Tags: #java

  • jd-cli

    Command line Java Decompiler

    The jd-cli is a simple command line wrapper around JD Core Java Decompiler project.

    Tags: #java

  • aws-toolkit-eclipse

    AWS Toolkit for Eclipse – an open-source plugin for developing, deploying, and managing AWS applications.

    The Eclipse plugins included in the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse.

    Tags: #java • eclipse • dynamodb

  • clarity

    Comically fast Dota 2 & CSGO replay parser written in Java.

    Clarity is a parser for Dota 2 and CSGO replay files, written in Java.

    Tags: #java

  • otroslogviewer

    Log viewer focused on developers work

    Useful software for analysing applications logs and traces.

    Tags: #java

  • MiDaS

    Code for robust monocular depth estimation described in “Ranftl et. al., Towards Robust Monocular Depth Estimation: Mixing Datasets for Zero-shot Cross-dataset Transfer, TPAMI 2022”

    This repository contains code to compute depth from a single image. It accompanies our paper:

    Towards Robust Monocular Depth Estimation: Mixing Datasets for Zero-shot Cross-dataset Transfer
    René Ranftl, Katrin Lasinger, David Hafner, Konrad Schindler, Vladlen Koltun

    and our preprint:

    Vision Transformers for Dense Prediction
    René Ranftl, Alexey Bochkovskiy, Vladlen Koltun

    MiDaS was trained on 10 datasets (ReDWeb, DIML, Movies, MegaDepth, WSVD, TartanAir, HRWSI, ApolloScape, BlendedMVS, IRS) with multi-objective optimization. The original model that was trained on 5 datasets (MIX 5 in the paper) can be found here.

    Tags: #java • monocular-depth-estimation • single-image-depth-prediction

  • Secured-Preference-Store

    A cryptography library and a SharedPreferences wrapper for Android that encrypts the content with 256 bit AES encryption. The Encryption key is securely stored in device’s KeyStore.

    A SharedPreferences wrapper for Android that encrypts the content with 256 bit AES encryption. The Encryption key is securely stored in device’s KeyStore. You can also use the EncryptionManager class to encrypt & decrypt data out of the box.

    Tags: #java • encryption • encrypted-store

  • triumph-gui

    Simple lib to create inventory GUIs for Bukkit platforms.

    👤 TriumphTeam

    • Documentation: 🚧 work in progress
    • Maven Central:
    • Github: @ipsk

    Tags: #java • bukkit • spigot

  • fabric

    Essential hooks for modding with Fabric.

    Essential hooks and patches for modding with Fabric.

    Tags: #java • fabric • minecraft

  • mes

    qcadoo MES - friendly web manufacturing software

    qcadoo MES is an Internet application for production management targeted at small and medium companies.It combines the functions of large ERP systems, adapting it to the specific character of Small and Medium Companies.

    Tags: #java • web-application • manufacturing

  • mamute

    Q&A Engine

    This project makes use of the following technologies to simplify setup:

    Tags: #java

  • speedment

    Speedment is a Stream ORM Java Toolkit and Runtime

    Assuming you have Maven installed and a relational database available, you can start using Speedment in a minute:

    Tags: #java • database • stream

  • universal-java-matrix-package

    A Java Library for sparse and dense matrices, linear algebra, visualization and big data

    A Java library for sparse and dense matrices, linear algebra, visualization and big data

    Tags: #java

  • Leonids

    A Particle System for standard Android UI:

    Leonids is available in jcenter as well as a jar file to fit both Android Studio and Eclipse.

    Tags: #java

  • core

    Source Code for dotCMS Headless/Hybrid Content Management System

    dotCMS comes in multiple editions and as such is dual licensed. The dotCMS Community Edition is licensed under the GPL 3.0 and is freely available for download, customization and deployment for use within organizations of all stripes. dotCMS Enterprise Editions (EE) adds a number of enterprise features and is available via a supported, indemnified commercial license from dotCMS. For the differences between the editions, see the feature page.

    Tags: #java • dotcms • cloud

  • ImmersivePortalsMod

    Non-Euclidean in Minecraft. See through portals and teleport seamlessly.

    It’s a minecraft mod.

    Tags: #java • minecraft-mod • portal

  • react-native-contacts

    React Native Contacts

    getAll is a database intensive process, and can take a long time to complete depending on the size of the contacts list. Because of this, it is recommended you access the getAll method before it is needed, and cache the results for future use.

    import Contacts from 'react-native-contacts';
    Contacts.getAll().then(contacts => {
      // contacts returned

    See the full API for more methods.

    Tags: #java • react-native • react-native-component

  • kairosdb

    Fast scalable time series database

    Documentation is found here.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Tags: #java • kairosdb • timeseries-database

  • multi-model-server

    Multi Model Server is a tool for serving neural net models for inference

    Tags: #java • mxnet • deep-learning

  • OnJava8-Examples

    Code Examples for the book “On Java 8”

    If you want to experiment with the code examples from the book On Java 8, you’re in the right place.

    These examples are automatically extracted directly from the book. This repository includes tests to verify that the code in the book is correct.

    NOTE: Do not attempt to use JDK 16 or greater with gradle. This produces a BUG! message from Gradle, which is broken for those versions.

    Tags: #java

  • jnr-fuse

    FUSE implementation in Java using Java Native Runtime (JNR)

    The main goal of the project is to provide an easy way to create a high-performance filesystem in userspace.

    Tags: #java • jnr • fuse

  • LandscapeVideoCamera

    Powerful custom Android Camera with granular control over the video quality and filesize, restricting recordings to landscape only.

    This library provides a full and reusable custom camera, which:

    • Forces the users to rotate their device to landscape
    • Allows to specify the filename, or have the library generate one for you
    • Allows very granular control over the capture settings:
      • Resolution
      • Bitrate
      • Max filesize
      • Max video duration
      • audio/video codec
      • switch between front and rear facing camera

    Tags: #java

  • phrasal

    A large-scale statistical machine translation system written in Java.

    Phrasal is licensed under the GPL (v3+). For details, please see the file LICENSE.txt in the root directory of this software package.

    Copyright (c) 2007-2016 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved.

    Tags: #java • java-nlp • statistical-machine-translation

  • Knowage-Server

    Knowage is the professional open source suite for modern business analytics over traditional sources and big data systems.

    Tags: #java • business-intelligence • analyses

  • SiliCompressor

    A powerful, flexible and easy to use Video and Image compression library for Android.

    A powerful, flexible and easy to use Video and Image compression library for Android.


    Tags: #java • compressor • android

  • BetaMindy

    A java mod of Mindustry, made for testing and doing chaotic fun.

    A java mod for testing and doing chaotic fun.
    혼돈의 카오스의 모드.
    Java мод для тестирования и хаотичного веселья.
    Check planned features/known bugs in the Trello before suggesting content/improvements or submitting bugs!

    Tags: #java • mindustry-mod • mindustry-mod-v7

  • android-backup-extractor

    Android backup extractor

    Requires Java 11. Handling encrypted backups requires the JCE unlimited strength jurisdiction policy (not needed if using current Java 9 release).

    Use one of the tools listed below to build or see Releases for pre-built binaries (runnable jar files).

    Tags: #java

  • Concurnas

    Concurnas is an open source JVM programming language designed for building reliable, scalable, high performance concurrent, distributed and parallel systems

    Concurnas is an open source programming language designed for building reliable, scalable, high performance concurrent, distributed and parallel systems

    Tags: #java

  • JNDI-Injection-Exploit

    Materials about JNDI Injection



    Tags: #java

  • sockslib

    A Java library of SOCKS5 protocol including client and server

    SocksLib is a Java library for SOCKS5 protocol.

    See Java API Documentation

    See Wiki Page (Chinese)

    If you are looking for a SOCKS5 server instead of a SOKCS5 library, I hope Esocks can help you.

    Tags: #java

  • watchdog-framework

    :beers: 【新版计划中】基于SpringBoot+Shiro+Mybatis等开发的轻量级管理系统快速开发脚手架

    watchdog-framework基于SpringBoot+Shiro+Mybatis+Mybatis-Plus+HikariCP+Redis+Vue+iView等开发的轻量级管理系统快速开发脚手架,拥有角色、用户、资源管理、权限数据同步更新等功能,并此项目会进行持续更新升级,欢迎使用,若对您有帮助请点击上方的star :beers: 。

    Tags: #java • spring-boot • mybatis

  • nfcgate

    An NFC research toolkit application for Android

    This application was developed for security research purposes by students of the TU Darmstadt, Secure Mobile Networking Lab. Please do not use this application for malicious purposes.

    This application was presented at WiSec 2015. The extended Abstract (slightly outdated by now) and poster (pretty up-to-date) can be found on the website of one of the authors. It was also presented in a brief Lightning Talk at the Chaos Communication Camp 2015.

    Tags: #java • nfc • android-nfc

  • fabric

    Essential hooks for modding with Fabric.

    Essential hooks and patches for modding with Fabric.

    Tags: #java

  • ForestryMC

    Source code for Forestry (Minecraft mod).

    Forestry is a modification for the game Minecraft and known primarily for its farms and bees.

    Tags: #java

  • esp-idf-provisioning-android

    Android Provisioning application for ESP-IDF Unified provisioning

    Provisioning library provides a mechanism to send network credentials and/or custom data to ESP32 (or its variants like S2, S3, C3, etc.) or ESP8266 devices.

    This repository contains the source code for the companion Android app for this provisioning mechanism. To get this app please clone this repository using the below command:

     git clone

    Tags: #java

  • excel-streaming-reader

    An easy-to-use implementation of a streaming Excel reader using Apache POI

    If you’ve used Apache POI in the past to read in Excel files, you probably noticed that it’s not very memory efficient. Reading in an entire workbook will cause a severe memory usage spike, which can wreak havoc on a server.

    There are plenty of good reasons for why Apache has to read in the whole workbook, but most of them have to do with the fact that the library allows you to read and write with random addresses. If (and only if) you just want to read the contents of an Excel file in a fast and memory effecient way, you probably don’t need this ability. Unfortunately, the only thing in the POI library for reading a streaming workbook requires your code to use a SAX-like parser. All of the friendly classes like Row and Cell are missing from that API.

    This library serves as a wrapper around that streaming API while preserving the syntax of the standard POI API. Read on to see if it’s right for you.

    NOTE: This library only supports reading XLSX files.

    Tags: #java

  • A-Pathfinding-Visualization

    First attempt at an efficient pathfinding algorithm in Java. I made this visualization to show the beauty of pathfinding. You can modify all major features of my algorithm through the graphics interface.

    This is my first attempt at A* pathfinding. I made this visualization to show the beauty of pathfinding. You can modify all major features of my algorithm through the graphics interface. Here I will go through the major features of my program.

    Tags: #java

  • nutz

    Nutz – Web Framework(Mvc/Ioc/Aop/Dao/Json) for ALL Java developer

    在力所能及的情况下,最大限度的提高 Java 开发人员的生产力。

    Talk is cheap. Show me the code!!


    完整的Mvc,Ioc,Dao,Aop, 快速开发Web/桌面/嵌入式应用,无强制依赖

    Tags: #java • nutz • orm

  • xxl-crawler

    A distributed web crawler framework.(分布式爬虫框架XXL-CRAWLER)

    XXL-CRAWLER is a distributed web crawler framework. One line of code develops a distributed crawler. Features such as “multithreaded、asynchronous、dynamic IP proxy、distributed、javascript-rendering”.

    XXL-CRAWLER 是一个分布式爬虫框架。一行代码开发一个分布式爬虫,拥有”多线程、异步、IP动态代理、分布式、JS渲染”等特性;

    Tags: #java • crawler • web

  • s3s3mirror

    Mirror one S3 bucket to another S3 bucket, or to/from the local filesystem.

    I started with “s3cmd sync” but found that with buckets containing many thousands of objects, it was incredibly slow to start and consumed massive amounts of memory. So I designed s3s3mirror to start copying immediately with an intelligently chosen “chunk size” and to operate in a highly-threaded, streaming fashion, so memory requirements are much lower.

    Running with 100 threads, I found the gating factor to be how fast I could list items from the source bucket (!?!) Which makes me wonder if there is any way to do this faster. I’m sure there must be, but this is pretty damn fast.

    Tags: #java

  • aws-cf-templates

    Free Templates for AWS CloudFormation

    Find the documentation for the latest stable release here:

    Find the documentation for the unstable master branch here:

    Are you in need of a feature or does a bug cause you sleepless nights? Please let us know by using the project’s issue tracker.

    Tags: #java • aws-cloudformation • cloudformation-template

  • tcMenu

    A menu library and designer UI for Arduino and mbed that is modular enough to support different input methods, display modules and IoT / remote control methods. TcMenu is more than just an Arduino menu library, think of it as a framework for building IoT applications that includes the ability to render menus locally onto a display.

    Initially, you can use the menu designer UI that is packaged with every release, and available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. The designer UI takes care of building the core menu code and putting any callback functions into your sketch file. Think of the designer like a form designer in the desktop domain. Furthermore, It’s non destructive on the sketch file, so can be round tripped during development. invest a lot of time and resources into making this open source product which is used by literally thousands of users. We don’t presently sell hardware or have any other income streams from it, we ask that especially commercial users consider making a voluntary contribution to help keep us going using the sponsor button.

    In any fork, please ensure all text up to here is left unaltered.

    Tags: #java • arduino • menu

  • AndrOBD

    Android OBD diagnostics with any ELM327 adapter

    • FAQ - Frequently asked questions

    • Wiki - AndrOBD knowledge database

    Tags: #java • obd • diagnostics

  • XmlToJson

    Android Library for converting XML to JSON and JSON to XML

    XML to JSON is an Android Studio Library which converts easily XML to JSON and JSON to XML.

    It is fully configurable so that you can change for example attribute names.

    It is easy to integrate with gradle.

    Tags: #java

  • HTTP-Proxy-Servlet

    Smiley’s HTTP Proxy implemented as a Java servlet

    The following is a list of parameters that can be configured

    • log: A boolean parameter name to enable logging of input and target URLs to the servlet log.
    • forwardip: A boolean parameter name to enable forwarding of the client IP
    • preserveHost: A boolean parameter name to keep HOST parameter as-is
    • preserveCookies: A boolean parameter name to keep COOKIES as-is
    • http.protocol.handle-redirects: A boolean parameter name to have auto-handle redirects
    • http.socket.timeout: A integer parameter name to set the socket connection timeout (millis)
    • A integer parameter name to set the socket read timeout (millis)
    • http.connectionrequest.timeout: A integer parameter name to set the connection request timeout (millis)
    • http.maxConnections: A integer parameter name to set max connection number
    • useSystemProperties: A boolean parameter whether to use JVM-defined system properties to configure various networking aspects.
    • targetUri: The parameter name for the target (destination) URI to proxy to.

    Tags: #java

  • js-graphql-intellij-plugin

    GraphQL language support for WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA and other IDEs based on the IntelliJ Platform.

    GraphQL language support for WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA and other IDEs based on the IntelliJ Platform.

    Tags: #java • graphql • webstorm

  • dyn4j

    Java Collision Detection and Physics Engine

    A 100% Java 2D collision detection and physics engine. Designed to be fast, stable, extensible, and easy to use. dyn4j is free for use in commercial and non-commercial applications.

    The project is comprised of the main project and tests managed here and two others:

    • dyn4j-samples A collection of samples to help get started
    • dyn4j-sandbox A non-trivial desktop application that allows users to build scenes, run, save, and load them - all built with dyn4j as the simulation engine.

    Tags: #java • dyn4j • physics-engine

  • AnimeWallpaper

    [Android] Konachan wallpaper downloader

    see releases

    Build Environment

    Android Studio 2.0 or higher


    Tags: #java • android • konachan

  • Graywater

    An Android library for decomposing RecyclerView layouts to improve scroll performance.

    Graywater is a RecyclerView adapter that facilitates the performant decomposition of complex and varied list items. It does this by mapping large data models to multiple viewholders, splitting the work needed to create a complex list item over multiple frames.

    The concept is based off of Facebook’s post on a faster news feed and Components for Android, which have been realized as Litho.

    Tumblr developed Graywater to improve scroll performance, reduce memory usage, and lay the foundation for a more modular codebase.

    The name “Graywater” comes from the process of recycling water.

    Tags: #java • android • android-library

  • pravega

    Pravega - Streaming as a new software defined storage primitive

    Pravega is an open source distributed storage service implementing Streams. It offers Stream as the main primitive for the foundation of reliable storage systems: a high-performance, durable, elastic, and unlimited append-only byte stream with strict ordering and consistency.

    To learn more about Pravega, visit

    Tags: #java • streaming • streaming-data

  • chvote-1-0

    Electronic vote system, version 1.

    CHVote aims to be an opensource, publicly owned evoting system. It is the result of the collaboration between the Geneva State Chancellery and the Geneva IT Department.

    CHVote is currently used by 4 cantons in Switzerland: Basel-City, Bern, Geneva and Luzern, either for votations or elections.

    Tags: #java • electronic-voting • e-voting

  • bazel-tools

    Tools for dealing with very large Bazel-managed repositories

    This repository contains a collection of tools for working with Bazel workspaces; mostly tailored towards writing JVM backend services.

    • depfuzz - A tool for removing unused dependencies with a fuzzing strategy.
    • expand-macros - A tool for expanding Bazel macros into the rules that they generate.
    • format - A tool for formatting all files in the repository according to common style guides.
    • unused - A tool for showing source files that are not used in the build.
    • sync-deps - A tool for synchronizing third-party dependencies.
    • sync-repos - A tool for synchronizing third-party repositories.

    These tools are being used in production at Spotify but have been built for very specific use-cases. They will continue to evolve and cover more use-cases as they mature.

    Tags: #java • bazel-rules • build-tool

  • JedAIToolkit

    An open source, high scalability toolkit in Java for Entity Resolution.

    JedAI constitutes an open source, high scalability toolkit that offers out-of-the-box solutions for any data integration task, e.g., Record Linkage, Entity Resolution and Link Discovery. At its core lies a set of domain-independent, state-of-the-art techniques that apply to both RDF and relational data. These techniques rely on an approximate, schema-agnostic functionality based on (meta-)blocking for high scalability.

    JedAI can be used in three different ways:

    1) As an open source library that implements numerous state-of-the-art methods for all steps of the end-to-end ER work presented in the figure below. 2) As a desktop application with an intuitive Graphical User Interface that can be used by both expert and lay users. 3) As a workbench that compares the relative performance of different (configurations of) ER workflows.

    This repository contains the code (in Java 8) of JedAI’s open source library. The code of JedAI’s desktop application and workbench is available in this repository.

    Several datasets already converted into the serialized data type of JedAI can be found here.

    You can find a short presentation of JedAI Toolkit here.

    Tags: #java • entity-resolution • entity-matching

  • kafka-connect-twitter

    Kafka Connect connector to stream data in real time from Twitter.

    This connector uses the twitter streaming api to listen for status update messages and convert them to a Kafka Connect struct on the fly. The goal is to match as much of the Twitter Status object as possible.

    Tags: #java • kafka-connect • twitter

  • pravega

    Pravega - Streaming as a new software defined storage primitive

    Pravega is an open source distributed storage service implementing Streams. It offers Stream as the main primitive for the foundation of reliable storage systems: a high-performance, durable, elastic, and unlimited append-only byte stream with strict ordering and consistency.

    To learn more about Pravega, visit

    Tags: #java • streaming • streaming-data

  • brave

    Java distributed tracing implementation compatible with Zipkin backend services.

    Brave is a distributed tracing instrumentation library. Brave typically intercepts production requests to gather timing data, correlate and propagate trace contexts. While typically trace data is sent to Zipkin server, third-party plugins are available to send to alternate services such as Amazon X-Ray.

    This repository includes dependency-free Java libraries and instrumentation for common components used in production services. For example, this includes trace filters for Servlet and log correlation for Apache Log4J.

    You can look at our example project for how to trace a simple web application.

    Tags: #java • zipkin • distributed-tracing

  • sldeditor

    Java desktop application that allows the creation and editing of OGC Styled Layer Descriptors for use with GeoServer. See blog for more project information (

    A compiled single executable jar is available here, runs on macOS, Windows and Linux:

    and can be started:

    java -jar SLDEditor.jar

    Due to the changes in Java, double clicking on the executable jar file does not work any more, specific OS installers/applications are available here:

    Tags: #java • sld • java-desktop-application

  • android-material-stepper

    This library allows to use Material steppers inside Android applications.

    This library allows to use Material steppers inside Android applications.

    Quoting the documentation:

    Steppers display progress through a sequence by breaking it up into multiple logical and numbered steps.

