A full Python Implementation of the ROUGE Metric (not a wrapper)
A full Python librarie for the ROUGE metric (paper).
Tags: #python
simple and beautiful, powerful react player
- 📦 High-quality React components out of the box.
- 🛡 Use TypeScript to develop, provide a complete type definition file.
- 🌍 Internationalized language support.
- 🎨 Themes, components, customization capabilities.
- :facepunch: Powerful API and callback function
- :zap: Small size, 80kb
- :gem: Support
format (m3u8) etc. - 🛡 support React
Tags: #typescript • react • video
A Lite SDK For Monitoring Web and MiniProgram
✔️ 🔨 monitor Xhr、Fetch、wx.request
✔️ 🔨 monitor console、wx.console
✔️ 🔨 monitor route change(hashroute、browser route、wx route)
✔️ 🔨 monitor code error、resource load error
✔️ 🔨 monitor click、wx:tab、wx:touchmove
✔️ 👌 rich hooks and options configuration doc
✔️ 👌 support web(>= IE8)@mitojs/browser
✔️ 👌 support framework with Vue3、Vue2.6@mitojs/vue、React@latest@mitojs/react
✔️ 👌 support native wxmini、uni-app、remax framework etc @mitojs/wx-mini
Tags: #typescript • sdk • web-monitor
A VueJS runtime to let you write command line UI in Vue
Compile against VueJS 2.5.13.
This package is a Vue.js runtime for blessed and now blessed-contrib. The current version is compiled against VueJS 2.5.13, which means those lovely features and bug fixes comes with v2.5.13 in vue core will be available in the current version. For example, the lovely improvements about the functional components.
Blessed is a great replacement for ncurses in building UI for terminal interface in Javascript. The intention of creating this runtime is to bring declarative templates and reactive components of VueJS to simplify the layout of blessed components.
blessed-contrib is an extension of blessed with custom drawllie widgets to make building dashboard easy in command line.
This package is inspired by react-blessed.
Tags: #javascript
An Android Widget for selecting items that rotate on a wheel.
CursorWheelLayout is an Android library that allows view to be placed on a rotatable wheel. It behaves like a Circular ListView where items rotate rather than scroll vertically(but without view recycle strategy). CursorWheelLayout consists of two components , the center item with id
and the menu items that provided by CycleWheelAdapter.The CursorWheelLayout can be used as a way to select one item from a list. The
attribute determines what position on the wheel is selected. You can also receive a callback for when an item is clicked, and whether it is selected. Have a look at the sample for a working example!Tags: #java • wheel
Solhint is an open-source project to provide a linting utility for Solidity code.
You can install Solhint using npm:
npm install -g solhint # verify that it was installed correctly solhint --version
Tags: #javascript • solidity • linter
PHP Class for handling Complex numbers
composer require markbaker/complex:^1.0
Tags: #php
Android Client for Carbon Forum with Material Design.
Android Client for Carbon Forum with Material Design.
Tags: #java • carbon-forum • android-app
» Frontity - The React Framework for WordPress
Frontity is a free and open source framework for building WordPress websites based on React. It strips away the complexity that entails connecting both WordPress and React, and gives you a big head start by providing many of the most common queries already built in. In short, you can spend the bulk of your time on the development requirements of the project (e.g. the theme) and less time on setting up the project or worrying about tooling and configuration.
Frontity’s unique approach, with its ease of use and extensibility pattern (similar to that of WordPress itself), offers distinct advantages over other similar React frameworks:
Tags: #typescript • frontity • wordpress
Preloader helper to create a PHP-ready preload script from Opcache.
Get the best options to keep your application fast as ever, with just one line.
This package generates a PHP preloading script from your Opcache statistics automatically. No need to hack your way in.
If you’re looking for preloading your Laravel project, check Laragear Preload.
Tags: #php
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