
Download and parse data from Garmin Connect or a Garmin watch, FitBit CSV, and MS Health CSV files into and analyze data in Sqlite serverless databases.

Python scripts for parsing health data into and manipulating data in a SQLite DB. SQLite is a light weight DB that requires no server.

What they can do:

  • Automatically download and import Garmin daily monitoring files (all day heart rate, activity, climb/descend, stress, and intensity minutes) from the user’s Garmin Connect “Daily Summary” page.
  • Extract sleep, weight, and resting heart rate data from Garmin Connect, store it as JSON files, and import it into the DB.
  • Download and import activity files from Garmin Connect. A summary table for all activities and more detailed data for some activity types. Lap and record entries for activities.
  • Summarizing data into stats.txt and a common DB with tables containing daily summaries, weekly summaries, and monthly summaries.
  • Graph your data from the commandline or with Jupyter notebooks.
  • Retain data as JSON files or FIT files so that the DB can be regenerated without connecting or redownloading data from Garmin Connect.
  • Export activities as TCX files.

Once you have your data in the DB, I recommend using a SQLite browser like SQLite Studio or DB Browser for SQLite for browsing and working with the data. The scripts create some default views in the DBs that make browsing the data easier.