    All of the code & features mentioned in Getting started and Advanced usage are showcased in the sample app. Moreover, you can find there other examples, e.g. how to persist state on rotation, display errors, change whether the user can go to the next step, etc. So please have a look!

    Tags: #java

  • jcabi-aspects

    Collection of AOP/AspectJ Java Aspects

    If you have any questions about the framework, or something doesn’t work as expected, please submit an issue here.

    Tags: #java • aop • annotations

  • cicada

    🚀 Fast lightweight HTTP service framework.

    Fast, lightweight Web framework based on Netty; without too much dependency, and the core jar package is only 30KB.

    If you are interested, please click Star.

    Tags: #java • http • netty4

  • programming

    Code a program in a language of your choice.

    Anyone can use this project to make their contribution to an open source project on GitHub.

    Celebrate HacktoberFest by getting involved in the Open Source Community by completing some simple tasks in this project.

    This is a Public Repository open to all members of the GitHub Community. Any member of the community may contribute to this project without being a collaborator.

    Tags: #java • hacktoberfest • hacktober

  • cicada

    🚀 Fast lightweight HTTP service framework.

    Fast, lightweight Web framework based on Netty; without too much dependency, and the core jar package is only 30KB.

    If you are interested, please click Star.

    Tags: #java • http • netty4

  • similarity

    similarity: Text similarity calculation Toolkit for Java. 文本相似度计算工具包,java编写,可用于文本相似度计算、情感分析等任务,开箱即用。

    similarity, compute similarity score between text strings, Java written.



    Tags: #java • nlp • similarity

  • Dashchan

    Imageboards client for Android

    Android client for imageboards.

    Tags: #java

  • leap-motion-processing

    Contributed library to use the Leap Motion in Processing.

    Tags: #java

  • react-native-web-image

    An image component for react-native with persistent disk and memory caching.

    An image component for react-native with persistent disk and memory caching.

    It is mostly a wrapper around native libraries which actually do the hard work. On Android it uses Glide, on iOS – SDWebImage.

    :warning: The package is currently in alpha stage of development. If you find a bug or missing functionality, please feel free to report, but better fix or implement what you want and send a pull request to GitHub repository.

    Tags: #java

  • quickfixj

    QuickFIX/J is a full featured messaging engine for the FIX protocol (FIX versions 4.0 - 5.0SP2/FIXT1.1). It is a 100% Java open source implementation of the popular C++ QuickFIX engine.

    The Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol is a messaging standard developed specifically for the real-time electronic exchange of securities transactions. FIX is a public-domain specification owned and maintained by FIX Protocol, Ltd (FPL).

    For more information see the project website at

    Tags: #java • quickfix • quickfixj

  • react-native-aes-gcm-crypto

    AES-GCM encryption/decryption for React Native

    AES-GCM encryption/decryption for React Native

    Tags: #java • react-native • cryptography

  • BiglyBT

    Feature-filled Bittorrent client based on the Azureus open source project

    Source for BiglyBT, a feature filled, open source, ad-free, bittorrent client. BiglyBT is forked from the original project and is being maintained by two of the original developers as well as members of the community. With over 15 years of development, there’s a good chance we have the features you are looking for, as well as the decade old bugs you aren’t looking for :)

    Tags: #java • p2p • bittorrent-client

  • FTVLaunchX

    Simple helper application to allow custom launchers on Amazon Fire TV devices.

    • Reliably intercepts any & all presses of the home button.

    • Starts the selected launcher on boot (note that this can take up to a minute on older devices).

    • Starts the selected launcher when waking up from sleep.

    • Allows use of the original long-press-on-home functionality by holding down the menu key in parallel.

    • Works with any launcher or other app like e.g.

    Tags: #java • firetv • fire-tv

  • proxyee

    HTTP proxy server,support HTTPS&websocket.MITM impl,intercept and tamper HTTPS traffic.

    Proxyee is a JAVA written HTTP proxy server library that supports HTTP, HTTPS, Websocket protocols, and supports MITM (Man-in-the-middle), which can capture and tamper with HTTP, HTTPS packet.

    Tags: #java

  • evt4j

    Official Java SDK for everiToken public chain.

    Official Java SDK for everiToken public chain.

    This SDK also has an example package set up, which lists various useful code examples for quick references on how to interact with everiToken public chain.

    Tags: #java • blockchain • everitoken

  • java-vector-tile

    A java encoder and decoder for vector tiles according to Mapbox vector tile spec

    A java encoder and decoder for vector tiles according to Mapbox vector tile spec

    Tags: #java

  • cyclops

    An advanced, but easy to use, platform for writing functional applications in Java 8.

    Tags: #java • functional-programming • reactive-streams

  • trail-android

    🚕 Simple, smooth animation for route / polylines on google maps using projections.

    1. Add jitpack to the root build.gradle file of your project at the end of repositories.
      allprojects {
       repositories {
         maven { url '' }
    2. Add the dependency
      implementation 'com.github.amalChandran:trail-android:v1.51'

    Tags: #java • android • animator

  • aws-iot-device-sdk-java

    Java SDK for connecting to AWS IoT from a device.

    A new AWS IoT Device SDK is now available. It is a complete rework, built to improve reliability, performance, and security. We invite your feedback!

    This SDK will no longer receive feature updates, but will receive security updates.

    Tags: #java

  • SimplifySpan

    A easy-to-use and powerful Spannable library

    A easy-to-use and powerful Spannable library

    Tags: #java • android-library • textview

  • react-native-charts-wrapper

    a react native charts wrapper (support android & iOS)

    This library is React Native wrapper of popular Native charting library MPAndroidChart and Charts

    Tags: #java • react-native • chart

  • Contrast-Finder

    Find valid background / foreground color contrast for accessibility (a11y, WCAG)

    The Tanaguru Contrast-Finder is an tool that allows user to find color combinations that provide the best contrast for visually impaired readers.

    Contrast-Finder complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 criteria to provide suggestions as to the perfect combination of background and foreground colors with the greatest accessibility.

    Tags: #java

  • SmartInvs

    Advanced Inventory API for your Minecraft Bukkit plugins.

    Advanced Inventory API for your Minecraft Bukkit plugins.

    Tested Minecraft versions: 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14
    You can use this as a Plugin, or use it as a library (see the docs)

    Tags: #java • inventory • minecraft

  • linstor-server

    High Performance Software-Defined Block Storage for container, cloud and virtualisation. Fully integrated with Docker, Kubernetes, Openstack, Proxmox etc.

    LINSTOR® developed by LINBIT, is a software that manages replicated volumes across a group of machines. With native integration to Kubernetes, LINSTOR makes building, running, and controlling block storage simple. LINSTOR® is open-source software designed to manage block storage devices for large Linux server clusters. It’s used to provide persistent Linux block storage for cloudnative and hypervisor environments.

    Historically LINSTOR started as a resource-file generator for DRBD® which conveniently also created LVM/ZFS volumes. By time LINSTOR steadily grew and got new features and drivers in both directions, south-bound like snapshots, LUKS, dm-cache, dm-writecache or nvme, and north-bound drivers for Kubernetes, Openstack, Open Nebula, Openshift, VMware.

    Tags: #java • sds • drbd

  • minify-maven-plugin

    Combine and minimize JavaScript and CSS files for faster page loading.

    Minify Maven Plugin combines and minimizes your CSS and JavaScript files for faster page loading. It produces a merged and a minified version of your CSS and JavaScript resources which can be re-used across your project.

    Under the hood, it uses the YUI Compressor and Google Closure Compiler but has a layer of abstraction around these tools which allows for other tools to be added in the future.

    Tags: #java

  • UnblockMusicPro_Xposed

    Unblock Netease Cloud Music with Xposed


    蓝奏云地址 访问密码:23fj


    Tags: #java • unblock • xposed

  • react-native-zip-archive

    Zip archive utility for react-native

    Zip archive utility for react-native

    Tags: #java • unzip • android

  • bdd-security

    BDD Automated Security Tests for Web Applications

    • Upgraded to OWASP ZAP 2.6.0
    • Upgraded ZAP Client API to 1.2.0 from maven central
    • Corrected bugs with ambiguous step definitions

    Tags: #java

  • Basic-Audio-Call

    Sample app to join/leave a channel, mute/unmute, and switch between the speaker/headset.

    Other Languages: 简体中文

    Agora provides a set of sample applications demonstrating how to integrate the Agora Audio SDK for:

    Tags: #java • groupchat • voicechat

  • wad

    Watch and Deploy - deploying ThinWARs without IDE plugins

    WAD watches changes in src\main\java folder, builds the project using the pom.xml and deploys the ThinWAR into the configured folder.

    Tags: #java • javaee • deployment

  • Item-NBT-API

    Add custom NBT tags to Items/Tiles/Entities without NMS!

    Add custom NBT tags to Items/Tiles/Entities without NMS! Modify NBT and store it Files, other NBT or as String in yaml/json/SQL/Redis. Server Owner/Developer Wiki

    Tags: #java • nbt-api • nms

  • BaRMIe

    Java RMI enumeration and attack tool.

    BaRMIe is a tool for enumerating and attacking Java RMI (Remote Method Invocation) services.

    RMI services often expose dangerous functionality without adequate security controls, however RMI services tend to pass under the radar during security assessments due to the lack of effective testing tools. In 2008 Adam Boulton spoke at AppSec USA (YouTube) and released some RMI attack tools which disappeared soon after, however even with those tools a successful zero-knowledge attack relies on a significant brute force attack (~64-bits/9 quintillion possibilities) being performed over the network.

    The goal of BaRMIe is to enable security professionals to identify, attack, and secure insecure RMI services. Using partial RMI interfaces from existing software, BaRMIe can interact directly with those services without first brute forcing 64-bits over the network.

    Download the latest version build and ready to run here:

    Tags: #java

  • ConsecutiveScroller






    Tags: #java • scrollview • recyclerview-webview-scrollview

  • Subsonic

    Home of the DSub Android client fork

    Grab dependent libraries

    git submodule init
    git submodule update

    Go to ServerProxy and build project files

    android update project --path ./

    Add both projects and all .jar’s in the libs folder

    Tags: #java

  • greenmail

    Official master for the Greenmail project

    Try to keep your changes focused. Please avoid (major) refactorings and avoid re-formatting existing code. A good check is looking at the diff of the your pull requrest. Also, please refer to the open issue you’re fixing by including a reference in your commit message.

    Tags: #java • greenmail • integration-testing

  • gdx-texture-packer-gui

    A simple way to pack and manage texture atlases for LibGDX game framework.

    Just download the most recent version of installer distribution matching your OS from the releases page and follow the installer instructions. Or simply download the distribution files archive, extract and read ./readme.txt for further details.

    Tags: #java • libgdx • texturepacker

  • FridaLoader

    A quick and dirty app to download and launch Frida on Genymotion and rooted Physical Android Devices

    A quick and dirty Android app to download and launch the latest version of Frida server on Genymotion Emulator and Rooted Android Physical Devices.

    Auto-downloads the Frida server based off the architecture of the device/emulator.


    • Make sure your emulator/device is connected to the Internet when using FridaLoader. Disable any intermediate MITM proxies.
    • Make sure grant root access to FridaLoader and adb shell during first launch
    • Does not support default Google Android emulator that comes with Android SDK out of the box. Requires the Google Android emulator to be rooted.

    Tags: #java

  • esper

    Esper Complex Event Processing, Streaming SQL and Event Series Analysis

    Esper is a component for complex event processing (CEP), streaming SQL and event series analysis, available for Java as Esper, and for .NET as NEsper.

    Esper’s home page and documentation are at

    Esper and NEsper are open-source software available under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 (GPL v2).

    This repository tracks changes since release 5.2.0 and as of April 6, 2015. The repository prior to that date was the Codehaus repository which has been discontinued.

    Esper and NEsper including documentation are copyrighted and the copyright is owned by EsperTech Inc., unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.

    For commercial licensing terms, please contact EsperTech Inc. for any inquiry.

    Tags: #java • cep • complex-event-processing

  • geometry-api-java

    The Esri Geometry API for Java enables developers to write custom applications for analysis of spatial data. This API is used in the Esri GIS Tools for Hadoop and other 3rd-party data processing solutions.

    The Esri Geometry API for Java can be used to enable spatial data processing in 3rd-party data-processing solutions. Developers of custom MapReduce-based applications for Hadoop can use this API for spatial processing of data in the Hadoop system. The API is also used by the Hive UDF’s and could be used by developers building geometry functions for 3rd-party applications such as Cassandra, HBase, Storm and many other Java-based “big data” applications.

    Tags: #java • data-management • geometry-api-java

  • ipscan

    Angry IP Scanner - fast and friendly network scanner

    This is the source code of Angry IP Scanner, licensed with GPL v2. Official site

    The code is written mostly in Java (currently, source level 11). SWT library from Eclipse project is used for GUI that provides native components for each supported platform.

    The project runs on Linux, Windows and macOS.

    Tags: #java

  • JedAIToolkit

    An open source, high scalability toolkit in Java for Entity Resolution.

    JedAI constitutes an open source, high scalability toolkit that offers out-of-the-box solutions for any data integration task, e.g., Record Linkage, Entity Resolution and Link Discovery. At its core lies a set of domain-independent, state-of-the-art techniques that apply to both RDF and relational data. These techniques rely on an approximate, schema-agnostic functionality based on (meta-)blocking for high scalability.

    JedAI can be used in three different ways:

    1) As an open source library that implements numerous state-of-the-art methods for all steps of the end-to-end ER work presented in the figure below. 2) As a desktop application with an intuitive Graphical User Interface that can be used by both expert and lay users. 3) As a workbench that compares the relative performance of different (configurations of) ER workflows.

    This repository contains the code (in Java 8) of JedAI’s open source library. The code of JedAI’s desktop application and workbench is available in this repository.

    Several datasets already converted into the serialized data type of JedAI can be found here.

    You can find a short presentation of JedAI Toolkit here.

    Tags: #java • entity-resolution • entity-matching

  • jphp

    JPHP - an implementation of PHP on Java VM

    We develop a new IDE for beginners like Game Maker or Scirra Construct. It’s based on JPHP, JavaFX, Java 8, Gradle and allows to create desktop games and apps for Linux, Windows and Mac (maybe Android and other platforms in future). The project name is DevelNext (, the current status and version of the project is BETA. The project has not yet been localized in English.

    Tags: #java • php • php-language

  • build-info

    Artifactory’s open integration layer for CI build servers

    Build Info is Artifactory’s open integration layer for the CI servers and build tools. The build information is sent to Artifactory in json format.

    Tags: #java

  • sdfs

    Deduplication Based Filesystem

    What is this?

    A deduplicated file system that can store data in object storage or block storage.

    Tags: #java

  • android-beacon-library

    Allows Android apps to interact with BLE beacons

    It allows Android devices to use beacons much like iOS devices do. An app can request to get notifications when one or more beacons appear or disappear. An app can also request to get a ranging update from one or more beacons at a frequency of approximately 1Hz.

    Tags: #java

  • xipki

    Highly scalable and high-performance open source PKI (CA and OCSP responder). Minimal dependencies.

    XiPKI (eXtensible sImple Public Key Infrastructure) is a highly scalable and high-performance open source PKI (CA and OCSP responder).

    Tags: #java • ocsp-responder • certificate-authority

  • JNDI-Injection-Exploit

    Materials about JNDI Injection



    Tags: #java

  • RoundCornerProgressBar

    [Android] Round Corner Progress Bar Library for Android

    Change the view ID parameter in onProgressChanged to View class

    // Old
    fun onProgressChanged(
        viewId: Int, 
        progress: Float, 
        isPrimaryProgress: Boolean, 
        isSecondaryProgress: Boolean
    // New
    fun onProgressChanged(
        view: View, 
        progress: Float, 
        isPrimaryProgress: Boolean, 
        isSecondaryProgress: Boolean

    Tags: #java • kotlin • android

  • zk

    ZK is a highly productive Java framework for building amazing enterprise web and mobile applications

    ZK is a highly productive Java framework for building amazing enterprise web and mobile applications.

    Tags: #java

  • Image-Steganography-Library-Android

    ✔️ Hide a secret message in an image

    Steganography is the process of hiding a secret message within a larger one in such a way that someone cannot know the presence or contents of the hidden message. Although related, Steganography is not to be confused with Encryption, which is the process of making a message unintelligible—Steganography attempts to hide the existence of communication. The main advantage of steganography algorithm is because of its simple security mechanism. Because the steganographic message is integrated invisibly and covered inside other harmless sources, it is very difficult to detect the message without knowing the existence and the appropriate encoding scheme .

    Tags: #java • text-encodings • steganography

  • litiengine

    LITIENGINE 🕹 The pure 2D java game engine.

    • Basic Game Infrastructure (GameLoop, Configuration, Resource Management, Logging, …)
    • 2D Render Engine (GUI Components, Spritesheet Animations, Ambient Lighting, Particle System, …)
    • 2D Sound Engine (support for .wav, .mp3 and .ogg)
    • 2D Physics Engine
    • Support for Tile Maps in .tmx format (e.g. made with Tiled Editor)
    • Player Input via Gamepad/Keyboard/Mouse
    • Entity Framework

    Tags: #java • tilemap • game-engine

  • nacos-spring-project

    Nacos ECO Project for Spring Framework

    Included in this section are some samples for you to get a quick start with Nacos Spring.

    Tags: #java • nacos • spring

  • rtg-tools

    RTG Tools: Utilities for accurate VCF comparison and manipulation

    Copyright (c) 2018 Real Time Genomics Ltd

    This software is provided under the Simplified BSD License. See LICENSE.txt

    Tags: #java

  • elasticsearch-prometheus-exporter

    Prometheus exporter plugin for Elasticsearch

    This is a builtin exporter from Elasticsearch to Prometheus. It collects all relevant metrics and makes them available to Prometheus via the Elasticsearch REST API.

    Currently, the available metrics are:

    • Cluster status
    • Nodes status:
      • JVM
      • Indices (global)
      • Transport
      • HTTP
      • Scripts
      • Process
      • Operating System
      • File System
      • Circuit Breaker
    • Indices status
    • Cluster settings (selected disk allocation settings only)

    Tags: #java • elasticsearch • plugin

  • jolt

    JSON to JSON transformation library written in Java.

    1. Transforming JSON data from ElasticSearch, MongoDb, Cassandra, etc before sending it off to the world
    2. Extracting data from a large JSON documents for your own consumption

    Tags: #java

  • android-gesture-detectors

    Gesture detector framework for multitouch handling on Android, based on Android’s ScaleGestureDetector

    If you want to use the ScaleGestureDetector and/or the gesture detectors from this project, please read my tutorial:

    Tags: #java

  • java-wkhtmltopdf-wrapper

    A Java wrapper for wkhtmltopdf

    Make sure you have Java Wrapper dependency added to your project.

    If you are using Gradle/Maven, see example below:

    Tags: #java • wkhtmltopdf • wrapper

  • audio-wife

    A simple themable & integrable audio player library for Android.

    AudioWife comes with a simple default player UI that you can use right away. This is the simplest and fastest way to get AudioWife working.

    // mPlayerContainer = Parent view to add default player UI to.
    AudioWife.getInstance().init(mContext, uri)
    		.useDefaultUi(mPlayerContainer, getLayoutInflater());

    Tags: #java

  • Openfire

    An XMPP server licensed under the Open Source Apache License.

    1. Run -> Edit Configurations… -> Add Application
    2. fill in following values
      1. Name: Openfire
      2. Use classpath of module: starter
      3. Main class: org.jivesoftware.openfire.starter.ServerStarter
      4. VM options (adapt accordingly):
         -DopenfireHome="-absolute path to your project folder-\distribution\target\distribution-base" 
         -Dlog4j.configurationFile="-absolute path to your project folder-\distribution\target\distribution-base\lib\log4j2.xml"
         -Dopenfire.lib.dir="-absolute path to your project folder-\distribution\target\distribution-base\lib"
      5. Working directory: -absolute path to your project folder-
    3. apply

    You need to execute mvnw verify before you can launch openfire.

    Tags: #java • openfire • xmpp

  • MultiItem

    一个优雅的实现多类型的RecyclerView类库 支持DataBinding Form表单录入 跨多个RecyclerView拖动

    RecyclerView是一个大家常用的列表控件,在列表中不免会出现多种类型的布局,这时adapter中多种类型的判断就会充满着switch的坏味道,可怕的是需求变更,增加或修改新的类型时,所有的改动都在adapter中进行,没有一个良好的扩展性。 MutliItem主要就是解决这些问题,提供了多类型和ViewHolder创建绑定的管理器,自动进行item type的计算,这样Adapter通过依赖倒置与列表中的多类型解耦,还提高了扩展性。有以下特点:

    • 直接使用业务中的实体类为RecyclerView Adapter设置数据源,不需要做任何封装
    • RecyclerView Adapter零编码,解放了复杂的Adapter
    • 支持DataBinding,让你清爽的编写列表代码
    • 支持Form表单录入,懒加载易复用,支持DataBinding、隐藏域、输入内容验证及是否变化
    • 支持Header Footer 和 下拉刷新 加载更多
    • 支持Item滑动动画
    • 支持空白、错误等状态页的展示

    Tags: #java • recyclerview • android

  • githot

    GitHot is an Android App that will help you find world most popular project and person .

    Official website ,and the web version is incoming .

    Besides, you can get iOS version Monkey by coderyi from itunes .

    Try githot from the link below
    github release
    google play

    GitHot use api link

    Tags: #java • github • githot

  • intellij-dlanguage

    Intellij Plugin for the D Programming Language

    The primary focus for the project is to support Intellij IDEA (both IC and IU) with some work being done to try and support CLion. It may work on other IDEs such as AppCode, Android Studio, PyCharm, etc but this is not tested by the dev team.

    We are currently targeting Intellij 2021.2 and above with the latest plugin release being version 1.27.1.

    For a list of older releases and their supported IDE versions see our Compatibility Matrix.

    Tags: #java • intellij • intellij-plugin

  • VideoProcessor

    process video(cut & scale & increase & decrease & reverse) with mediacodec


    • 体积小 :编译后的aar只有262K,ffmpeg一个so就7、8M,精简之后也差不多还有一半大小
    • 速度快 :在huaweiP9上压缩(1080P 20s 20000k -> 720p 2000k)
    lib 耗时
    VideoProcessor 13.3s
    ffmpeg 172s
    ffmpeg(ultrafast) 74s

    Tags: #java

  • opencms-core

    The Java open source content management system by Alkacon Software

    Tags: #java

  • browser

    A simple Android webbrowser based on webview.

    FOSS Browser uses the latest Material You design libraries. Following system day/night mode and a wallpaper based theme are just two features of this new library. The UI is optimized for one-hand-use. All UI-elements are at the bottom of the screen.

    More features:

    • Play audio on background.
    • Keep screen on.
    • Open links in background.
    • Restore tabs on restart.

    Tags: #java

  • boxable

    Boxable is a library that can be used to easily create tables in pdf documents.

    • Build tables in pdf documents
    • Convert csv data into tables in pdf documents
    • Convert Lists into tables in pdf documents

    Tags: #java • pdf-document • pdf

  • jmeter-bzm-plugins

    Consolidated repository with all BlazeMeter’s plugins for JMeter

    Consolidated repository with all CA BlazeMeter’s plugins for JMeter. All of the plugins are available through Plugins Manager.


    Tags: #java

  • docs-to-pdf-converter

    A standalone Java library/command line tool that converts DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX and ODT documents to PDF files.

    Tags: #java

  • react-native-charts-wrapper

    a react native charts wrapper (support android & iOS)

    This library is React Native wrapper of popular Native charting library MPAndroidChart and Charts

    Tags: #java • react-native • chart

  • SandVXposed

    Xposed environment without root (OS 5.0 - 10.0)

    VirtualApp with SandHook Can load xposed modules without root!

    Tags: #java • xposed • hook

  • EvalEx

    EvalEx is a handy expression evaluator for Java, that allows to evaluate simple mathematical and boolean expressions.

    EvalEx is a handy expression evaluator for Java, that allows to evaluate simple mathematical and boolean expressions.

    Key Features:

    • Uses BigDecimal for calculation and result
    • No dependencies to external libraries
    • Precision and rounding mode can be set
    • Supports variables
    • Standard boolean and mathematical operators
    • Standard basic mathematical and boolean functions
    • Custom functions and operators can be added at runtime
    • Functions can be defined with a variable number of arguments (see MIN and MAX functions)
    • Supports for hexadecimal numbers and scientific notations of numbers
    • Supports string literals in functions
    • Supports implicit multiplication, e.g. (a+b)(a-b) or 2(x-y) which equals to (a+b)*(a-b) or 2*( x-y)

    Tags: #java

  • Catroid

    Writing programs on an Android device without prior knowledge.

    Catroid is a visual coding IDE and interpreter for Android for the Catrobat programming language.

    Catrobat is a visual programming language and a set of creativity tools for smartphones. Catrobat projects can be created using Catrobat’s Android apps available on Google Play and iPhone apps available on Apple’s app store.

    For more information oriented towards developers, check out our developers page.

    Tags: #java

  • Mutters

    A framework for building bot brains.

    A Java framework for building bot brains. Heavily inspired by Amazon Echo’s natural language understanding model.


    • Templated and/or machine learning based identification of a user’s intent based on their utterance. Support out of the box for OpenNLP or Facebook’s fastText.
    • Templated and/or machine learning based (NER) extraction of data from the user’s utterance
    • State management to support complex conversations, using either:
      • a state machine
      • Inkle’s narrative scripting engine Ink
    • Pluggable intent matching, named entity extraction and conversation state management so you can use our own implementations.

    Tags: #java • machine-learning • bot

  • GiraffePlayer2

    out of the box android video player(support lazy load, ListView/RecyclerView and hight performance)

    Out of the box android video player base on ijkplayer 0.8.8 (for flutter please visit GPlayer)

    this project is total refactor of GiraffePlayer to support in ListView/RecyclerView and improve the performance,all player tasks do in worker thread.

    release history

    download demo apk (~700kb)

    Tags: #java • android • ijkplayer

  • CompoundLayout

    It’s an Android library that allows you to use Layout as RadioButton or CheckBox.

    CompoundLayout checked state can be changed programmatically using method myCompoundLayout.setChecked(). Checked state can be retrieved using myCompoundLayout.isChecked(), and can be listened using myCompoundLayout.setOnCheckedChangeListener().

    Tags: #java

  • openpojo

    POJO Testing & Identity Management Made Trivial

    POJO Testing & Identity Management Made Trivial

    Maven Group Plugin Latest Version
    com.openpojo.openpojo 0.9.1

    Tags: #java • identity-management • openpojo

  • bean-searcher

    🔥🔥🔥 A read-only ORM focusing on advanced query, naturally supports joined tables, making it possible to realize complex retrieval in one line of code !

    • Support one entity mapping to multi tables
    • Support dynamic field operator
    • Support group and aggregation query
    • Support **Select Where From subquery**
    • Support embedded params in entity
    • Support field converters
    • Support sql interceptors
    • Support sql dialect extension
    • Support multi datasource and dynamic datasource
    • Support annotation omitting and customizing
    • Support field operator extension
    • and so on

    Tags: #java • devtool • orm

  • Mappedbus

    Mappedbus is a low latency message bus for Java microservices utilizing shared memory.

    Mappedbus was inspired by Java Chronicle with the main difference that it’s designed to efficiently support multiple writers – enabling use cases where the order of messages produced by multiple processes are important.

    The throughput (on a laptop, i7-4558U @ 2.8 GHz) between a single producer writing at full speed and a single consumer is around 14 million messages per second (a small message consisting of three integer fields), and the average read/write latency is around 70 ns per message.

    Mappedbus does not create any objects after startup and therefore has Zero GC impact.

    Tags: #java • ipc • memory-mapped-file

  • TencentKona-11

    Tencent Kona JDK11 is a no-cost, production-ready distribution of the Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK), Long-Term Support(LTS) with quarterly updates. Tencent Kona JDK11 is certified as compatible with the Java SE standard.

    Tencent Kona JDK11 is a no-cost, production-ready distribution of the Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK), Long-Term Support(LTS) with quarterly updates.

    Kona serves as the default JDK at Tencent internally, optimized for extreme-scale of Big Data, Machine Learning and Cloud Computing workload. It is also used to build and maintain a Tencent supported version of OpenJDK for Tencent customers and partners who wish to use OpenJDK to run their applications.

    Tags: #java

  • science-parse

    Science Parse parses scientific papers (in PDF form) and returns them in structured form.

    Science Parse parses scientific papers (in PDF form) and returns them in structured form. As of today, it supports these fields:

    • Title
    • Authors
    • Abstract
    • Sections (each with heading and body text)
    • Bibliography, each with
      • Title
      • Authors
      • Venue
      • Year
    • Mentions, i.e., places in the paper where bibliography entries are mentioned

    In JSON format, the output looks like this (or like this, if you want sections). The easiest way to get started is to use the output from this server.

    Tags: #java

  • procyon

    Procyon is a suite of Java metaprogramming tools, including a rich reflection API, a LINQ-inspired expression tree API for runtime code generation, and a Java decompiler.

    The procyon-core framework contains common support classes used by the other Procyon APIs. Its facilities include string manipulation, collection extensions, filesystem/path utilities, freezable objects and collections, attached data stores, and some runtime type helpers.

    Tags: #java

  • faker

    A Java port of the Faker ruby gem:

    repositories {
        // ...
        maven { url '' }
    dependencies {
        compile 'com.github.blocoio:faker:1.2.8'

    You can use testCompile or androidTestCompile, if you only want to use Faker for testing.

    Tags: #java • android • faker

  • ballerina-lang

    The Ballerina Programming Language

    Ballerina is an open source programming language and platform for cloud-era application programmers to easily write software that just works.

    Tags: #java • programming-language • language

  • Exchangis

    Exchangis is a lightweight,highly extensible data exchange platform that supports data transmission between structured and unstructured heterogeneous data sources

    Exchangis is a lightweight,highly extensible data exchange platform that supports data transmission between structured and unstructured heterogeneous data sources. On the application layer, it has business features such as data permission management and control, high availability of node services and multi-tenant resource isolation. On the data layer, it also has architectural characteristics such as diversified transmission architecture, module plug-in and low coupling of components.

    Exchnagis’s transmission and exchange capabilities depend on its underlying aggregated transmission engines. It defines a unified parameter model for various data sources on the top layer. It maps and configures the parameter model for each transmission engine, and then converts it into the engine’s input model. Each type of engine will add Exchangis features, and the enhancement of certain engine features will improve the Exchangis features. Exchangis’s default engine aggregated and enhanced is Alibaba’s DataX transmission engine.

    Tags: #java • exchangis • datax

  • nacos-spring-project

    Nacos ECO Project for Spring Framework

    Included in this section are some samples for you to get a quick start with Nacos Spring.

    Tags: #java • nacos • spring

  • jsprit

    jsprit is a java based, open source toolkit for solving rich vehicle routing problems

    Please visit docs to learn more.The best way to get to know jsprit is by looking at code examples.

    Tags: #java • vrp • algorithm

  • brpc-java

    Java implementation for Baidu RPC, multi-protocol & high performance RPC.

    brpc-java 是 baidu rpc 的 java 版本实现,支持 baidu rpc、nshead、sofa、hulu、http、stargate、dubbo 等协议。

    Tags: #java • rpc • brpc

  • SORMAS-Project

    SORMAS (Surveillance, Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System) is an early warning and management system to fight the spread of infectious diseases.

    SORMAS (Surveillance Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System) is an open source eHealth system - consisting of separate web and mobile apps - that is geared towards optimizing the processes used in monitoring the spread of infectious diseases and responding to outbreak situations.

    Tags: #java • surveillance • infectious-diseases

  • GhostLog

    Android app that displays the logcat buffer in a system overlay window

    If you are using the Gradle build system, simply add the following dependency in your build.gradle file:

    dependencies {
        debugCompile 'com.readystatesoftware.ghostlog:ghostlog-integration:+@aar'

    Using debugCompile (recommended) ensures the integration library is never compiled into a release build.

    Tags: #java

  • KeysPerSecond

    A keys-per-second meter & counter. Written for osu! but should work for other rhythm games too.

    KeysPerSecond is a program that counts how many times certain keys and mouse buttons are pressed. It can also various statistics such as the average, maximum and current number of pressed per second. The program can also show a nice graph of the key presses over time. Almost all aspects of the program are also fully customizable.

    Jump directly to downloads

    Tags: #java • osu • keystrokes

  • PowerTunnel-Android

    Simple, scalable, cross-platform and effective solution against government censorship for Android

    PowerTunnel is an extensible proxy server built on top of LittleProxy that does not require root-access to work.

    PowerTunnel provides an SDK that allows you to extend its functionality however you like, and even handle encrypted HTTPS traffic (powered by LittleProxy-MITM), which can be especially useful in web development. PowerTunnel has an Android version, so any plugin you write can work on almost all devices.

    PowerTunnel was originally developed and is best known as a censorship bypass tool. This functionality has been spun off in the LibertyTunnel plugin, it is installed by default, just like DNS Resolver with DNS over HTTPS support.

    Tags: #java • anti-censorship • dpi-filtering

  • deobfuscator

    The real deal

    This project aims to deobfuscate most commercially-available obfuscators for Java.

    Tags: #java

  • VideoListPlayer

    Play video in ListView or RecyclerView

    VideoListPlayer实现了在列表控件(ListView, RecyclerView)中加载并播放视频,并支持滑动时自动播放/暂停的功能


    注意:最低支持API 14以上

    Tags: #java • recyclerview • listview

  • springdoc-openapi

    Library for OpenAPI 3 with spring-boot

    Tags: #java • openapi3 • spring-boot

  • react-native-sensitive-info

    Save sensitive data into Android’s Shared Preferences with keystore encryption/iOS’s Keychain for React Native

    react-native-sensitive-info manages all data stored in Android Shared Preferences, iOS Keychain and Windows Credentials. You can set and get all key/value using simple methods.

    Tags: #java • react-native-sensitive-info • android

  • RendererRecyclerViewAdapter

    A single adapter with multiple view types for the whole project

    Tags: #java • recyclerview • recyclerview-adapter

  • ReActiveAndroid

    🚀 Simple and powerful ORM for Android

    Add this to your app build.gradle:

    implementation 'com.reactiveandroid:reactiveandroid:1.4.3'

    Tags: #java • android • database

  • WanAndroid

    🔥🔥🔥组件化 + MVVM + Arouter + Jetpack + Rxjava + Retrofit + AOP等框架

    本项目基于 组件化 + MVVM + Arouter + Jetpack + Rxjava + Retrofit + AOP 等框架实现的一款开源项目。如有任何疑问或bug欢迎给我提issues,项目会一直维护下去,一起努力打造一个完美的app。 源码地址 喜欢的话,记得给个star哦!

    Tags: #java • arouter • rxjava

  • parity

    Open source software platform for trading venues

    Parity is an open source software platform for trading venues. It can be used to run a financial marketplace, develop algorithmic trading agents, or research market microstructure.

    Parity requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 8 or newer.

    Tags: #java • exchange • finance

  • fmt-maven-plugin

    Opinionated Maven Plugin that formats your Java code.

    Formats your code using google-java-format which follows Google’s code styleguide.

    The format cannot be configured by design.

    If you want your IDE to stick to the same format, google-java-format also includes integrations for IntelliJ and Eclipse IDE’s, following the installation instructions on the README.

    Tags: #java

  • Mallet

    MALLET is a Java-based package for statistical natural language processing, document classification, clustering, topic modeling, information extraction, and other machine learning applications to text.

    To build a Mallet 2.0 development release, you must have the Apache ant build tool installed. From the command prompt, first change to the mallet directory, and then type ant

    If ant finishes with "BUILD SUCCESSFUL", Mallet is now ready to use.

    If you would like to deploy Mallet as part of a larger application, it is helpful to create a single “.jar” file that contains all of the compiled code. Once you have compiled the individual Mallet class files, use the command: ant jar

    This process will create a file “mallet.jar” in the “dist” directory within Mallet.

    Tags: #java

  • joda-money

    Java library to represent monetary amounts.

    Various documentation is available:

    Tags: #java • joda-money • joda

  • fess

    Fess is very powerful and easily deployable Enterprise Search Server.

    Fess is a very powerful and easily deployable Enterprise Search Server. You can quickly install and run Fess on any platform where you can run the Java Runtime Environment. Fess is provided under the Apache License 2.0.

    Fess is based on Elasticsearch, but knowledge/experience about Elasticsearch is not required. Fess provides an easy to use Administration GUI to configure the system via your browser. Fess also contains a Crawler, which can crawl documents on a web server, file system, or Data Store (such as a CSV or database). Many file formats are supported including (but not limited to): Microsoft Office, PDF, and zip.

    Fess Site Search is a free alternative to Google Site Search. For more details, see the FSS JS Generator documentation.

    Tags: #java • elasticsearch • full-text-search

  • gradle-profiler

    A tool for gathering profiling and benchmarking information for Gradle builds

    A tool to automate the gathering of profiling and benchmarking information for Gradle builds.

    Profiling information can be captured using several different tools:

    Tags: #java

  • FTVLaunchX

    Simple helper application to allow custom launchers on Amazon Fire TV devices.

    • Reliably intercepts any & all presses of the home button.

    • Starts the selected launcher on boot (note that this can take up to a minute on older devices).

    • Starts the selected launcher when waking up from sleep.

    • Allows use of the original long-press-on-home functionality by holding down the menu key in parallel.

    • Works with any launcher or other app like e.g.

    Tags: #java • firetv • fire-tv

  • tailor

    Cross-platform static analyzer and linter for Swift.

    Tailor supports Swift 3.0.1 out of the box and helps enforce style guidelines outlined in the The Swift Programming Language, GitHub, Ray Wenderlich, and Coursera style guides. It supports cross-platform usage and can be run on Mac OS X via your shell or integrated with Xcode, as well as on Linux and Windows.

    Tailor parses Swift source code using the primary Java target of ANTLR:

    ANTLR is a powerful parser generator [ . . . ] widely used in academia and industry to build all sorts of languages, tools, and frameworks.

    About the ANTLR Parser Generator

    Tags: #java • swift • linter

  • Instacapture

    Android library to capture screenshot from your app

    Android library to capture screenshot from your app

    Tags: #java • android-library • library

  • nfcgate

    An NFC research toolkit application for Android

    This application was developed for security research purposes by students of the TU Darmstadt, Secure Mobile Networking Lab. Please do not use this application for malicious purposes.

    This application was presented at WiSec 2015. The extended Abstract (slightly outdated by now) and poster (pretty up-to-date) can be found on the website of one of the authors. It was also presented in a brief Lightning Talk at the Chaos Communication Camp 2015.

    Tags: #java • nfc • android-nfc

  • BurpSuiteHTTPSmuggler

    A Burp Suite extension to help pentesters to bypass WAFs or test their effectiveness using a number of techniques

    A Burp Suite extension to help pentesters to bypass WAFs or test their effectiveness using a number of techniques. This extension has been developed by Soroush Dalili (@irsdl) from NCC Group.

    The initial release (v0.1) only supports the Encoding capability that can be quite complicated to be performed manually. See the references for more details.

    Next versions will include more techniques and possible bug fixes.

    Tags: #java • waf • bypass

  • vertx-jooq

    A jOOQ-CodeGenerator to create vertx-ified DAOs and POJOs.

    A jOOQ-CodeGenerator to create vertx-ified DAOs and POJOs! Perform all CRUD-operations asynchronously and convert your POJOs from/into a io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject using the API and driver of your choice.

    Tags: #java • jooq • vertx

  • ClassifyView

    No longer maintained

    实现原理 ClassifyView包裹这一个RecyclerView,当点击这个RecyclerView会弹出一个Dialog 该Dialog的布局会传入另一个RecyclerView.想详细了解,~可以查看 博客~

    Tags: #java

  • Novate

    A safety client by Https for android, (Android网络框架,基于Retrofit和RxJava打造的链式网络库, 支持okhttp的调用风格,又兼容Retrofit API,并支持rxJava链式操作)

      a safety Framework by OkHttp for Android, (一款Android网络框架,基于Retrofit和RxJava打造的链式网络库, 强大的泛型解析功能和错误驱动功能,支持okhttp的调用风格,又兼容Retrofit注解方式,并支持rxJava链式操作。方便扩展,并能实现高速加载)

    Tags: #java • rxjava • retrofit

  • Photato

    Photato aims to be a self-hosted photo gallery, accessible through a responsive WebUI.

    Give to Photato a picture folder and it will index it, using the file system hierarchy.

    Tags: #java • picture-gallery • picture

  • ProgressLayout

    An extension of RelativeLayout that helps show loading, empty and error layout.

    An extension of RelativeLayout that helps show loading, empty and error layout.

    Tags: #java

  • ToyRoom

    A Shelly-based library for business-logic-oriented programming. Shelly plays Domino in ToyRoom.

    A Shelly-based library for business-logic-oriented programming. Shelly plays Domino in ToyRoom.

    Readme in Chinese 中文文档

    Tags: #java

  • meshenger-android

    P2P Audio/Video calls over local networks. No server or Internet access needed.

    Voice- and video calls without any server or Internet access. Simply scan each others QR-Code and call each other. This works in many local networks such as community mesh networks, company networks or at home.


    • audio and video calls
    • encrypted communication
    • database backup and encryption
    • add custom addresses to reach contacts

    Tags: #java • phone-app • android

  • mes

    qcadoo MES - friendly web manufacturing software

    qcadoo MES is an Internet application for production management targeted at small and medium companies.It combines the functions of large ERP systems, adapting it to the specific character of Small and Medium Companies.

    Tags: #java • web-application • manufacturing

  • reactive-grpc

    Reactive stubs for gRPC

    Reactive gRPC is a suite of libraries for using gRPC with Reactive Streams programming libraries. Using a protocol buffers compiler plugin, Reactive gRPC generates alternative gRPC bindings for each reactive technology. The reactive bindings support unary and streaming operations in both directions. Reactive gRPC also builds on top of gRPC’s back-pressure support, to deliver end-to-end back-pressure-based flow control in line with Reactive Streams back-pressure model.

    Reactive gRPC supports the following reactive programming models:

    Akka gRPC is now mature and production ready. Use that for Akka-based services.

    Tags: #java • grpc-java • rxjava2

  • myrobotlab

    Open Source Java Framework for Robotics and Creative Machine Control

    This project depends on another project which has the many libraries needed to compile MRL.


    Tags: #java • robotics • robotframework

  • SiliCompressor

    A powerful, flexible and easy to use Video and Image compression library for Android.

    A powerful, flexible and easy to use Video and Image compression library for Android.


    Tags: #java • compressor • android

  • LGoodDatePicker

    Java Swing Date Picker. Easy to use, good looking, nice features, and localized. Uses the JSR-310 standard.

    Java Swing Date Picker. Easy to use, good looking, nice features, and localized. Uses the JSR-310 standard.

    Tags: #java

  • Swiftnotes

    Android note taking, simplified.

    This project is no longer maintained.

    Swiftnotes is a note taking app that takes simplicity and speed to a whole new level.

    It offers you a quick and easy way to stay organised, capture your thoughts, reminders or anything that’s on your mind, any time, anywhere. No extra unnecessary features, just notes.

    Tags: #java

  • minio-java

    MinIO Client SDK for Java

    MinIO Java SDK is Simple Storage Service (aka S3) client to perform bucket and object operations to any Amazon S3 compatible object storage service.

    For a complete list of APIs and examples, please take a look at the Java Client API Reference documentation.

    Tags: #java • libraries • sdk

  • xxl-mq

    A lightweight distributed message queue framework.(分布式消息队列XXL-MQ)

    XXL-MQ is a lightweight distributed message queue framework. With features of “horizontal expansion, high availability, massive data accumulation, single TPS over 100,000, millisecond delivery”. Support for “concurrent message, serial message, broadcast message, delay message, transaction message, failure retry, timeout control” and other message features. Now, it’s already open source, real “out-of-the-box”.

    XXL-MQ是一款轻量级分布式消息队列,拥有 “水平扩展、高可用、海量数据堆积、单机TPS过10万、毫秒级投递” 等特性, 支持 “并发消息、串行消息、广播消息、延迟消息、事务消费、失败重试、超时控制” 等消息特性。现已开放源代码,开箱即用。

    Tags: #java • message-queue • broker

  • LiveEdgeDetection

    LiveEdgeDetection is an Android document detection library built on top of OpenCV. It scans documents from camera live mode and allows you to adjust crop using the detected 4 edges and performs perspective transformation of the cropped image. It works best with a dark background.

    LiveEdgeDetection is an Android document detection library built on top of OpenCV. It scans documents from camera live mode and allows you to adjust crop using the detected 4 edges and performs perspective transformation of the cropped image.

    It works best with a dark background.

    Tags: #java

  • scaffold-clean-architecture

    Gradle plugin to create a clean application in Java that already works, It follows our best practices!

    Gradle plugin to create a java and kotlin application based on Clean Architecture following our best practices!

    Tags: #java • architecture • scaffolding

  • cgeo

    c:geo - The powerful Android geocaching app.

    c:geo is an open-source, full-featured, always ready-to-go client for (unofficial). It also offers basic support for other geocaching platforms. It does not require a web browser or exports - just download and start right away.

    Tags: #java • geocaching • android

  • BurpCustomizer

    Because just a dark theme wasn’t enough!

    1. Download the latest jar from
    2. Add the jar to Burp Suite.

    Tags: #java

  • finisterra

    MMORPG de código abierto basado en Argentum Online. Escrito en Java usando Artemis, Kryonet y libGDX.

    Open Source MMORPG based on Argentum Online. Written in Java, using Artemis, Kryonet and libGDX.

    Tags: #java • gamedev • argentum-online

  • Carbon

    Material Design implementation for Android 4.0+. Shadows, ripples, vectors, fonts, animations, widgets, rounded corners and more.

    • custom item layouts for BottomNavigationView, TabLayout and NavigationView
    • DayNight themes
    • updated control colors
    • fixed color animations, background tint, menu inflation, shadow transformations

    Tags: #java • material-design • material-ui

  • QuickTheories

    Property based testing for Java 8

    Property-based testing for Java 8.

    If you were looking for QuickCheck for Java you just found it.

    Unlike many other systems QuickTheories supports both auto-magical shrinking and targeted search using coverage data.

    Tags: #java • quickcheck • junit

  • visualvm

    VisualVM is an All-in-One Java Troubleshooting Tool

    VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities. See for details, downloads and documentation.

    Tags: #java • visualvm • performance

  • pacbot

    PacBot (Policy as Code Bot)

    Policy as Code Bot (PacBot) is a platform for continuous compliance monitoring, compliance reporting and security automation for the cloud. In PacBot, security and compliance policies are implemented as code. All resources discovered by PacBot are evaluated against these policies to gauge policy conformance. The PacBot auto-fix framework provides the ability to automatically respond to policy violations by taking predefined actions. PacBot packs in powerful visualization features, giving a simplified view of compliance and making it easy to analyze and remediate policy violations. PacBot is more than a tool to manage cloud misconfiguration, it is a generic platform that can be used to do continuous compliance monitoring and reporting for any domain.

    Tags: #java • cloud-security • security

  • craft-atom

    A crafted and atomic component library for Java.

    minimal Minimal code and dependency.
    atomic Just do one thing right for every component.
    compositional Compose atomic components for complex function.

    Tags: #java

  • react-native-biometrics

    React Native module for iOS and Android biometrics

    React native biometrics is a simple bridge to native iOS and Android keystore management. It allows you to create public private key pairs that are stored in native keystores and protected by biometric authentication. Those keys can then be retrieved later, after proper authentication, and used to create a cryptographic signature.

    Tags: #java

  • reflectasm

    High performance Java reflection

    ReflectASM is a very small Java library that provides high performance reflection by using code generation. An access class is generated to set/get fields, call methods, or create a new instance. The access class uses bytecode rather than Java’s reflection, so it is much faster. It can also access primitive fields via bytecode to avoid boxing.

    Tags: #java

  • capillary

    Capillary is a library to simplify the sending of end-to-end encrypted push messages from Java-based application servers to Android clients.

    This is a library to simplify the sending of end-to-end (E2E) encrypted push messages from Java-based application servers to Android clients. Please check the instructions below and the demo for more details.

    Tags: #java • cryptography • crypto

  • jicofo

    JItsi COnference FOcus is a server side focus component used in Jitsi Meet conferences.

    JItsi COnference FOcus is a server side focus component used in Jitsi Meet conferences.

    Tags: #java

  • streamline

    StreamLine - Streaming Analytics

    Develop and deploy Streaming Analytics applications visually with bindings for streaming engine and multiple source/sinks, rich set of streaming operators and operational lifecycle management. Streaming Analytics Manager makes it easy to develop, monitor streaming applications and also provides analytics of data thats being processed by streaming application.

    Tags: #java • streaming • real-time

  • clue

    command line tool for Apache Lucene

    When working with Lucene, it is often useful to inspect an index.

    Luke is awesome, but often times it is not feasible to inspect an index on a remote machine using a GUI. That’s where Clue comes in. You can ssh into your production box and inspect your index using your favorite shell.

    Another important feature for Clue is the ability to interact with other Unix commands via piping, e.g. grep, more etc.

    Tags: #java

  • frostwire

    An easy to use Cloud Downloader, BitTorrent Client and Media Player. Search, Download, Play, Share

    Welcome to the main FrostWire repository. Here you will find the sources necessary to build FrostWire for Android and FrostWire for Desktop

    • /android Sources for FrostWire for Android
    • /desktop Sources for FrostWire for Desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux)
    • /common Common sources for the desktop and android client

    In the past these sources were held at frostwire-android, frostwire-desktop and frostwire-common respectively. These repositories will no longer be used.

    Tags: #java

  • EvalEx

    EvalEx is a handy expression evaluator for Java, that allows to evaluate simple mathematical and boolean expressions.

    EvalEx is a handy expression evaluator for Java, that allows to evaluate simple mathematical and boolean expressions.

    Key Features:

    • Uses BigDecimal for calculation and result
    • No dependencies to external libraries
    • Precision and rounding mode can be set
    • Supports variables
    • Standard boolean and mathematical operators
    • Standard basic mathematical and boolean functions
    • Custom functions and operators can be added at runtime
    • Functions can be defined with a variable number of arguments (see MIN and MAX functions)
    • Supports for hexadecimal numbers and scientific notations of numbers
    • Supports string literals in functions
    • Supports implicit multiplication, e.g. (a+b)(a-b) or 2(x-y) which equals to (a+b)*(a-b) or 2*( x-y)

    Tags: #java

  • javasimon

    Java Simon is a simple monitoring API that allows you to follow and better understand your application.

    Easiest way to start with Java Simon is to add Maven dependencies into your Maven project.

    A monitors in Java Simon is called “Simon”. There are two types of Simons available: Counter and Stopwatch. Counter tracks single long value, its maximum and minimum. Stopwatch measures time and tracks number of measurements (splits), total time, split minimum and maximum, etc.

    Tags: #java

  • fastexcel

    Generate and read big Excel files quickly

    There are not many alternatives when you have to generate xlsx Excel workbooks in Java. The most popular one (Apache POI) includes many features, but when it comes down to huge worksheets it quickly becomes a memory hog.

    Its streaming API may mitigate this problem but it introduces several limitations:

    • Its sliding window mechanism prevents you from accessing cells above the current writing position.
    • It writes stuff to a temporary file.
    • It comes with an overhead on the file size because shared strings are disabled by default. Enabling shared strings is likely to consume much more heap if you deal with string values.

    So, fastexcel has been created to offer an alternative with the following key points:

    • Limited set of features (basic style support, no graph support yet) and very simple API.
    • Reduced memory footprint and high performance by accumulating only necessary elements. XML stuff is piped to the output stream at the end.
    • Multithreading support: each worksheet in the workbook can be generated by a different thread, while fully supporting shared strings and styles.

    Tags: #java • excel • performance

  • brave

    Java distributed tracing implementation compatible with Zipkin backend services.

    Brave is a distributed tracing instrumentation library. Brave typically intercepts production requests to gather timing data, correlate and propagate trace contexts. While typically trace data is sent to Zipkin server, third-party plugins are available to send to alternate services such as Amazon X-Ray.

    This repository includes dependency-free Java libraries and instrumentation for common components used in production services. For example, this includes trace filters for Servlet and log correlation for Apache Log4J.

    You can look at our example project for how to trace a simple web application.

    Tags: #java • zipkin • distributed-tracing

  • kairosdb

    Fast scalable time series database

    Documentation is found here.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Tags: #java • kairosdb • timeseries-database

  • ache

    ACHE is a focused web crawler. It collects web pages that satisfy some specific criteria, e.g., pages that belong to a given domain or that contain a user-specified pattern. ACHE differs from generic crawlers in sense that it uses page classifiers to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant pages in a given domain. A page classifier can be from a simple regular expression (that matches every page that contains a specific word, for example), to a machine-learning based classification model. ACHE can also automatically learn how to prioritize links in order to efficiently locate relevant content while avoiding the retrieval of irrelevant content.

    ACHE supports many features, such as:

    • Regular crawling of a fixed list of web sites
    • Discovery and crawling of new relevant web sites through automatic link prioritization
    • Configuration of different types of pages classifiers (machine-learning, regex, etc)
    • Continuous re-crawling of sitemaps to discover new pages
    • Indexing of crawled pages using Elasticsearch
    • Web interface for searching crawled pages in real-time
    • REST API and web-based user interface for crawler monitoring
    • Crawling of hidden services using TOR proxies

    Tags: #java • web-crawler • focused-crawler

  • NoNonsense-FilePicker

    A file/directory-picker for android. Implemented as a library project.

    In Kitkat or above, use Android’s built-in file-picker instead. Google has restricted the ability of external libraries like this from creating directories on external SD-cards in Kitkat and above which will manifest itself as a crash.

    If you need to support pre-Kitkat devices see #158 for the recommendation approach.

    This does not impact the library’s utility for non-SD-card locations, nor does it impact you if you don’t want to allow a user to create directories.

    Tags: #java

  • android-shake-detector

    Detect shaking of the device

    Detect shaking of the device

    Tags: #java • android • shake-detection

  • jcabi-aspects

    Collection of AOP/AspectJ Java Aspects

    If you have any questions about the framework, or something doesn’t work as expected, please submit an issue here.

    Tags: #java • aop • annotations

  • voj

    A cross-platform online judge system based on Spring MVC framework and ActiveMQ.

    It is a cross-platform online judge system based on Spring MVC Framework.

    The application used following open-source projects:

    Tags: #java • online-judge • spring-mvc

  • EasyRefreshLayout

    Inherited This library allows you to easily achieve the drop-down refresh and upload more

    Inherited This library allows you to easily achieve the drop-down refresh and upload more

    Tags: #java

  • Timelapse-Auto-Ramp-Photoshop-Plugin

    Analyze RAW images from a timelapse, and auto - ramp the exposure for manual changes of camera settings. The best way to achieve amazing results in difficult lighting.

    My favourite project so far. This program is made for timelapse photographers (like me) to use with photoshop!

    My algorithm simply looks for changes in shutter speed, aperture, and iso, then mathematically calculates the exposure offset required to match the difference between a change in two pictures, evenly applies the exposure change across leading images, and writes new exposure to the RAW (.xmp) files. This allows photoshop or after effects to access my calculations with no issue, and use the ramped values when rendering. This makes best use in difficult lighting conditions such as a timelapse of a sunrise, where your best option is to change the exposure manually, as the sun rises. If you did not use this technique you will notice flickering on auto mode, or stick with one setting on manual, making some parts underexposed and others overexposed.

    Tags: #java

  • react-native-twilio-video-webrtc

    Twilio Video (WebRTC) for React Native


    • iOS
    • Android

    People using a version < 1.0.1 please move to 1.0.1 since the project changed a lot internally to support the stable TwilioVideo version.

    Tags: #java • webrtc • twilio-video

  • android-gesture-detectors

    Gesture detector framework for multitouch handling on Android, based on Android’s ScaleGestureDetector

    If you want to use the ScaleGestureDetector and/or the gesture detectors from this project, please read my tutorial:

    Tags: #java

  • Mallet

    MALLET is a Java-based package for statistical natural language processing, document classification, clustering, topic modeling, information extraction, and other machine learning applications to text.

    To build a Mallet 2.0 development release, you must have the Apache ant build tool installed. From the command prompt, first change to the mallet directory, and then type ant

    If ant finishes with "BUILD SUCCESSFUL", Mallet is now ready to use.

    If you would like to deploy Mallet as part of a larger application, it is helpful to create a single “.jar” file that contains all of the compiled code. Once you have compiled the individual Mallet class files, use the command: ant jar

    This process will create a file “mallet.jar” in the “dist” directory within Mallet.

    Tags: #java

  • jmx_exporter

    A process for exposing JMX Beans via HTTP for Prometheus consumption

    The Java agent is available in two versions with identical functionality:

    The only difference between these versions is the version of the bundled snakeyaml dependency. See release notes for more info.

    To run as a Java agent, download one of the JARs and run:

    java -javaagent:./jmx_prometheus_javaagent-0.16.1.jar=8080:config.yaml -jar yourJar.jar

    Metrics will now be accessible at http://localhost:8080/metrics

    To bind the java agent to a specific IP change the port number to host:port.

    See ./ for a sample script that runs the httpserver against itself.

    Please note that due to the nature of JMX the /metrics endpoint might exceed Prometheus default scrape timeout of 10 seconds.

    Tags: #java • jmx • prometheus

  • azure-devops-intellij

    IntelliJ IDEA plug-in for Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server (TFS)

    This is a plugin for working with Git and TFVC repositories on Azure DevOps and Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2015+ inside IntelliJ, Android Studio, and various other JetBrains IDEs. It is supported on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. It is compatible with IntelliJ IDEA Community and Ultimate editions (version 2019.3+) and Android Studio (version 4.0+).

    To learn more about installing and using our Azure DevOps IntelliJ plug-in, visit:

    Tags: #java

  • app-gradle-plugin

    Gradle plugin to build and deploy Google App Engine applications.

    This Gradle plugin provides tasks to build and deploy Google App Engine applications.

    Tags: #java

  • Unexpected_information

    Unexpected information 是用于标记请求包中的一些敏感信息、JS接口和一些特殊字段的BurpSuite 插件。

    Author: xiaowei
    Team: Timeline Sec

    最近写了一个BurpSuite Extensions用来标记请求包中的一些敏感信息、JS接口和一些特殊字段,防止我们疏忽了一些数据包,我将它命名为“Unexpected information”,使用它可能会有意外的收获信息。

    Tags: #java

  • EnchantmentCracker

    Cracking the XP seed in Minecraft and choosing your enchantments

    Cracking the XP seed in Minecraft and choosing your enchantments.

    Tags: #java

  • lcm

    Lightweight Communications and Marshalling

    Tags: #java

  • play-store-api

    Google Play Store protobuf API wrapper in java

    Google Play Store protobuf API wrapper in java

    Tags: #java • play-store • playstore

  • Sokobot

    A Discord bot that lets you play Sokoban

    Sokobot is a Discord bot written with JDA that lets you play Sokoban, the classic box-pushing puzzle game.

    Tags: #java • discord-bot • jda

  • gradle-profiler

    A tool for gathering profiling and benchmarking information for Gradle builds

    A tool to automate the gathering of profiling and benchmarking information for Gradle builds.

    Profiling information can be captured using several different tools:

    Tags: #java

  • VideoListPlayer

    Play video in ListView or RecyclerView

    VideoListPlayer实现了在列表控件(ListView, RecyclerView)中加载并播放视频,并支持滑动时自动播放/暂停的功能


    注意:最低支持API 14以上

    Tags: #java • recyclerview • listview

  • aws-ec2-ssh

    Manage AWS EC2 SSH access with IAM

    June 2019: Check out Amazon EC2 Instance Connect as a replacement for this project

    September 2018: Check out AWS Systems Manager Session Manager as a replacement for this project

    Use your IAM user’s public SSH key to get access via SSH to an EC2 instance running

    • Amazon Linux 2017.09
    • Amazon Linux 2 2017.12
    • Ubuntu 16.04
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3
    • RHEL 7.4
    • CentOS 7

    aws-ec2-ssh depends on the AWS CLI and git if you use the script.

    Tags: #java • aws • amazon-web-services

  • Novel-Grabber

    Novel-Grabber can download novels from pretty much any webnovel and lightnovel site.

    Novel-Grabber is a GUI based web scrapper that can download and convert chapters into EPUB from various supported web novel sites or from any other site manually.

    Tags: #java • ebook • webnovel

  • openiot

    The Open Source Project for the Internet of Things

    The OpenIoT middleware infrastructure will support flexible configuration and deployment of algorithms for collection, and filtering information streams stemming from the internet-connected objects, while at the same time generating and processing important business/applications events.

    OpenIoT is a joint effort of prominent open source contributors towards enabling a new range of open large scale intelligent IoT (Internet-of- things) applications according to a utility cloud computing delivery model.

    OpenIoT is perceived as a natural extension to cloud computing implementations, which will allow access to additional and increasingly important IoT based resources and capabilities. In particular, OpenIoT will research and provide the means for formulating and managing environments comprising IoT resources, which can deliver on-demand utility IoT services such as sensing as a service.

    OpenIoT is pertinent to a wide range of interrelated scientific and technological areas spanning:

    • Middleware for sensors and sensor networks,
    • Ontologies, semantic models and annotations for representing internet-connected objects, along with semantic open-linked data techniques
    • Cloud/Utility computing, including utility based security and privacy schemes.

    Tags: #java

  • RxUi

    Implementation of pure functional concept of talking to Android View layer in a Reactive way

    Minimal implementation of the concept of talking to Android View layer in a Reactive way described here.

    Tags: #java

  • tomcat-cluster-redis-session-manager

    Tomcat clustering redis session manager java client.

    The Redis session manager is pluggable one. It stores session into Redis for easy distribution of HTTP Requests across a cluster of Tomcat servers.

    Here the Sessions are implemented as non-sticky (means, each request can able to go to any server in the cluster, unlike the Apache provided Tomcat clustering setup.)

    Request Sessions will be stored into Redis immediately (Session attributes must be Serializable), for the use of other servers. When tomcat receives a request from the client, Sessions are loaded directly from Redis.

    Supports Redis default, sentinel and cluster mode, based on the configuration.

    Going forward, we no need to enable sticky session (JSESSIONID) in Load Balancer.

    Tags: #java • tomcat-clustering • tomcat-session-manager

  • ratpack

    Lean & powerful HTTP apps

    Ratpack is a simple, capable, toolkit for creating high performance web applications.

    Ratpack is built on Java and the Netty event-driven networking engine. The API is optimized for Groovy and Java 8.

    Optional Google Guice integration provides a foundation for scaling your application in size in a managed way.

    Optional Gradle build time support makes building and testing applications a breeze.

    Tags: #java

  • ModTheSpire

    External mod loader for Slay The Spire

    ModTheSpire is a tool to load external mods for Slay the Spire without modifying the base game files.

    Tags: #java • slaythespire • mod

  • kayenta

    Automated Canary Service

    A canary release is a technique to reduce the risk from deploying a new version of software into production. A new version of software, referred to as the canary, is deployed to a small subset of users alongside the stable running version. Traffic is split between these two versions such that a portion of incoming requests are diverted to the canary. This approach can quickly uncover any problems with the new version without impacting the majority of users.

    The quality of the canary version is assessed by comparing key metrics that describe the behavior of the old and new versions. If there is significant degradation in these metrics, the canary is aborted and all of the traffic is routed to the stable version in an effort to minimize the impact of unexpected behavior.

    Canaries are usually run against deployments containing changes to code, but they can also be used for operational changes, including changes to configuration.

    Tags: #java • hacktoberfest

  • external-nfc-api

    Interaction with external NFC readers in Android

    Library for interaction with ACS NFC readers over USB; external NFC support Android devices.


    • External NFC reader management and interaction
    • Parallell use of external and/or internal NFC (i.e. in the same activity, both enabled at the same time)
    • Support for both tags and Android devices (Host Card Emulation), simultaneously
    • Use of forked android.nfc classes ([Ndef], [MifareUltralight], [IsoDep], etc) for Android 10+ support.

    As this project very much simplifies implementation for use-cases requiring external NFC readers, it saves a lot of development time (2-8 weeks depending on use-case and previous knowledge).

    Bugs, feature suggestions and help requests can be filed with the [issue-tracker]. DO NOT send me emails unless you’re prepared to pay for my time.

    Tags: #java • android • nfc

  • Isometric

    Isometric drawing library for Android

    Isometric drawing library for Android

    Tags: #java • android • view

  • classpy

    GUI tool for investigating Java class files

    Classpy is a GUI tool for investigating Java class file, Lua binary chunk, Wasm binary code, and other binary file formats.

    Tags: #java • jvm • lua

  • secure-preferences

    Android Shared preference wrapper than encrypts the values of Shared Preferences. It’s not bullet proof security but rather a quick win for incrementally making your android app more secure.

    The v0.1.0 release was a major refactor of the guts of secure prefs, which is Not backwards compatible yet with older 0.0.1 - 0.0.4 versions. So if you have an existing app using this don’t upgrade. I’ll be looking to add migration into a later release.

    Full list of changes

    Tags: #java • sharedpreferences • android

  • dss

    Digital Signature Service : creation, extension and validation of advanced electronic signatures

    This is the official repository for project DSS :

    Tags: #java • xades • cades

  • xxl-sso

    A distributed single-sign-on framework.(分布式单点登录框架XXL-SSO)

    XXL-SSO is a distributed single-sign-on framework. You only need to log in once to access all trusted application systems. It has “lightweight, scalable, distributed, cross-domain, Web+APP support access” features. Now, it’s already open source code, real “out-of-the-box”.

    XXL-SSO 是一个分布式单点登录框架。只需要登录一次就可以访问所有相互信任的应用系统。 拥有”轻量级、分布式、跨域、Cookie+Token均支持、Web+APP均支持”等特性。现已开放源代码,开箱即用。

    Tags: #java • sso • authorization

  • SuperRecyclerView

    Pumped up RecyclerView

    This is an attempt to make RecyclerView easier to use.

    Features built in:

    • ProgressBar while adapter hasn’t been set
    • EmptyView if adapter is empty
    • SwipeRefreshLayout (Google’s one)
    • Infinite scrolling, when you reach the X last item, load more of them.
    • Swipe To Dismiss or Swipe To Remove
    • Sticky headers (via [Eowise][eowise-sticky-headers], see sample)

    Tags: #java

  • themoviedbapi

    A java wrapper around the json api provided by

    TmdbMovies movies = tmdbApi.getMovies();
    movies.getMovie(293660, "en", MovieMethod.credits)

    Tags: #java

  • ParcelableGenerator

    A line of code to get Parcelable. Android Parcelable models made easy



    • Serializable 在Java中就存在,效率较低。
    • Parcelable 是Android中提供的,也是官方推荐的方式,效率比Serializable高很多。



    Tags: #java

  • Repeat

    Cross-platform mouse/keyboard record/replay and automation hotkeys/macros creation, and more advanced automation features.

    1. This runs on any platform that supports Java and is non headless. AutoHotkey is written for Windows only, and AutoKey is only for Linux. Repeat works on Linux, Windows, and OSX. The written macro can be re-used cross platforms.
    2. The only limit to your hotkey power is your knowledge of the language you write your tasks in (e.g. Java, Python or C#). You don’t have to learn a new meta language provided by AutoHotkey. This allows you to leverage your expertise in the language chosen and/or the immense support from the internet.

    Tags: #java • hotkey • replay

  • inlein

    Run clojure scripts with dependencies.

    Run Clojure scripts with dependencies, but without classpath pains.

    Tags: #java

  • fofa_viewer

    A simple and easy-to-use fofa client, written with JavaFX, easy to use across platforms

    Fofa_Viewer 一个简单易用的fofa客户端由WgpSec狼组安全团队 f1ashine 师傅主要编写 ,程序使用使用javafx编写,便于跨平台使用

    Tags: #java

  • UPMiss

    UPMiss is birthday management software, use MVP.

    UPMiss open source, use MVP. UPMiss is birthday management software.

    Tags: #java

  • android-material-stepper

    This library allows to use Material steppers inside Android applications.

    This library allows to use Material steppers inside Android applications.

    Quoting the documentation:

    Steppers display progress through a sequence by breaking it up into multiple logical and numbered steps.

    All of the code & features mentioned in Getting started and Advanced usage are showcased in the sample app. Moreover, you can find there other examples, e.g. how to persist state on rotation, display errors, change whether the user can go to the next step, etc. So please have a look!

    Tags: #java

  • nassh-relay

    Relay Server for the Secure Shell Chromium plugin

    Relay Server for the Secure Shell Chromium plugin

    Tags: #java • chromium-plugin • relay-server

  • react-native-sqlite-storage

    SQLite3 Native Plugin for React Native for both Android (Classic and Native), iOS and Windows

    Foundation of this library is based on Chris Brody’s Cordova SQLite plugin.


    1. iOS and Android supported via identical JavaScript API.
    2. Android in pure Java and Native modes
    3. SQL transactions
    4. JavaScript interface via plain callbacks or Promises.
    5. Pre-populated SQLite database import from application bundle and sandbox

    There are sample apps provided in test directory that can be used in with the AwesomeProject generated by React Native. All you have to do is to copy one of those files into your AwesomeProject replacing index.ios.js.

    Please let me know your projects that use these SQLite React Native modules. I will list them in the reference section. If there are any features that you think would benefit this library please post them.

    The library has been tested with React 16.2 (and earlier) and XCode 7,8,9 - it works fine out of the box without any need for tweaks or code changes. For XCode 7,8 vs. XCode 6 the only difference is that sqlite ios library name suffix is tbd instead of dylib.

    Version 3.2 is the first version compatible with RN 0.40.

    Tags: #java

  • shinyproxy

    ShinyProxy - Open Source Enterprise Deployment for Shiny

    Open Source Enterprise Deployment for Shiny Apps

    Learn more at

    Tags: #java

  • clipper

    Simple android app to interact with system clipboard service via adb shell

    Simple app to interact with Android system clipboard service via adb shell one liners.

    Tags: #java

  • stream-m

    An HTML5-compatible live streaming server supporting the WebM and H.264 formats.

    Currently both WebM and H.264 are supported, although through slightly different workflows.

    Tags: #java • broadcast • live-streaming

  • jphp

    JPHP - an implementation of PHP on Java VM

    We develop a new IDE for beginners like Game Maker or Scirra Construct. It’s based on JPHP, JavaFX, Java 8, Gradle and allows to create desktop games and apps for Linux, Windows and Mac (maybe Android and other platforms in future). The project name is DevelNext (, the current status and version of the project is BETA. The project has not yet been localized in English.

    Tags: #java • php • php-language

  • A-Pathfinding-Visualization

    First attempt at an efficient pathfinding algorithm in Java. I made this visualization to show the beauty of pathfinding. You can modify all major features of my algorithm through the graphics interface.

    This is my first attempt at A* pathfinding. I made this visualization to show the beauty of pathfinding. You can modify all major features of my algorithm through the graphics interface. Here I will go through the major features of my program.

    Tags: #java

  • commodore

    Utility for using Minecraft’s 1.13 ‘brigadier’ library in Bukkit plugins.

    commodore is a utility for using Minecraft’s 1.13 brigadier library in Bukkit plugins. It allows you to easily register command completion data for your plugin’s commands.

    If you have questions, feel free to ask in Discord.

    Tags: #java

  • ikvStockChart

    A simple stock charting library for Android, supporting time-line, k-line, macd, kdj, rsi, boll index, and interactive gesture operation, including left and right sliding to refresh, scaling, highlighting


    支持在 XML 布局文件和代码中设置各个线条颜色、大小配置



    支持 fling 滑动

    支持 MACD、RSI、KDJ、BOLL 四个指标


    附带的程序示例有:默认左滑右滑加载、禁用左滑右滑加载、多个指标共同联动显示、在 Fragment 中使用、带有下拉刷新的需求中使用、横竖屏切换(自动旋转)、简单分时图

    Tags: #java

  • brpc-java

    Java implementation for Baidu RPC, multi-protocol & high performance RPC.

    brpc-java 是 baidu rpc 的 java 版本实现,支持 baidu rpc、nshead、sofa、hulu、http、stargate、dubbo 等协议。

    Tags: #java • rpc • brpc

  • openScale

    Open-source weight and body metrics tracker, with support for Bluetooth scales

    Monitor and track your weight, BMI, body fat, body water, muscle and other body metrics in an open source app that:

    • has an easy to use user interface with graphs,
    • supports various Bluetooth scales,
    • doesn’t require you to create an account,
    • can be configured to only show the metrics you care about, and
    • respects your privacy and lets you decide what to do with your data.

    Tags: #java

  • maoni

    Lightweight library for collecting and handling user feedback from within Android applications.

    While working on a new version of DD-WRT Companion, one of my Android apps, I needed a simple yet pleasant way to collect user feedback, along with some contextual information. I experimented with a simple dialog, then tried a bunch of other libraries, but could not find one with screenshot capturing capabilities, not vendor lock-in, and which is almost a no-brainer as to integrating with any remote services. I was also looking for screen capture highlight / blackout capabilities, as in use for issue reporting in several apps from Google.

    So as a way to give back to the Open Source community, I decided to create Maoni as a separate library project.

    By the way, as a side note, Maoni is a Swahili word for comments or opinions.

    Tags: #java • feedback • android-application

  • SerializationDumper

    A tool to dump Java serialization streams in a more human readable form.

    A tool to dump and rebuild Java serialization streams and Java RMI packet contents in a more human readable form.

    The tool does not deserialize the stream (i.e. objects in the stream are not instantiated), so it does not require access to the classes that were used in the stream*.

    This tool was developed to support research into Java deserialization vulnerabilities after spending many hours manually decoding raw serialization streams to debug code!

    Download v1.11 built and ready to run from here:

    * See the limitations section below for more details.

    Update 19/12/2018: SerializationDumper now supports rebuilding serialization streams so you can dump a Java serialization stream to a text file, modify the hex or string values, then convert the text file back into a binary serialization stream. See the section below on Rebuilding Serialization Streams for an example of this.

    Tags: #java

  • elasticsearch-ingest-opennlp

    An Elasticsearch ingest processor to do named entity extraction using Apache OpenNLP

    I wrote a opennlp mapping plugin a couple of years ago and people asked me, why I did not update it. The main reason was, that it was a bad architectural choice as mentioned in the openlp plugin README. With the introduction of ingest processors in Elasticsearch 5.0 this problem has been resolved.

    This processor is doing named/date/location/’whatever you have a model for’ entity recognition and stores the output in the JSON before it is being stored.

    This plugin is also intended to show you, that using gradle as a build system makes it very easy to reuse the testing facilities that elasticsearch already provides. First, you can run regular tests, but by adding a rest test, the plugin will be packaged and unzipped against elasticsearch, allowing you to execute a real end-to-end test, by just adding a java test class.

    Tags: #java

  • SerializationDumper

    A tool to dump Java serialization streams in a more human readable form.

    A tool to dump and rebuild Java serialization streams and Java RMI packet contents in a more human readable form.

    The tool does not deserialize the stream (i.e. objects in the stream are not instantiated), so it does not require access to the classes that were used in the stream*.

    This tool was developed to support research into Java deserialization vulnerabilities after spending many hours manually decoding raw serialization streams to debug code!

    Download v1.11 built and ready to run from here:

    * See the limitations section below for more details.

    Update 19/12/2018: SerializationDumper now supports rebuilding serialization streams so you can dump a Java serialization stream to a text file, modify the hex or string values, then convert the text file back into a binary serialization stream. See the section below on Rebuilding Serialization Streams for an example of this.

    Tags: #java

  • polygon-contains-point

    Point in polygon - Check if the point inside the polygon

    :inbox_tray: Download - polygon-1.0.2.jar

    :bookmark_tabs: Changelog -

    Tags: #java • polygons

  • gh4a

    Github client for Android

    • List repositories
    • Watch/unwatch repository
    • View branches/tags
    • View pull requests
    • View contributors
    • View watchers/networks
    • View issues

    Tags: #java • octodroid • android

  • RichTextFX

    Rich-text area for JavaFX

    GenericStyledArea allows one to inline custom objects into the area alongside of text. As such, it uses generics and functional programming to accomplish this task in a completely type-safe way.

    It has three parameter types:

    • PS, the paragraph style. This can be used for text alignment or setting the background color for the entire paragraph. A paragraph is either one line when text wrap is off or a long text displayed over multiple lines in a narrow viewport when text wrap is on,
    • SEG, the segment object. This specifies what immutable object to store in the model part of the area: text, hyperlinks, images, emojis, or any combination thereof.
    • S, the segment style. This can be used for text and object styling. Usually, this will be a CSS style or CSS style class.

    Functional programming via lambdas specify how to apply styles, how to create a Node for a given segment, and how to operate on a given segment (e.g., getting its length, combining it with another segment, etc.).

    GenericStyledArea is used in the Rich-text demo.

    See the wiki for a basic pattern that one must follow to implement custom objects correctly.

    Tags: #java • javafx • rich-text-editor

  • MaterialIntroView

    Material Intro View is a showcase android library.

    Material Intro View is a showcase android library.

    We saw this kind of showcase on Fabulous App and we love it. Then decided to create showcase just like it.

    Tags: #java

  • AllAngleExpandableButton

    An expandable button menu that you can define expand angle and button count and so on

    • step1:Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
        allprojects {
            repositories {
                maven { url "" }
    • step2:Add the dependency:
        dependencies {
            compile 'com.github.uin3566:AllAngleExpandableButton:v1.2.0'

    Tags: #java

  • IF

    An inventory framework for managing GUIs

    This framework works for Minecraft versions 1.14-1.16

    An inventory framework for managing GUIs

    This framework is based on a pane principle. This means that the GUI is divided into different types of panes which all behave differently. A GUI consists of multiple panes which can interact with each other.

    Next to those panes, GUIs can also be created from XML files by simple loading them in. This allows for easy GUI creation with little code.

    Tags: #java • spigot • bukkit

  • openiot

    The Open Source Project for the Internet of Things

    The OpenIoT middleware infrastructure will support flexible configuration and deployment of algorithms for collection, and filtering information streams stemming from the internet-connected objects, while at the same time generating and processing important business/applications events.

    OpenIoT is a joint effort of prominent open source contributors towards enabling a new range of open large scale intelligent IoT (Internet-of- things) applications according to a utility cloud computing delivery model.

    OpenIoT is perceived as a natural extension to cloud computing implementations, which will allow access to additional and increasingly important IoT based resources and capabilities. In particular, OpenIoT will research and provide the means for formulating and managing environments comprising IoT resources, which can deliver on-demand utility IoT services such as sensing as a service.

    OpenIoT is pertinent to a wide range of interrelated scientific and technological areas spanning:

    • Middleware for sensors and sensor networks,
    • Ontologies, semantic models and annotations for representing internet-connected objects, along with semantic open-linked data techniques
    • Cloud/Utility computing, including utility based security and privacy schemes.

    Tags: #java

  • dbfit

    DbFit is a database testing framework that supports easy test-driven development of your database code.

    Test-driven database development. Write readable, easy-to-maintain unit and integration tests for your database code.


    Tags: #java

  • XmlToJson

    Android Library for converting XML to JSON and JSON to XML

    XML to JSON is an Android Studio Library which converts easily XML to JSON and JSON to XML.

    It is fully configurable so that you can change for example attribute names.

    It is easy to integrate with gradle.

    Tags: #java

  • ikvStockChart

    A simple stock charting library for Android, supporting time-line, k-line, macd, kdj, rsi, boll index, and interactive gesture operation, including left and right sliding to refresh, scaling, highlighting


    支持在 XML 布局文件和代码中设置各个线条颜色、大小配置



    支持 fling 滑动

    支持 MACD、RSI、KDJ、BOLL 四个指标


    附带的程序示例有:默认左滑右滑加载、禁用左滑右滑加载、多个指标共同联动显示、在 Fragment 中使用、带有下拉刷新的需求中使用、横竖屏切换(自动旋转)、简单分时图

    Tags: #java

  • safetynethelper

    SafetyNet Helper wraps the Google Play Services SafetyNet.API and verifies Safety Net API response with the Android Device Verification API.

    • Calls Google play services Safety Net test
    • Local verification of request
    • Verifies Safety Net API response with the Android Device Verification API (over SSL pinned connection)

    Tags: #java • safetynet-api • android

  • helidon

    Java libraries for writing microservices

    Project Helidon is a set of Java Libraries for writing microservices. Helidon supports two programming models:

    • Helidon MP: MicroProfile 3.3
    • Helidon SE: a small, functional style API

    In either case your application is just a Java SE program.

    Tags: #java • microservice-framework • microprofile

  • PiracyChecker

    An Android library that prevents your app from being pirated / cracked using Google Play Licensing (LVL), APK signature protection and more. API 14+ required.

    This library applies some techniques to help protect your app’s users and attempt to thwart reverse engineers and attackers. BUT, this isn’t guaranteed to stop your app from getting pirated. There is no such thing as 100% security, and a determined and skilled attacker with enough time, could remove these checks from the code. The real objective here is to raise the bar out of reach of opportunist and automatic attackers.

    Some of the techniques included in this library can be found here.

    Tags: #java • apk • signature

  • FabricView

    A new canvas drawing library for Android. Aims to be the Fabric.js for Android. Supports text, images, and hand/stylus drawing input. The library has a website and API docs, check it out

    A new canvas drawing library for Android. The library was born as part of a project in SD Hacks ( on October 3rd. It is currently under construction and will be refactored and polished in the coming weeks! Stay tuned.

    Why? From Doodling on the screen and unleashing the user’s creativity to capturing his signature for authentication purposes… The limit is your imagination.

    Tags: #java

  • ClashForMagisk

    A rule-based tunnel in Go. This module is wrapper for clash

    A rule-based tunnel in Go. This module is wrapper for clash


    Tags: #java

  • nacos-spring-project

    Nacos ECO Project for Spring Framework

    Included in this section are some samples for you to get a quick start with Nacos Spring.

    Tags: #java • nacos • spring

  • dss

    Digital Signature Service : creation, extension and validation of advanced electronic signatures

    This is the official repository for project DSS :

    Tags: #java • xades • cades

  • runtime

    Runtime and compiler for the Assembly Cup

    asmcup is a game where players create small and limited programs to power robots in a virtual environment to compete for prizes.

    It is currently in active beta development.

    Tags: #java

  • fx2048

    The game 2048, built using JavaFX and Java 11

    The game 2048 built using JavaFX and Java 11. This is a Java port based on the Javascript version:

    Check down below for a screenshot.

    Tags: #java

  • minimal-json

    A fast and small JSON parser and writer for Java

    You can parse JSON from a String or from a You don’t need to wrap your reader in a BufferedReader, as the parse method uses a reading buffer.

    JsonValue value = Json.parse(string);

    Tags: #java

  • httl

    Hyper-Text Template Language and Engine.

    First generate eclipse project files by mvn command:

    mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources

    Then import project into eclipse:

    【File】 -> 【Import】 -> 【Existing Projects into Workspace】 -> 【Browse】(Select project directory and open)

    Associate httl file type with html editor:

    【Window】 -> 【Preferences】 -> 【General】 -> 【Content Types】 -> 【Text】 -> 【HTML】 -> 【Add】 -> 【*.httl】

    Tags: #java

  • themoviedbapi

    A java wrapper around the json api provided by

    TmdbMovies movies = tmdbApi.getMovies();
    movies.getMovie(293660, "en", MovieMethod.credits)

    Tags: #java

  • SimplifySpan

    A easy-to-use and powerful Spannable library

    A easy-to-use and powerful Spannable library

    Tags: #java • android-library • textview

  • droid

    DROID (Digital Record and Object Identification)

    DROID is a software tool developed by The National Archives to perform automated batch identification of file formats. Developed by its Digital Preservation Department as part of its broader digital preservation activities, DROID is designed to meet the fundamental requirement of any digital repository to be able to identify the precise format of all stored digital objects, and to link that identification to a central registry of technical information about that format and its dependencies.

    DROID uses internal signatures to identify and report the specific file format versions of digital files. These signatures are stored in an XML signature file, generated from information recorded in the PRONOM technical registry. New and updated signatures are regularly added to PRONOM, and DROID can be configured to automatically download updated signature files.

    DROID is a platform-independent Java application. It can be invoked from two interfaces:

    • Java Swing GUI
    • Command line interface

    DROID allows files and folders to be selected from a file system for identification. This file list can be saved at any point. After the identification process had been run, the results can be output in various report formats, including CSV.

    DROID is made available under the New BSD License:

    Tags: #java • droid • identification

  • chunky

    Minecraft world rendering tool

    Prerequisites: Chunky requires Java 8. It is recommended to have the 64-bit version if you have a 64-bit operating system (you most likely do). If you haven’t installed Java, you can [download it from here][13].

    1. Download [the Chunky Launcher][12] and open it
    2. Install the latest version of Chunky by clicking on Check for Updates
    3. Click on Launch Chunky start rendering your beautiful buildings

    If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out via Reddit, Discord or GitHub.

    Tags: #java • minecraft • path-tracer

  • memShell

    a webshell resides in the memory of java web server

    a webshell resides in the memory of java web server

    Tags: #java

  • mail-importer

    Mail Importer for Gmail will upload the contents of a Thunderbird mail archive to Gmail and do its best to preserve the read state, flagged state, and folders of the messages.

    Do you have an old Thunderbird mail archive that you POP3ed down from AOL?

    Do you want to move those old messages to Gmail so that you can use the Gmail app on your phone and still have access to everything?

    If so, maybe Mail Importer for Gmail is for you!

    If you are trying to bulk import mbox format files to Google Apps for Work, you should probably look at import-mailbox-to-gmail.

    DISCLAIMER: This is not an official Google product.

    Tags: #java

  • nacos-spring-project

    Nacos ECO Project for Spring Framework

    Included in this section are some samples for you to get a quick start with Nacos Spring.

    Tags: #java • nacos • spring

  • gh4a

    Github client for Android

    • List repositories
    • Watch/unwatch repository
    • View branches/tags
    • View pull requests
    • View contributors
    • View watchers/networks
    • View issues

    Tags: #java • octodroid • android

  • frostwire

    An easy to use Cloud Downloader, BitTorrent Client and Media Player. Search, Download, Play, Share

    Welcome to the main FrostWire repository. Here you will find the sources necessary to build FrostWire for Android and FrostWire for Desktop

    • /android Sources for FrostWire for Android
    • /desktop Sources for FrostWire for Desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux)
    • /common Common sources for the desktop and android client

    In the past these sources were held at frostwire-android, frostwire-desktop and frostwire-common respectively. These repositories will no longer be used.

    Tags: #java

  • ClashForMagisk

    A rule-based tunnel in Go. This module is wrapper for clash

    A rule-based tunnel in Go. This module is wrapper for clash


    Tags: #java

  • intellij

    IntelliJ plugin for Bazel projects

    This is an early-access version of our Bazel plugins for IntelliJ, Android Studio, and CLion.

    This repository is generally in a state matching the most recently uploaded plugins in the JetBrains’ plugin repository. See the releases tab for more information.

    Tags: #java • bazel • intellij

  • minimal-json

    A fast and small JSON parser and writer for Java

    You can parse JSON from a String or from a You don’t need to wrap your reader in a BufferedReader, as the parse method uses a reading buffer.

    JsonValue value = Json.parse(string);

    Tags: #java

  • IF

    An inventory framework for managing GUIs

    This framework works for Minecraft versions 1.14-1.16

    An inventory framework for managing GUIs

    This framework is based on a pane principle. This means that the GUI is divided into different types of panes which all behave differently. A GUI consists of multiple panes which can interact with each other.

    Next to those panes, GUIs can also be created from XML files by simple loading them in. This allows for easy GUI creation with little code.

    Tags: #java • spigot • bukkit

  • HaE

    HaE - BurpSuite Highlighter and Extractor

    Note: My english is not very good, Thanks!

    Read Chinese simplified version (README_zh).

    Tags: #java • burpsuite • highlighter

  • MaterialIntroView

    Material Intro View is a showcase android library.

    Material Intro View is a showcase android library.

    We saw this kind of showcase on Fabulous App and we love it. Then decided to create showcase just like it.

    Tags: #java

  • dev-tools

    The most popular software developer tools in one app.

    Tags: #java • javafx • javafx-application

  • tilesfx

    A JavaFX library containing tiles that can be used for dashboards.

    A JavaFX library containing tiles for Dashboards.

    Donations are welcome at Paypal

    Tags: #java • javafx • javafx-library

  • SimpleBluetoothLibrary

    Android library for simplifying bluetooth usage.

    This library makes it easy for you to implement bluetooth in your Android app. The SimpleBlueooth class handles all the hard work for you and all you have to do is make a few method calls.

    Tags: #java • android • bluetooth

  • android-backup-extractor

    Android backup extractor

    Requires Java 11. Handling encrypted backups requires the JCE unlimited strength jurisdiction policy (not needed if using current Java 9 release).

    Use one of the tools listed below to build or see Releases for pre-built binaries (runnable jar files).

    Tags: #java

  • binaryprefs

    Rapidly fast and lightweight re-implementation of SharedPreferences which stores each preference in files separately, performs disk operations via NIO with memory mapped byte buffers and works IPC (between processes). Written from scratch.

    Rapidly fast and lightweight re-implementation of SharedPreferences which stores each preference in files separately, performs disk operations via NIO with memory mapped byte buffers and works IPC (between processes). Written from scratch.

    Tags: #java • sharedpreferences • android

  • trail-android

    🚕 Simple, smooth animation for route / polylines on google maps using projections.

    1. Add jitpack to the root build.gradle file of your project at the end of repositories.
      allprojects {
       repositories {
         maven { url '' }
    2. Add the dependency
      implementation 'com.github.amalChandran:trail-android:v1.51'

    Tags: #java • android • animator

  • Timelapse-Auto-Ramp-Photoshop-Plugin

    Analyze RAW images from a timelapse, and auto - ramp the exposure for manual changes of camera settings. The best way to achieve amazing results in difficult lighting.

    My favourite project so far. This program is made for timelapse photographers (like me) to use with photoshop!

    My algorithm simply looks for changes in shutter speed, aperture, and iso, then mathematically calculates the exposure offset required to match the difference between a change in two pictures, evenly applies the exposure change across leading images, and writes new exposure to the RAW (.xmp) files. This allows photoshop or after effects to access my calculations with no issue, and use the ramped values when rendering. This makes best use in difficult lighting conditions such as a timelapse of a sunrise, where your best option is to change the exposure manually, as the sun rises. If you did not use this technique you will notice flickering on auto mode, or stick with one setting on manual, making some parts underexposed and others overexposed.

    Tags: #java

  • Inspeckage

    Android Package Inspector - dynamic analysis with api hooks, start unexported activities and more. (Xposed Module)

    Inspeckage is a tool developed to offer dynamic analysis of Android applications. By applying hooks to functions of the Android API, Inspeckage will help you understand what an Android application is doing at runtime.



    With Inspeckage, we can get a good amount of information about the application’s behavior:

    Tags: #java • android-application • security-analysis

  • AppUpdate

    android app update library


    android app update library

    Tags: #java • android-update • appupdate

  • jcabi-aspects

    Collection of AOP/AspectJ Java Aspects

    If you have any questions about the framework, or something doesn’t work as expected, please submit an issue here.

    Tags: #java • aop • annotations

  • BroadleafCommerce

    Broadleaf Commerce - Enterprise eCommerce framework based on Spring

    BroadleafCommerce is an open-source, e-commerce framework written entirely in Java on top of the Spring framework. It is targeted at facilitating the development of enterprise-class, commerce-driven sites by providing a robust data model, services and specialized tooling that take care of most of the “heavy lifting” work. To accomplish this goal, we have developed our platform based on the key feature sets required by world-class online retailers - and we’re committed to continually expanding our feature offering. We’ve also taken extra steps to guarantee interoperability with today’s enterprise by utilizing standards wherever possible and incorporating best-of-breed, open-source software libraries from the community.

    Tags: #java

  • bitcoin-wallet

    Bitcoin Wallet app for your Android device. Standalone Bitcoin node, no centralized backend required.

    Welcome to Bitcoin Wallet, a standalone Bitcoin payment app for your Android device!

    This project contains several sub-projects:

    • wallet: The Android app itself. This is probably what you’re searching for.
    • market: App description and promo material for the Google Play app store.
    • integration-android: A tiny library for integrating Bitcoin payments into your own Android app (e.g. donations, in-app purchases).
    • sample-integration-android: A minimal example app to demonstrate integration of Bitcoin payments into your Android app.

    Tags: #java • bitcoin • bitcoinj

  • nutz

    Nutz – Web Framework(Mvc/Ioc/Aop/Dao/Json) for ALL Java developer

    在力所能及的情况下,最大限度的提高 Java 开发人员的生产力。

    Talk is cheap. Show me the code!!


    完整的Mvc,Ioc,Dao,Aop, 快速开发Web/桌面/嵌入式应用,无强制依赖

    Tags: #java • nutz • orm

  • GestureViews

    ImageView and FrameLayout with gestures control and position animation

    • Gestures support: pan, zoom, quick scale, fling, double tap, rotation.
    • Seamless integration with ViewPager (panning smoothly turns into ViewPager flipping and vise versa).
    • View position animation (“opening” animation). Useful to animate into full image view mode.
    • Advanced animation from RecyclerView (or ListView) into ViewPager.
    • Exit full image mode by scroll and scale gestures.
    • Rounded images with animations support.
    • Image cropping (supports rotation).
    • Lots of settings.
    • Gestures listener: down (touch), up (touch), single tap, double tap, long press.
    • Custom state animation (animating position, zoom, rotation).
    • Supports both ImageView and FrameLayout out of the box, also supports custom views.

    Tags: #java • android • animation

  • nacos-spring-project

    Nacos ECO Project for Spring Framework

    Included in this section are some samples for you to get a quick start with Nacos Spring.

    Tags: #java • nacos • spring

  • golo-lang

    Golo - a lightweight dynamic language for the JVM.

    The world didn’t need another JVM language. So we built yet another one. A simple one.

    Golo is a simple dynamic, weakly-typed language for the JVM.

    Built from day 1 with invokedynamic, Golo takes advantage of the latest advances of the JVM. It is also a showcase on how to build a language runtime with invokedynamic.

    Eclipse Golo was originally created by Julien Ponge and developed as part of the research activities of the DynaMid group of the CITI Laboratory at INSA Lyon.

    Eclipse Golo is a mature Eclipse Technology Project.

    Tags: #java • golo • jvm

  • TinyTask

    A Tiny Task Library

    Android’s AsyncTasks are highly criticized for being bad, unreliable, outdated, etc. Are they perfect? No. Do we have better alternatives? Sure, but sometimes all we want is a quick and simple way to run something in the background.

    Tags: #java • task • async

  • ModTheSpire

    External mod loader for Slay The Spire

    ModTheSpire is a tool to load external mods for Slay the Spire without modifying the base game files.

    Tags: #java • slaythespire • mod

  • DroidAssist

    A lightweight Android Studio gradle plugin based on Javassist for editing bytecode in Android.

    DroidAssist 是一个轻量级的 Android 字节码编辑插件,基于 Javassist 对字节码操作,根据 xml 配置处理 class 文件,以达到对 class 文件进行动态修改的效果。和其他 AOP 方案不同,DroidAssist 提供了一种更加轻量,简单易用,无侵入,可配置化的字节码操作方式,你不需要 Java 字节码的相关知识,只需要在 Xml 插件配置中添加简单的 Java 代码即可实现类似 AOP 的功能,同时不需要引入其他额外的依赖。

    Javassist: A Java bytecode engineering toolkit since 1999


    Tags: #java • android • bytecode

  • platform

    Vaadin platform 10+ is Java web development platform based on Vaadin web components. If you don’t know to which repository your bug report should be filed, use this and we’ll move it to the right one.

    Vaadin platform consists of a set of web components, a Java web framework called Vaadin Flow, configurable themes, tools and a set of opinionated app starters. Platform releases gather all products in to a single package every quarter. The product versions included in a platform release are not necessarily the latest released versions, but are hand picked so that they work well together.

    Visit to learn more about Vaadin.

    Use GitHub projects to open issues, propose new features, and contribute code. Below you can see links to different modules. If you don’t know to which repository you should file your issue, just use this repository.

    Tags: #java • vaadin • vaadin-platform

  • ballerina-lang

    The Ballerina Programming Language

    Ballerina is an open source programming language and platform for cloud-era application programmers to easily write software that just works.

    Tags: #java • programming-language • language

  • marklogic-data-hub

    The MarkLogic Data Hub: documentation ==>

    Go from nothing to an Operational Data Hub in a matter of minutes.

    MarkLogic Data Hub is a data integration platform and toolset that helps you quickly and efficiently integrate data from many sources into a single MarkLogic database and then expose that data.

    Tags: #java • marklogic • datahub

  • ForestryMC

    Source code for Forestry (Minecraft mod).

    Forestry is a modification for the game Minecraft and known primarily for its farms and bees.

    Tags: #java

  • openaudible

    Open Source Audible Manager

    A cross-platform desktop application for downloading and managing your Audible audiobooks.

    Tags: #java • audible • audible-converter

  • jsweet

    A Java to JavaScript transpiler.

    JSweet leverages TypeScript to write rich and responsive Web applications in Java through the use of JavaScript libraries and frameworks. With JSweet, Java programs are transpiled (source-to-source compiled) to TypeScript and JavaScript for being run in browsers, mobile Web views, or in Node.js.

    • JSweet is safe and reliable. It provides web applications with type-checking and generates fully type-checked JavaScript programs. It stands on Oracle’s Java Compiler (javac) and on Microsoft’s TypeScript (tsc).
    • JSweet allows you to use your favorite JS library (JSweet+Angular2, JSweet+threejs, IONIC/Cordova, …).
    • JSweet enables code sharing between server-side Java and client-side JavaScript. JSweet provides implementations for the core Java libraries for code sharing and legacy Java migration purpose.
    • JSweet is fast, lightweight and fully JavaScript-interoperable. The generated code is regular JavaScript code, which implies no overhead compared to JavaScript, and can directly interoperate with existing JavaScript programs and libraries.

    How does it work? JSweet depends on well-typed descriptions of JavaScript APIs, so-called “candies”, most of them being automatically generated from TypeScript definition files. These API descriptions in Java can be seen as headers (similarly to *.h header files in C) to bridge JavaSript libraries from Java. There are several sources of candies for existing libraries and you can easily build a candy for any library out there (see more details).

    With JSweet, you take advantage of all the Java tooling (IDE’s, Maven, …) to program real JavaScript applications using the latest JavaScript libraries.

    Tags: #java • jsweet • javascript-transpiler

  • artipie

    Binary Artifact Management Tool

    Tags: #java • artifact-management • artifact-repository-manager

  • tomcat-cluster-redis-session-manager

    Tomcat clustering redis session manager java client.

    The Redis session manager is pluggable one. It stores session into Redis for easy distribution of HTTP Requests across a cluster of Tomcat servers.

    Here the Sessions are implemented as non-sticky (means, each request can able to go to any server in the cluster, unlike the Apache provided Tomcat clustering setup.)

    Request Sessions will be stored into Redis immediately (Session attributes must be Serializable), for the use of other servers. When tomcat receives a request from the client, Sessions are loaded directly from Redis.

    Supports Redis default, sentinel and cluster mode, based on the configuration.

    Going forward, we no need to enable sticky session (JSESSIONID) in Load Balancer.

    Tags: #java • tomcat-clustering • tomcat-session-manager

  • framework

    Vaadin 6, 7, 8 is a Java framework for modern Java web applications.

    Vaadin allows you to build modern web apps efficiently in plain Java, without touching low level web technologies.

    This repository contains source code and issue tracking for Vaadin 8 and Vaadin 7, both of which use GWT as the base of client-side implementations. You can find source code and issue tracking for newer, web component based Vaadin versions in vaadin/platform.

    Vaadin 8 includes Vaadin 7 compatibility classes and is supported until February 21, 2022 (extended support will be available for ten years after that).

    Vaadin 7 support has already ended, extended support is available until February 2029.

    Tags: #java • vaadin-framework • vaadin

  • fenster

    A library to display videos in a TextureView using a custom MediaPlayer controller

    The minSDK for the use of the library is minSDK 16

    Displaying a video with custom controller

    Tags: #java

  • commafeed

    Google Reader inspired self-hosted RSS reader.

    Sources for

    Google Reader inspired self-hosted RSS reader, based on Dropwizard and AngularJS. CommaFeed is now considered feature-complete and is in maintenance mode.

    Tags: #java • rss-reader • self-hosted

  • react-native-photo-editor

    ReactNative: Native Photo Editor

    $ yarn add react-native-photo-editor

    Tags: #java

  • QuizBook

    An android app with google material design to play quizzes in different categories.

    QuizBook is an Android app in which users can play quizzes is 10 different categories with nearly 300 questions in total. This repository is made for the purpose to showcase my project for learning purposes and should not be used commercially.

    The salient features of the app are:

    1. Login is provided to the user so that only that person can access the app.
    2. Timer for the quiz to make the quizzing more interesting.
    3. User can see own best score in different categories.
    4. App also has a beautiful sound option that can also be muted.
    5. User can contact the developer of the app for any queries.
    6. User can also share the app among their friends by email.

    The app is designed with Google Material Design that supports the Android versions from Kitkat 4.4.0 to Naugat 7.7.1

    If you want to contact me, then feel free to ping me here:

    Tags: #java • android • android-studio

  • react-native-fbsdk

    A React Native wrapper around the Facebook SDKs for Android and iOS. Provides access to Facebook login, sharing, graph requests, app events etc.

    React Native FBSDK is a wrapper around the iOS Facebook SDK and Android Facebook SDK, allowing for Facebook integration in React Native apps. Access to native components, from login to sharing, is provided entirely through documented JavaScript modules so you don’t have to call a single native function directly.

    Functionality is provided through one single npm package so you can use it for both platforms without downloading any extra packages. Follow this guide to use react-native-fbsdk in your React Native app. You can also visit for tutorials and reference documentation.

    Tags: #java

  • gecco

    Easy to use lightweight web crawler(易用的轻量化网络爬虫)

    Gecco is a easy to use lightweight web crawler developed with java language.Gecco integriert jsoup, httpclient, fastjson, spring, htmlunit, redission ausgezeichneten framework,Let you only need to configure a number of jQuery style selector can be very quick to write a crawler.Gecco framework has excellent scalability, the framework based on the principle of open and close design, to modify the closure, the expansion of open.At the same time Gecco is based on a very open MIT open source protocol, whether you are a user or want to jointly improve the Gecco developer, welcome to request pull.If you like the crawler framework,please star or fork!

    Tags: #java • gecco • crawler

  • qupath

    QuPath - Bioimage analysis & digital pathology

    QuPath is being actively developed at the University of Edinburgh by:

    • Pete Bankhead (creator)
    • Melvin Gelbard

    For all contributors, see here.

    Tags: #java • bioimage-informatics • image-processing

  • Novate

    A safety client by Https for android, (Android网络框架,基于Retrofit和RxJava打造的链式网络库, 支持okhttp的调用风格,又兼容Retrofit API,并支持rxJava链式操作)

      a safety Framework by OkHttp for Android, (一款Android网络框架,基于Retrofit和RxJava打造的链式网络库, 强大的泛型解析功能和错误驱动功能,支持okhttp的调用风格,又兼容Retrofit注解方式,并支持rxJava链式操作。方便扩展,并能实现高速加载)

    Tags: #java • rxjava • retrofit

  • multiline-collapsingtoolbar

    A modified CollapsingToolbarLayout that can deal with multiline titles

    multiline-collapsingtoolbar is a replacement for CollapsingToolbarLayout from the Android Design Support Library which can deal with multiline titles (with a customizable maximum number of lines) in the expanded state. When collapsing the toolbar, the lower lines of the title fade away to leave only the top line visible.

    Tags: #java • android • toolbar

  • android-test

    An extensive framework for testing Android apps

    The AndroidX Test Library provides an extensive framework for testing Android apps. This library provides a set of APIs that allow you to quickly build and run test code for your apps, including JUnit 4 and functional user interface (UI) tests. You can run tests created using these APIs from the Android Studio IDE or from the command line.

    For more details see

    Tags: #java

  • springboot-cloud

    :two_men_holding_hands: springboot + springcloud build micro service


    :point_right:Distributed Micro Service Based on SpringBoot + springCloud.:point_left:

    Tags: #java • springboot • springcloud

  • audiveris

    Latest generation of Audiveris OMR engine

    This repository contains source code for the latest generation of Audiveris Optical Music Recognition (OMR) application.

    Tags: #java • open-source • optical-music-recognition

  • cloudwatch_exporter

    Metrics exporter for Amazon AWS CloudWatch

    Cloudwatch Exporter requires at least Java 8.

    mvn package to build.

    java -jar target/cloudwatch_exporter-*-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar 9106 example.yml to run.

    The most recent pre-built JAR can be found at

    Tags: #java

  • maven-jaxb2-plugin

    The most advanced JAXB2 Maven Plugin for XML Schema compilation.

    Welcome to the org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2:maven-jaxb2-plugin, the most advanced and feature-full Maven plugin for XML Schema compilation.

    This Maven plugin wraps and enhances the JAXB Schema Compiler (XJC) and allows compiling XML Schemas (as well as WSDL, DTDs, RELAX NG) into Java classes in Maven builds.

    If you are interested in the Mojohaus JAXB2 Maven Plugin (org.codehaus.mojo:jaxb2-maven-plugin), please follow this link to the corresponding website.

    Tags: #java

  • cldr

    The new home of the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository

    Latest Release: v37.0 published 2020-04-23

    Tags: #java • unicode • cldr

  • react-native-fcm

    react native module for firebase cloud messaging and local notification

    I’m not longer able to maintain this repo. check react-native-firebase instead

    Tags: #java • notifications • fcm

  • tomcat-cluster-redis-session-manager

    Tomcat clustering redis session manager java client.

    The Redis session manager is pluggable one. It stores session into Redis for easy distribution of HTTP Requests across a cluster of Tomcat servers.

    Here the Sessions are implemented as non-sticky (means, each request can able to go to any server in the cluster, unlike the Apache provided Tomcat clustering setup.)

    Request Sessions will be stored into Redis immediately (Session attributes must be Serializable), for the use of other servers. When tomcat receives a request from the client, Sessions are loaded directly from Redis.

    Supports Redis default, sentinel and cluster mode, based on the configuration.

    Going forward, we no need to enable sticky session (JSESSIONID) in Load Balancer.

    Tags: #java • tomcat-clustering • tomcat-session-manager

  • joda-money

    Java library to represent monetary amounts.

    Various documentation is available:

    Tags: #java • joda-money • joda

  • mes

    qcadoo MES - friendly web manufacturing software

    qcadoo MES is an Internet application for production management targeted at small and medium companies.It combines the functions of large ERP systems, adapting it to the specific character of Small and Medium Companies.

    Tags: #java • web-application • manufacturing

  • Graywater

    An Android library for decomposing RecyclerView layouts to improve scroll performance.

    Graywater is a RecyclerView adapter that facilitates the performant decomposition of complex and varied list items. It does this by mapping large data models to multiple viewholders, splitting the work needed to create a complex list item over multiple frames.

    The concept is based off of Facebook’s post on a faster news feed and Components for Android, which have been realized as Litho.

    Tumblr developed Graywater to improve scroll performance, reduce memory usage, and lay the foundation for a more modular codebase.

    The name “Graywater” comes from the process of recycling water.

    Tags: #java • android • android-library

  • Weasis

    Weasis is a DICOM viewer available as a desktop application or as a web-based application.

    The master branch contains Weasis 3.x.x (requires Java 8+) and the old branches are 2.5.x, 2.0.x (Java 6+) and 1.2.x (Java 6+).

    See How to build Weasis

    Tags: #java • dicom • weasis

  • evosuite

    EvoSuite - automated generation of JUnit test suites for Java classes

    EvoSuite automatically generates JUnit test suites for Java classes, targeting code coverage criteria such as branch coverage. It uses an evolutionary approach based on a genetic algorithm to derive test suites. To improve readability, the generated unit tests are minimized, and regression assertions that capture the current behavior of the tested classes are added to the tests.

    Tags: #java

  • PagingRecycler

    A quick way to implement a paging pattern for a RecyclerView

    A quick way to implement a paging pattern for a RecyclerView. PagingRecycler will show a “loading” view at the bottom of your RecyclerView while you are waiting for a page of results from your api call, then remove it when you are finished.

    Tags: #java

  • elasticsearch-knapsack

    Knapsack plugin is an import/export tool for Elasticsearch

    Knapsack is an “swiss knife” export/import plugin for Elasticsearch. It uses archive formats (tar, zip, cpio) and also Elasticsearch bulk format with compression algorithms (gzip, bzip2, lzf, xz).

    A pull or push of indexes or search hits with stored fields across clusters is also supported.

    The knapsack actions can be executed via HTTP REST, or in Java using the Java API.

    In archive files, the following index information is encoded:

    • index settings
    • index mappings
    • index aliases

    When importing archive files again, this information is reapplied.

    Tags: #java

  • ServerListPlus

    A flexible Minecraft plugin to customize the appearance of your server in the server list

    ServerListPlus is an extremely customizable server status ping plugin for Minecraft. It provides an easy-to-use configuration for almost everything possible using the server status ping. The plugin aims to become the universal solution for server status ping customization, available for Bukkit/Spigot, Canary, Sponge and for BungeeCord servers.

    Tags: #java • minecraft • bukkit

  • Web-Karma

    Information Integration Tool

    Karma is an information integration tool that enables users to quickly and easily integrate data from a variety of data sources including databases, spreadsheets, delimited text files, XML, JSON, KML and Web APIs. Users integrate information by modeling it according to an ontology of their choice using a graphical user interface that automates much of the process. Karma learns to recognize the mapping of data to ontology classes and then uses the ontology to propose a model that ties together these classes. Users then interact with the system to adjust the automatically generated model. During this process, users can transform the data as needed to normalize data expressed in different formats and to restructure it. Once the model is complete, users can published the integrated data as RDF or store it in a database.

    You can find useful tutorials on the project Website:

    Tags: #java • ontology • rdf

  • dropwizard-jobs

    Scheduling / Quartz integration for Dropwizard

    This plugin integrates the quartz scheduler with dropwizard and allows you to easily create background jobs, which are not bound to the HTTP request-response cycle. Quartz creates a threadpool on application startup and uses it for background jobs.

    There are four different types of jobs:

    • Jobs run on application start for initial setup (could also be done via a managed instance in dropwizard)
    • Jobs run at application stop before the application is closed (could also be done via managed instance in dropwizard)
    • Jobs which are repeated after a certain time interval
    • Jobs which need to run at a specific time, via a cron-like expression

    Tags: #java • quartz-scheduler • dropwizard

  • Secured-Preference-Store

    A cryptography library and a SharedPreferences wrapper for Android that encrypts the content with 256 bit AES encryption. The Encryption key is securely stored in device’s KeyStore.

    A SharedPreferences wrapper for Android that encrypts the content with 256 bit AES encryption. The Encryption key is securely stored in device’s KeyStore. You can also use the EncryptionManager class to encrypt & decrypt data out of the box.

    Tags: #java • encryption • encrypted-store

  • birt

    Eclipse BIRT™ The open source reporting and data visualization project.

    The open source Eclipse BIRT reporting and data visualization project.

    Tags: #java

  • servo

    Netflix Application Monitoring Library

    This project receives minimal maintenance to keep software that relies on it working. There is no active development or planned feature improvement. For any new projects it is recommended to use the Spectator library instead.

    For more details see the Servo comparison page in the Spectator docs.

    Tags: #java

  • YcShareElement

    Easy to implement Android ShareElement Animation(轻松实现Android ShareElement动画)

    add Maven

     allprojects {
    		repositories {
    			maven { url '' }

    add implementation

    dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.yellowcath:YcShareElement:1.3.2'  
        //for androidx
        implementation 'com.github.yellowcath:YcShareElement:1.3.2.x'

    Tags: #java

  • SwitchButton

    A smart switchable button,support multiple tabs. (多项选择器,切换按钮)

    A smart switchable button,support multiple tabs. CLICK THE STAR if it’s useful for you.

    Tags: #java • switchbutton

  • PIPE

    PIPE - Platform Independent Petri Net Editor

    A tool for creating and analysing Petri nets, migrated from Sourceforge. A user-guide can be found here for how to use PIPE 5’s features.

    PIPE 5 is currently in beta stage due to an entire re-write of the back end and so is missing most of the analysis modules. If you require Petri net analysis, please use PIPE 4.

    Tags: #java

  • TableView

    TableView is a powerful Android library for displaying complex data structures and rendering tabular data composed of rows, columns and cells.

    • Each column width value can be calculated automatically considering the largest one
    • Setting your own model class to displayed in a table view easily.
    • TableView has an action listener interface to listen user touch interaction for each cell.
    • TableView columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order.
    • Hiding & Showing the row and the column is pretty easy.
    • Filtering by more than one data.
    • Pagination functionality.

    Tags: #java • tableview • android

  • javers

    JaVers - object auditing and diff framework for Java

    JaVers is the lightweight Java library for auditing changes in your data.

    We all use Version Control Systems for source code, so why not use a specialized framework to provide an audit trail of your Java objects (entities, POJO, data objects)?

    Tags: #java • hacktoberfest

  • elasticsearch-analysis-vietnamese

    Vietnamese Analysis Plugin for Elasticsearch

    In order to install the plugin, choose a version in releases page then run:

    bin/elasticsearch-plugin install link/to/binary/version

    Tags: #java • elasticsearch • vietnamese-analysis-plugin

  • brpc-java

    Java implementation for Baidu RPC, multi-protocol & high performance RPC.

    brpc-java 是 baidu rpc 的 java 版本实现,支持 baidu rpc、nshead、sofa、hulu、http、stargate、dubbo 等协议。

    Tags: #java • rpc • brpc

  • rapidoid

    Rapidoid - Extremely Fast, Simple and Powerful Java Web Framework and HTTP Server!

    Please visit the official site:

    Tags: #java • rapidoid • webframework

  • Croller

    A circular seekbar for Android, with a control knob! (for the lack of a better word).

    Just add the following dependency in your app’s build.gradle

    dependencies {
          compile 'com.sdsmdg.harjot:croller:1.0.7'

    Tags: #java • circular • seekbar

  • jsweet

    A Java to JavaScript transpiler.

    JSweet leverages TypeScript to write rich and responsive Web applications in Java through the use of JavaScript libraries and frameworks. With JSweet, Java programs are transpiled (source-to-source compiled) to TypeScript and JavaScript for being run in browsers, mobile Web views, or in Node.js.

    • JSweet is safe and reliable. It provides web applications with type-checking and generates fully type-checked JavaScript programs. It stands on Oracle’s Java Compiler (javac) and on Microsoft’s TypeScript (tsc).
    • JSweet allows you to use your favorite JS library (JSweet+Angular2, JSweet+threejs, IONIC/Cordova, …).
    • JSweet enables code sharing between server-side Java and client-side JavaScript. JSweet provides implementations for the core Java libraries for code sharing and legacy Java migration purpose.
    • JSweet is fast, lightweight and fully JavaScript-interoperable. The generated code is regular JavaScript code, which implies no overhead compared to JavaScript, and can directly interoperate with existing JavaScript programs and libraries.

    How does it work? JSweet depends on well-typed descriptions of JavaScript APIs, so-called “candies”, most of them being automatically generated from TypeScript definition files. These API descriptions in Java can be seen as headers (similarly to *.h header files in C) to bridge JavaSript libraries from Java. There are several sources of candies for existing libraries and you can easily build a candy for any library out there (see more details).

    With JSweet, you take advantage of all the Java tooling (IDE’s, Maven, …) to program real JavaScript applications using the latest JavaScript libraries.

    Tags: #java • jsweet • javascript-transpiler

  • OpenIAB

    Open In-App Billing for Google Play, SlideMe, Amazon Store, Nokia Store, Samsung Apps, Yandex.Store, Appland, Aptoide, AppMall and Fortumo.

    1. Do not write directly to the team members.
    2. Check FAQ for your question/issue.
    3. Choose a correct queue of issues
      • for Unity devs
      • for Android Java devs
      • for Cordova devs
      • for Marmalade devs
    4. Give details. As many as possible but DO NOT SHARE YOUR PUBLIC KEY for in-app verification.
      The following details could be really helpful:
    • OS. Could be Android, iOS, WP
    • Package. Could be native OpenIAB jar, Unity plugin, Cordove plugin or Marmalade plugin.
    • Version of the library, e.g.
    • Affected stores
    • Logs
    • Screenshots

    Tags: #java

  • spectator

    Client library for collecting metrics.

    Simple library for instrumenting code to record dimensional time series.

    Tags: #java

  • dbfit

    DbFit is a database testing framework that supports easy test-driven development of your database code.

    Test-driven database development. Write readable, easy-to-maintain unit and integration tests for your database code.


    Tags: #java

  • This project provides a framework to define unit tests for Apache Flink data flows. The framework executes data flows locally and verifies the output using predefined expectations.

    Features include:

    • Concise DSL to define test scenarios.
    • Powerful matchers to express expectations.
    • Test base for JUnit.
    • Test stream windowing with timestamped input.

    Check out the wiki to learn how Flinkspector can assist you in developing Flink jobs.

    Tags: #java • flink • streaming

  • intellij

    IntelliJ plugin for Bazel projects

    This is an early-access version of our Bazel plugins for IntelliJ, Android Studio, and CLion.

    This repository is generally in a state matching the most recently uploaded plugins in the JetBrains’ plugin repository. See the releases tab for more information.

    Tags: #java • bazel • intellij

  • dns-java

    DNS wrapper library that provides SRV lookup functionality

    Sometimes it is useful to default to previously returned, retained values, if a dns lookup should fail or return an empty result. This behavior is controlled by the retainingDataOnFailures() and retentionDurationMillis(long) methods in DnsSrvResolvers.DnsSrvResolverBuilder.

    Tags: #java • dnsjava • dns

  • java-express

    🧪 HTTP Framework based on expressjs, no dependencies, simple usage. Can be used to quickly spin up an API or serve local files.

    Express app = new Express();
    app.get("/", (req, res) -> {
       res.send("Hello World");
    }).listen(); // Will listen on port 80 which is set as default

    Tags: #java • http-server • java-http-server

  • SuperRecyclerView

    Pumped up RecyclerView

    This is an attempt to make RecyclerView easier to use.

    Features built in:

    • ProgressBar while adapter hasn’t been set
    • EmptyView if adapter is empty
    • SwipeRefreshLayout (Google’s one)
    • Infinite scrolling, when you reach the X last item, load more of them.
    • Swipe To Dismiss or Swipe To Remove
    • Sticky headers (via [Eowise][eowise-sticky-headers], see sample)

    Tags: #java

  • CustomTabsHelper

    Custom tabs, made easy.

    Custom tabs, made easy.

    Tags: #java • android • android-library

  • DToast

    同学,你的系统Toast可能需要修复一下!Fix Your Android Toast!

    Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

    Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

    allprojects {
    	repositories {
    		maven { url '' }

    Step 2. Add the dependency

    dependencies {
            implementation 'com.github.Dovar66:DToast:1.1.5'
    	//implementation 'com.github.Dovar66:DToast:1.1.6'//for androidx

    Tags: #java • toast

  • chronix.server

    The Chronix Server implementation that is based on Apache Solr.

    The Chronix Server is an implementation of the Chronix API that stores time series in Apache Solr. Chronix uses several techniques to optimize query times and storage demand. Thus Chronix achieves on a benchmark asking serveral ranges (.5 day up to 180 days) an average runtime per range-query of 23 milliseconds. The dataset contains about 3.7 billion pairs and takes 108 GB serialized as CSV. Chronix needs only 8.7 GB to store the dataset. Everything runs on a standard laptop computer. No need of clustering, parallel processing or another complex stuff. Check it out and give it a try.

    The repository chronix.examples contains some examples.

    Tags: #java • chronix-server • time-series

  • RxFlux

    RxFlux is a small framework in order to follow Flux design pattern with RxJava functionalities

    RxFlux is small light-weight framework that makes it easy to follow the Flux pattern with RxJava functionalities.

    Tags: #java

  • elasticsearch-learning-to-rank

    Plugin to integrate Learning to Rank (aka machine learning for better relevance) with Elasticsearch

    This plugin:

    • Allows you to store features (Elasticsearch query templates) in Elasticsearch
    • Logs features scores (relevance scores) to create a training set for offline model development
    • Stores linear, xgboost, or ranklib ranking models in Elasticsearch that use features you’ve stored
    • Ranks search results using a stored model

    Tags: #java • elasticsearch • relevant-search

  • gradle-download-task

    Adds a download task to Gradle that displays progress information

    plugins {
        id "" version "4.1.1"

    Tags: #java • gradle • downloader

  • bazel-buildfarm

    Bazel remote caching and execution service

    This repository hosts the Bazel remote caching and execution system.

    Background information on the status of caching and remote execution in bazel can be found in the bazel documentation.

    File issues here for bugs or feature requests, and ask questions via build team slack in the #buildfarm channel.

    Buildfarm Wiki

    Tags: #java • bazel • remote-execution

  • modernmt

    Neural Adaptive Machine Translation that adapts to context and learns from corrections.

    ModernMT is a context-aware, incremental and distributed general purpose Neural Machine Translation technology based on Fairseq Transformer model. ModernMT is:

    • Easy to use and scale with respect to domains, data, and users.
    • Trained by pooling all available projects/customers data and translation memories in one folder.
    • Queried by providing the sentence to be translated and optionally some context text.

    ModernMT goal is to deliver the quality of multiple custom engines by adapting on the fly to the provided context.

    You can find more information on:

    Tags: #java • translation • mmt

  • react-native-workers

    Background services and web workers for react-native

    Spin worker threads and run CPU intensive tasks in the background. Bonus point on Android you can keep a worker alive even when a user quit the application :fireworks:

    Tags: #java

  • Everest

    A beautiful, cross-platform REST client.

    • Everest is written in Java. Thus, it is significantly lighter on resources and more responsive than its Electron-based alternatives like Postman. It aims to provide the same level of functionality in a lighter, native but equally slick package.
    • Aesthetic is very important. With a gorgeous, flat design, Everest is a pleasure to look at and to work with. It is also entirely theme-_able_.

      I want you to want to use it!

    • Being a Java application, Everest is inherently cross-platform. It will run anywhere there’s a JVM.
    • Everest will offer cloud synchronization of your projects powered by Summit. It will be available as a cloud service early next year or you may also choose to self-host it.

    Tags: #java • rest-client • native-apps

  • document-management-system

    OpenKM is a Open Source Document Management System

    OpenKM Community Edition is an Open Source Document Management System. If you are looking for a free cost then “Community” is your best option. OpenKM document management system (DMS) allows businesses to control the production, storage, management and distribution of electronic documents, yielding greater effectiveness and the ability to reuse information and to control the flow of the documents.

    OpenKM integrates all essential documents management, collaboration and an advanced search functionality into one easy to use solution. The system also includes administration tools to define the roles of various users, access control, user quota, level of document security, detailed logs of activity and automations setup.

    OpenKM builds a highly valuable repository of corporate information assets to facilitate knowledge creation and improve business decision making, boosting workgroups and enterprise productivity through shared practices, greater, better customer relations, faster sales cycles, improved product time-to-market, and better-informed decision making.

    With OpenKM Open Source Community Edition you can:

    • Collect information from any digital source.
    • Collaborate with colleagues on documents and projects.
    • Empower organizations to capitalize on accumulated knowledge by locating documents, experts, and information sources.
    • Embedded workflow engine to take control of your business case.
    • Automate tasks.

    Tags: #java • open • document

  • android-beacon-library

    Allows Android apps to interact with BLE beacons

    It allows Android devices to use beacons much like iOS devices do. An app can request to get notifications when one or more beacons appear or disappear. An app can also request to get a ranging update from one or more beacons at a frequency of approximately 1Hz.

    Tags: #java

  • yii2support

    Yii2 Support for PhpStorm / IntelliJ IDEA

    • View template names and parameters completion
    • Add view parameters after completion
    • Inspection for missing view templates
    • QuickFix for missing view templates
    • Jump to View file (go to declaration)
    • Inspection for required and unused template parameters
    • QuickFix for required and unused template parameters
    • Updates path to view template when file is moved

    Tags: #java • yii2 • phpstorm

  • rxjava-extras

    Utilities for use with rxjava

        RetryWhen.delay(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build());

    Tags: #java

  • servicecomb-java-chassis

    ServiceComb Java Chassis is a Software Development Kit (SDK) for rapid development of microservices in Java, providing service registration, service discovery, dynamic routing, and service management features

    Apache ServiceComb Java Chassis is a Software Development Kit (SDK) for rapid development of microservices in Java, providing service registration, service discovery, dynamic routing, and service management features

    Tags: #java • servicecomb

  • jersey

    Eclipse Jersey Project - Read our Wiki:

    Jersey is a REST framework that provides JAX-RS Reference Implementation and more. Jersey provides its own [APIs][jersey-api] that extend the JAX-RS toolkit with additional features and utilities to further simplify RESTful service and client development. Jersey also exposes numerous extension SPIs so that developers may extend Jersey to best suit their needs.

    Goals of Jersey project can be summarized in the following points:

    • Track the JAX-RS API and provide regular releases of production quality Reference Implementations that ships with GlassFish;
    • Provide APIs to extend Jersey & Build a community of users and developers; and finally
    • Make it easy to build RESTful Web services utilising Java and the Java Virtual Machine.

    Tags: #java

  • react-native-charts-wrapper

    a react native charts wrapper (support android & iOS)

    This library is React Native wrapper of popular Native charting library MPAndroidChart and Charts

    Tags: #java • react-native • chart

  • multiline-collapsingtoolbar

    A modified CollapsingToolbarLayout that can deal with multiline titles

    multiline-collapsingtoolbar is a replacement for CollapsingToolbarLayout from the Android Design Support Library which can deal with multiline titles (with a customizable maximum number of lines) in the expanded state. When collapsing the toolbar, the lower lines of the title fade away to leave only the top line visible.

    Tags: #java • android • toolbar

  • nullpomino

    An action puzzle game

    NullpoMino is an open-source action puzzle game that works on the Java platform. It has a wide variety of single-player modes and netplay to allow players to compete over the Internet or LAN.

    Tags: #java

  • AndHook

    Android dynamic instrumentation framework

    A dynamic instrumentation framework designed for usage within process scope.

    Tags: #java

  • BottomSheetBuilder

    A simple library that creates BottomSheets according to the Material Design specs

    A simple library that creates BottomSheets according to the Material Design specs:

    Available from API 14.

    Tags: #java

  • react-native-sensitive-info

    Save sensitive data into Android’s Shared Preferences with keystore encryption/iOS’s Keychain for React Native

    react-native-sensitive-info manages all data stored in Android Shared Preferences, iOS Keychain and Windows Credentials. You can set and get all key/value using simple methods.

    Tags: #java • react-native-sensitive-info • android

  • jpexs-decompiler

    JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler

    Opensource flash SWF decompiler and editor. Extract resources, convert SWF to FLA, edit ActionScript, replace images, sounds, texts or fonts. Various output formats available. Works with Java on Windows, Linux or MacOS.

    Tags: #java

  • nutz

    Nutz – Web Framework(Mvc/Ioc/Aop/Dao/Json) for ALL Java developer

    在力所能及的情况下,最大限度的提高 Java 开发人员的生产力。

    Talk is cheap. Show me the code!!


    完整的Mvc,Ioc,Dao,Aop, 快速开发Web/桌面/嵌入式应用,无强制依赖

    Tags: #java • nutz • orm

  • cloudsim

    CloudSim: A Framework For Modeling And Simulation Of Cloud Computing Infrastructures And Services

    Cloud computing is the leading approach for delivering reliable, secure, fault-tolerant, sustainable, and scalable computational services. Hence timely, repeatable, and controllable methodologies for performance evaluation of new cloud applications and policies before their actual development are reqruied. Because utilization of real testbeds limits the experiments to the scale of the testbed and makes the reproduction of results an extremely difficult undertaking, simulation may be used.

    CloudSim goal is to provide a generalized and extensible simulation framework that enables modeling, simulation, and experimentation of emerging Cloud computing infrastructures and application services, allowing its users to focus on specific system design issues that they want to investigate, without getting concerned about the low level details related to Cloud-based infrastructures and services.

    CloudSim is developed in the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory, at the Computer Science and Software Engineering Department of the University of Melbourne.

    More information can be found on the CloudSim’s web site.

    Tags: #java

  • githot

    GitHot is an Android App that will help you find world most popular project and person .

    Official website ,and the web version is incoming .

    Besides, you can get iOS version Monkey by coderyi from itunes .

    Try githot from the link below
    github release
    google play

    GitHot use api link

    Tags: #java • github • githot

  • mapbox-java

    The Mapbox Java SDK – Java wrappers around Mapbox APIs and other location data

    If you are looking to include this inside your project, please take a look at the detailed instructions found in our docs. If you are interested in building from source, read the contributing guide inside of this project.

    Tags: #java • android • geojson

  • ContentProviderHelper

    A nice little Android app that helps developers to discover and query content providers.

    • Choose your theme: Light / Dark / Light (Dark ActionBar)

    • Fixed OutOfMemory errors on lower spec devices

    • Query content providers with more complex SQL queries

    • Save & Share query results as HTML page

    Tags: #java

  • spring-boot-thin-launcher

    Tools for building “thin” executable jars, with a focus on, but not exclusively for, Spring Boot

    A “thin” jar launcher for java apps. Version 1.0.25.RELEASE is in Maven Central, snapshots are in See for more discussion and ideas.

    Tags: #java

  • android-parcelable-intellij-plugin

    IntelliJ Plugin for Android Parcelable boilerplate code generation.

    This tool generates an Android Parcelable implementation based on fields in the class.

    Tags: #java

  • threetenbp

    Backport of functionality based on JSR-310 to Java SE 6 and 7. This is NOT an implementation of JSR-310.

    JSR-310 provides a new date and time library for Java SE 8. This project is the backport to Java SE 6 and 7.

    See the main home page of the project.

    The backport is NOT an implementation of JSR-310, as that would require jumping through lots of unnecessary hoops. Instead, this is a simple backport intended to allow users to quickly use the JSR-310 API on Java SE 6 and 7. The backport should be referred to using the “ThreeTen” name.

    Active development on JSR-310 is at OpenJDK:

    This GitHub repository is a fork of that originally used to create JSR-310. That repository used the same BSD 3-clause license as this repository.

    Issues about the backport should be reported here at GitHub. Pull requests and issues will only be considered so far as matching the behaviour of the real Java SE 8. Additional requested features will be rejected.

    Tags: #java

  • fastr

    A high-performance implementation of the R programming language, built on GraalVM.

    See the documentation on the GraalVM website on how to get GraalVM and install and use FastR.

    $ $GRAALVM/bin/R
    Type 'q()' to quit R.
    > print("Hello R!")
    [1] "Hello R!"

    Tags: #java • graalvm • r

  • eclipse-collections

    Eclipse Collections is a collections framework for Java with optimized data structures and a rich, functional and fluent API.

    Eclipse Collections is a comprehensive collections library for Java. The library enables productivity and performance by delivering an expressive and efficient set of APIs and types. The iteration protocol was inspired by the Smalltalk collection framework, and the collections are compatible with the Java Collection Framework types.

    Tags: #java • eclipse-collections • java-collections

  • Novate

    A safety client by Https for android, (Android网络框架,基于Retrofit和RxJava打造的链式网络库, 支持okhttp的调用风格,又兼容Retrofit API,并支持rxJava链式操作)

      a safety Framework by OkHttp for Android, (一款Android网络框架,基于Retrofit和RxJava打造的链式网络库, 强大的泛型解析功能和错误驱动功能,支持okhttp的调用风格,又兼容Retrofit注解方式,并支持rxJava链式操作。方便扩展,并能实现高速加载)

    Tags: #java • rxjava • retrofit

  • servicecomb-java-chassis

    ServiceComb Java Chassis is a Software Development Kit (SDK) for rapid development of microservices in Java, providing service registration, service discovery, dynamic routing, and service management features

    Apache ServiceComb Java Chassis is a Software Development Kit (SDK) for rapid development of microservices in Java, providing service registration, service discovery, dynamic routing, and service management features

    Tags: #java • servicecomb

  • http-request-plugin

    This plugin does a request to an url with some parameters.

    This plugin sends a HTTP/HTTPS request to a user specified URL.

    Tags: #java • jenkins • plugin

  • mapbox-navigation-android

    Mapbox Navigation SDK for Android

    NOTE: On June 3rd, 2020, Mapbox released the 1.0 version of the Navigation SDK. The Mapbox team recommends that you build your navigation project with a 1.0 version or higher.

    Here are 1.0 installation instructions and full documentation can be found along the sidebar sections of

    Along with the full documentation, this migration guide can help you transition your project from a “legacy” version of the Navigation SDK (0.42.6 or below) to a 1.0 version or higher.

    Please see this documentation link if you’re looking for information on the “legacy” pre-1.0.0 Navigation SDK and you don’t plan on migrating your project to 1.0.0 or higher.

    Tags: #java • navigation • sdk

  • morel

    Standard ML interpreter, with relational extensions, implemented in Java

    Standard ML interpreter, with relational extensions, implemented in Java

    (Until version 0.1, Morel was known as smlj.)

    Tags: #java

  • hbc

    A Java HTTP client for consuming Twitter’s realtime Streaming API

    A Java HTTP client for consuming Twitter’s standard Streaming API

    !! Note that, as of August 16th, 2018, the user streams and site streams features have been retired, so code that attempts to connect to these endpoints will no longer work.

    Tags: #java • twitter4j • stream

  • elasticsearch-ingest-opennlp

    An Elasticsearch ingest processor to do named entity extraction using Apache OpenNLP

    I wrote a opennlp mapping plugin a couple of years ago and people asked me, why I did not update it. The main reason was, that it was a bad architectural choice as mentioned in the openlp plugin README. With the introduction of ingest processors in Elasticsearch 5.0 this problem has been resolved.

    This processor is doing named/date/location/’whatever you have a model for’ entity recognition and stores the output in the JSON before it is being stored.

    This plugin is also intended to show you, that using gradle as a build system makes it very easy to reuse the testing facilities that elasticsearch already provides. First, you can run regular tests, but by adding a rest test, the plugin will be packaged and unzipped against elasticsearch, allowing you to execute a real end-to-end test, by just adding a java test class.

    Tags: #java

  • quickfixj

    QuickFIX/J is a full featured messaging engine for the FIX protocol (FIX versions 4.0 - 5.0SP2/FIXT1.1). It is a 100% Java open source implementation of the popular C++ QuickFIX engine.

    The Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol is a messaging standard developed specifically for the real-time electronic exchange of securities transactions. FIX is a public-domain specification owned and maintained by FIX Protocol, Ltd (FPL).

    For more information see the project website at

    Tags: #java • quickfix • quickfixj

  • artifactory-client-java

    Artifactory REST Client Java API bindings

    Artifactory Java client provides simple yet powerful Artifactory connection and management within your Java code.

    The client allows managing Artifactory repositories, users, groups, permissions and system configuration. It also allows searches, upload and download artifacts to or from Artifactory and a lot more.

    Tags: #java

  • gandalf

    Easily notify a user with a simple alert, inform them of an optional update, and in dire situations block the user from accessing older versions of the application completely.

    In the lifetime of any application there will come a time where you need to drop support for a feature, end of life a product, notify about maintenance, any number of other reasons, Gandalf is here to help!

    Gandalf will easily add a check to a remote file that can notify a user with a simple alert, inform them of an optional update, and in dire situations block the user from accessing older versions of the application completely (ex: security vulnerability has been found).

    Tags: #java • android • gandalf

  • Easer

    User-defined explicit automation for Android



    Tags: #java • assistant • android-application

  • ShizuruNotes

    An unofficial Android tool application of the game “Princess Connect Re:Dive”

    An unofficial Android tool application of the game “Princess Connect Re:Dive”.

    Tags: #java • princess-connect-redive

  • apps-android-wikipedia

    📱The official Wikipedia app for Android!

    This repository contains the source code for the official Wikipedia Android app.

    Tags: #java • wikipedia • mediawiki

  • LIRE

    Open source library for content based image retrieval / visual information retrieval.

    LIRE (Lucene Image Retrieval) is an open source library for content based image retrieval, which means you can use LIRE to implement applications that search for images that look similar. Besides providing multiple common and state of the art retrieval mechanisms LIRE allows for easy use on multiple platforms. LIRE is actively used for research, teaching and commercial applications. Due to its modular nature it can be used on process level (e.g. index images and search) as well as on image feature level. Developers and researchers can easily extend and modify LIRE to adapt it to their needs.

    An online demo can be found at Most [recent documentation is found here at the github repo] (

    Please cite LIRE if you use it! LIRE is open source and free, the only thing we ask for is that you cite it if you use it in your work. For references see below.

    Tags: #java • image-retrieval • lire

  • Skript

    Skript is a Bukkit plugin which allows server admins to customize their server easily, but without the hassle of programming a plugin or asking/paying someone to program a plugin for them.

    Skript is a plugin for Paper/Spigot, which allows server owners and other people to modify their servers without learning Java. It can also be useful if you do know Java; some tasks are quicker to do with Skript, and so it can be used for prototyping etc.

    This Github fork of Skript is based on Mirreski’s improvements which was built on Njol’s original Skript.

    Tags: #java • bukkit • spigot

  • FXRibbon

    Ribbon control for Java, created in JavaFX

    Ribbon control for Java, using JavaFX framework, based on Microsoft Ribbon. If you want to support the development of this library consider a donation or sponsoring a feature or bug fix.

    Tags: #java

  • servo

    Netflix Application Monitoring Library

    This project receives minimal maintenance to keep software that relies on it working. There is no active development or planned feature improvement. For any new projects it is recommended to use the Spectator library instead.

    For more details see the Servo comparison page in the Spectator docs.

    Tags: #java

  • incubator-streampipes

    Apache StreamPipes - A self-service (Industrial) IoT toolbox to enable non-technical users to connect, analyze and explore IoT data streams.

    Tags: #java • iot • analytics

  • react-native-google-cast

    React Native wrapper for the Google Cast SDK

    This library wraps the native Google Cast SDK for iOS and Android, providing a unified JavaScript interface.

    This is a complete rewrite of the library. If you’re still using v1, please check the v1 branch.

    There’s a yet new version in the works that closely resembles the native APIs. All new feature requests will be directed there. If you want to check it out, visit the v4 branch.

    Tags: #java • chromecast • react-native

  • Carbon

    Material Design implementation for Android 4.0+. Shadows, ripples, vectors, fonts, animations, widgets, rounded corners and more.

    • custom item layouts for BottomNavigationView, TabLayout and NavigationView
    • DayNight themes
    • updated control colors
    • fixed color animations, background tint, menu inflation, shadow transformations

    Tags: #java • material-design • material-ui

  • com.lampa.startapp

    Phonegap plugin for check or launch other application in android device.

    Phonegap plugin for check or launch other application, get extras in phonegap app.

    Last version 6.1.6

    • Add support java 1.6
    • Add support java 1.7
    • Add full support activityForResult, sendBroadcast and RegisterReceiver.
    • Add types of extras.

    Tags: #java • phonegap • startapp

  • react-native-secure-key-store

    React Native Library for securely storing keys to iOS KeyChain and Android KeyStore.

    React Native Library for securely storing keys to iOS and Android devices in KeyChain and KeyStore respectively

    Tags: #java • react-native • ios

  • amazon-echo-ha-bridge

    emulates philips hue api to other home automation gateways

    Amazon Echo Bridge allows you to quickly emulate a Phillips Hue bridge, bringing the ability to seamlessly integrate an Amazon Echo into various home automation systems.

    Also, with an easy to use POST/PUT REST API, it’s never been easier before to get your devices up and running with the Amazon Echo with your own embedded applications!

    Tags: #java

  • gh4a

    Github client for Android

    • List repositories
    • Watch/unwatch repository
    • View branches/tags
    • View pull requests
    • View contributors
    • View watchers/networks
    • View issues

    Tags: #java • octodroid • android

  • gdx-pay

    A libGDX cross-platform API for InApp purchasing.

    Click on the links to view the subproject’s readme files for service-dependant information and artifacts.

    Tags: #java • gdx-pay • android

  • jqwik

    Property-Based Testing on the JUnit Platform

    An alternative test engine for the JUnit 5 platform that focuses on Property-Based Testing.

    Tags: #java • quickcheck • junit

  • boxable

    Boxable is a library that can be used to easily create tables in pdf documents.

    • Build tables in pdf documents
    • Convert csv data into tables in pdf documents
    • Convert Lists into tables in pdf documents

    Tags: #java • pdf-document • pdf

  • maven-jaxb2-plugin

    The most advanced JAXB2 Maven Plugin for XML Schema compilation.

    Welcome to the org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2:maven-jaxb2-plugin, the most advanced and feature-full Maven plugin for XML Schema compilation.

    This Maven plugin wraps and enhances the JAXB Schema Compiler (XJC) and allows compiling XML Schemas (as well as WSDL, DTDs, RELAX NG) into Java classes in Maven builds.

    If you are interested in the Mojohaus JAXB2 Maven Plugin (org.codehaus.mojo:jaxb2-maven-plugin), please follow this link to the corresponding website.

    Tags: #java

  • r2dbc-client

    Reactive Relational Database Connectivity

    This project is an exploration of what a Java API for relational database access with Reactive Streams might look like. It uses Project Reactor. It uses Jdbi as an inspiration.

    Tags: #java • reactive • database

  • google-signin

    Google Sign-in for your React Native applications

    • Support all 3 types of authentication methods (standard, with server-side validation or with offline access (aka server side access))
    • Promise-based API consistent between Android and iOS
    • Typings for TypeScript and Flow
    • Native signin buttons

    Tags: #java • react-native • googlesignin

  • joauth

    A Java library for authenticating HTTP Requests using OAuth

    A Java library for authenticating HTTP Requests using OAuth

    Tags: #java

  • DroidAssist

    A lightweight Android Studio gradle plugin based on Javassist for editing bytecode in Android.

    DroidAssist 是一个轻量级的 Android 字节码编辑插件,基于 Javassist 对字节码操作,根据 xml 配置处理 class 文件,以达到对 class 文件进行动态修改的效果。和其他 AOP 方案不同,DroidAssist 提供了一种更加轻量,简单易用,无侵入,可配置化的字节码操作方式,你不需要 Java 字节码的相关知识,只需要在 Xml 插件配置中添加简单的 Java 代码即可实现类似 AOP 的功能,同时不需要引入其他额外的依赖。

    Javassist: A Java bytecode engineering toolkit since 1999


    Tags: #java • android • bytecode

  • FakeGApps

    A better approach for microg

    Xposed Repo:

    F-Droid Repo:

    Used in combinaton with µg GmsCore to enable Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) and much more.

    This tutorial describes only the installation process to get GCM working. The also available Google Play Store replacement Blankstore is not discussed here.

    Tags: #java

  • com.lampa.startapp

    Phonegap plugin for check or launch other application in android device.

    Phonegap plugin for check or launch other application, get extras in phonegap app.

    Last version 6.1.6

    • Add support java 1.6
    • Add support java 1.7
    • Add full support activityForResult, sendBroadcast and RegisterReceiver.

    Tags: #java • phonegap • startapp